Chapter 627 Devour
Hearing the monster's arrogant tone, NO.17 laughed angrily.

He is obviously an ugly monster who doesn't even have a serial number, and who just climbed out and doesn't even have a perfect tone of voice, yet he brazenly wants to eat him and NO.18.

"In view of the fact that we are barely the same kind, I said I would spare your life..."

NO.17 adjusted the red scarf around his neck, and added coldly: "But if you want to die, you can't blame me."

No sooner had the words finished, NO.17 headed straight for Sharu at an extremely fast speed.

Sha Ru had just escaped from the embryonic state, and hadn't had time to familiarize himself with fighting skills, so he could only rely on that terrifying instinct to dodge backwards.

Fortunately, his basic strength is still considerable, and NO.17 did not make a full-strength attack, but it allowed him to narrowly escape the attack.


Sha Ru's extremely clumsy movement made NO.17 sneer: "You ugly bastard is weaker than I imagined."

While speaking, NO.17 suddenly exerted force on the toe of his left foot, stepped hard on the ground, stabilized his center of gravity, and kicked Sha Ru's forehead with a powerful roundabout kick on the spot.

Sha Ru flew upside down, smashed through the wall of the laboratory, and stopped when he got stuck in the rock.

Dark green blood slowly flowed down the corners of his eyebrows and dripped onto the ground.

" dare you treat me like this!"

Sharu was panting heavily, looking embarrassed.

"Is it only this level? It really is a failure."

NO.17 walked up to Sha Ru calmly, looking down at him with disdain.

Sha Ru's face was extremely ugly, he only felt great shame.

If it were a normal person, facing such a disparity, he would be wise to bow his head temporarily.

But Cell is different. It needs to be mentioned that he is not a mechanical creation like other artificial people.

The principle of its formation is that the micro-robots manufactured by Dr. Gero collected the cells of all the strong people that have appeared on the earth, and then retained the advantages and memories in the cells through genetic technology, and finally formed an embryo.

And the ultimate monster developed from this embryo is Sharu.

In other words, Cell is actually a fusion of many people's personalities, and he will call himself the king, probably because of Frieza's influence.

As for the two characters of Saiyan and Frieza, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to have the possibility of being submissive.

So Sharu decided not to bear it.

"Death to this king!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity when NO.17 turned to look at NO.18, Sha Ru clenched his fist and punched NO.17.

But obviously, even if the current Cell has unimaginable growth, when he was first born, it was difficult to compete with No. 17 in terms of combat power.

NO.17 casually raised his hand to grab Sharu's fist in his palm, and then raised his foot to step down!

There was a tooth-piercing sound of bones breaking, and Sha Lu's arm was directly stepped into an exaggerated inverted triangle by this foot.


The severe pain made Sha Ru scream uncontrollably, and the overall image looked quite miserable.

NO.18 frowned slightly, pretending to be understated and persuaded: "NO.17, it's almost done, let's go."


NO.17 let go of Sha Ru's arm, turned around, and smiled at NO.18: "I just want to teach him a lesson, so let's go."

Neither of the cyborgs noticed that Sharu's screams had stopped at this moment.

Sha Ru looked at NO.17's back full of resentment, because he was influenced by Frieza's character, he would rather use his life to eat a piece of NO.17's meat than live on.

The slender, spiked tail behind him cautiously touched NO.17 like a poisonous snake.

Finally, when the distance was close to a certain level, the barbed tail suddenly turned into a cylinder-like shape, as if a hood directly wrapped NO.17, including the person and clothes, in one bite.


Suffering such an attack suddenly, NO.17 wanted to resist subconsciously, and his two legs that were not covered were swinging wildly.

But unfortunately, at the beginning of Cell's design, it was necessary to absorb NO.17 and NO.18 in order to finally evolve into a complete body.

So in terms of absorption, as long as it is covered, it is difficult to break free with the abilities of No.17 and No.18.

No.18 standing at the door of the laboratory saw this sudden scene, and didn't react immediately.

Doesn't this still have the upper hand, why is it about to be eaten all of a sudden?
This kind of scene made NO.18 terrified for a while.

Of course, no matter how terrified she was, it was impossible for her to watch NO.17 being swallowed by Sharu.

An energy ball was thrown directly towards Sha Ru, and the movement did not stop at all, and he rushed forward with his fists clenched.

But Sha Ru's devouring speed was really too fast, and Sha Ru had already successfully digested NO.

Slap the energy ball flying, causing it to hit the ceiling of the laboratory.

Then he took advantage of the situation and met NO.18's fist with a palm.

The dull crash echoed in the laboratory.

Fists and palms collided, but this time, Sha Lu did not lose the wind, but faintly suppressed No.18.

"how is this possible?!"

NO.18 really can't believe that this monster's strength has become so strong so quickly.

At this time, Sha Ru's image has also undergone obvious changes.

The tail is still there, but the physique is much stronger.

It is no longer the appearance of a big insect like it was at the beginning, but more like a human form than before.

In addition to the thick lips, the face has become more human-like, but from the perspective of human aesthetics, it is still ugly.

"What a wonderful power, it is his honor for that bastard to be part of this king, after all..."

Shalu stood up straight and stretched his arms naturally: "The purpose of the two of you was to become the king!"

NO.18 clenched his teeth, his face became extremely solemn.

She really wanted to refute, but judging from Sha Ru's current performance, Sha Ru didn't seem to be talking nonsense.

In other words, the relationship between Sharu and them is like the upper and lower levels of the food chain. Once they are negligent, they will be directly swallowed.

Fortunately, NO.18 didn't have a headache. After realizing that he was no match for Cell, he turned around and rushed out of the laboratory.

There is still hope!

She still remembered that Dr. Gero said that there were very powerful enemies on the island, and even if she didn't think those people would be stronger than her, it would definitely be easier for her to deal with Cell alone.

Seeing NO.18 run away without saying a word, Sha Ru didn't rush to catch up, and said calmly.

"Can you run away?"

(End of this chapter)

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