The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 628 Enhanced Sharu

Chapter 628 Enhanced Sharu

Although Sha Ru looks extremely ugly now, his posture is indescribably elegant.

Different from the original book, this Cell has also inherited Frieza's foul-level talent due to absorbing a large number of Frieza's cells, combined with the Saiyan's obsession with becoming stronger.

It can be said that under the influence of Lu Yan, even Dr. Gero didn't realize what kind of monster he had created.

Sha Ru walked out of the laboratory door slowly, squinted his eyes and sniffed the fresh air outside the laboratory, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"You can't escape."


city ​​on the island.

Wukong and others are sitting around on tatami mats in a barbecue restaurant, grilling meat with great interest.

Although there is still one artificial man who has not been killed, but one has been successfully killed, and judging from the performance of NO. Nankes said it was so scary.

Naturally, he relaxed.

Trunks sat cross-legged in a corner, still with a worried look on his face.

He always felt that the crisis of the artificial man should not be solved so easily, not to mention that the big fat artificial man who was killed was not anyone in his impression.

Is there really any deviation between this time and space and the time and space he is in?

Lu Yan knew what Trunks was worried about, but he didn't bother to explain. Anyway, even if the complete Sharu appeared at this time, with Wukong's strength, they could push him over.

In fact, because of his relationship, Sun Gohan was not even discovered to be talented in fighting, let alone trained as a Super Saiyan.

But with their current overall strength, one more or one less Super Saiyan will not have a great impact.

"Hey, Barrancus, don't you want to eat?"

With his mouth full of oil, Kelin asked.

"Thank you, I'm not hungry now, you can eat."

After Trunks responded politely, he turned his head and scanned the barbecue shop.

In fact, it is not yet eleven o'clock at noon, and it is more than an hour before the meal time, so there are no customers in the store, only Wukong and his table.

The owner of the kebab shop was also sitting idly on a nearby chair.

"Boss, how long have you opened a store on this island?"

Trunks wasn't in the mood to eat barbecue anyway, so he decided to see if he could get some information about artificial humans from the owner of the barbecue shop.

The boss is also very talkative, and said with a hearty smile, "It's been open for more than ten years. I'm not boasting. Almost all the residents on this island have come to my restaurant to eat barbecue."

Hearing this, Trunks' eyes lit up, and he immediately asked, "Then have you ever seen a pair of siblings? The elder sister has short blonde hair, and the younger brother has black hair."

"Huh? Brother and sister?"

The boss thought about it for a while and shook his head: "I should have seen it, it's been too long, I can't remember."

"What's the matter? Do you have thoughts about my sister?"

"No, it's not."

Trunks blushed handsomely and waved his hands quickly.

"Hahaha, young man, don't be shy, if you like it, go after it boldly."

The boss laughed and joked.

at this time.

A petite figure suddenly smashed through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the barbecue shop, and fell directly into the shop.

It is NO.18 who escaped from the laboratory.

According to the energy detector in the body, the energy reaction in this barbecue restaurant is the most intense, so NO.18 chose to rush over for help without hesitation.

The barbecue Kelin put in his mouth was frightened by the sudden change, and was about to yell at NO.18.

But when he saw NO.18 clearly, his heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat, and he couldn't help showing a foolish smirk.

The boss gasped, still in shock.

He is the owner of an ordinary barbecue restaurant, and he has never seen such a scene.

After seeing the appearance of NO.18 clearly, the corners of his eyes twitched: "Nian...Young man, the girl you like, isn't she?"

It looks really cute, but it's also too violent.

Hearing the boss's teasing, Trunks didn't blush anymore, but stared at NO.18 solemnly.

This look is her!

One of those two evil androids!

"You still showed up?"

Trunks stood up abruptly, keeping the kebab shop owner behind him without a trace.

"Be careful, everyone, this woman is also an artificial human!"

Clint: "!"

Kelin turned to look at Trunks: "Are you kidding me!?"

I finally moved my heart once, but you told me that this is not a human?
NO.18 stood up straight, glanced at everyone, and frowned slightly.

She didn't notice until she got closer.

From the perspective of energy, these people in front of them have indeed surpassed the limit of human beings, but they are still far behind her, let alone deal with that monster.

Lu Yan looked at NO.18 thoughtfully.

As the three major goddesses in Dragon Ball, there is indeed a kind of glamorous and charming temperament when viewed from a close distance.

But Lu Yan is not someone who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. He is just wondering why No. 18 appears alone.

Shouldn't NO.17 be with her?
"Can you guys do me a favor?"

NO.18 can't help it either, she can feel that Sharu is approaching her.

Even if these guys are not strong, there is no other way.

Just be the taller one among the dwarfs, and treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"No, are you really an artificial human?"

Kelin still couldn't believe this fact, and asked without giving up.

NO.18 nodded, without delaying too much on this issue, and said bluntly: "There is a monster coming here. It is the ultimate artificial man created by Dr. Gero, with the purpose of destroying the world."

"Why should I trust you?"

Vegeta crossed his arms and added with a proud face: "Even if what you said is true, I can kill you first, and then get rid of that monster by the way."

NO.18 suppressed the disdain in her heart, and looked at Vegeta with a smile. If she hadn't asked for help, she would have already taken action to teach this arrogant guy a lesson.

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

The owner of the barbecue restaurant looked confused, why couldn't he understand what they were saying?
Aren't artificial humans and monsters really making movies?
A sound of footsteps came from the door of the barbecue shop.

NO.18 focused his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "He's here."

Wukong didn't laugh anymore, and also looked in the direction of the store entrance.

Unlike other artificial humans, Cell is angry because of genetic technology.

Wukong could feel the evil and chaotic aura on Cell.

The strength of this aura is nothing to Wukong, but its essence is extremely evil.

(End of this chapter)

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