Chapter 635

Lu Yan wobbled back and flew back, until he confirmed that Frieza could no longer see him, and the flying posture immediately returned to normal.

Casually let go of the arm covering the wound, and could notice that the wound on his chest that Frieza had pierced just now had fully healed.

If it weren't for the undried blood remaining around, it would look as if there was no injury at all.

"It's a good thing you slipped fast, otherwise the wounds would have healed."

Lu Yan shook his head amusedly.

It's been a long time since I played like this, and it feels pretty good.


Eastern Badlands.

Except for Vegeta who has already started practicing desperately, everyone else is still waiting outside the gravity room
After all, it was a battle between two monsters, Frieza and Cell, and it was too dangerous for Lu Yan to intervene.

In fact, everyone's impression of Lu Yan is that he is a teacher who is good at teaching them how to cultivate. As for Lu Yan himself, he may have some strength, but he is definitely not that strong.

Although Lu Yan said that there is no need to worry about him, everyone still couldn't relax.

After waiting anxiously for a long time, Wukong finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Turning around abruptly, he said to Kelin and the others, "No, I'd better go and have a look."

After speaking, he gathered his breath and prepared to fly towards the previous battle place.

At this moment, Piccolo raised his hand suddenly, pointing to a small black spot that was rapidly growing in size on the horizon,
"Radiz is back."

As a Namekian, Piccolo's eyesight is pretty good.

Pointing at Lu Yan, he said hesitantly, "Um, Raditz seems to be in a good mood."

The advantage of armor energy is here, most of the time it won't make too much noise.

Lu Yan lightly landed in front of the crowd.

Wukong greeted him gigglingly.

"Great, brother, you are safe and sound."

But before Wukong opened his mouth to ask about the specific situation.

Lu Yan was the first to straighten his face, and said seriously, "Still wasting time? If nothing else, aren't you disrespecting this appointment?"

Of course, Lu Yan was not too worried about Sha Lu.

The reason why I say this is mainly because I hope that Wukong will have a long memory.

The android crisis, which could have ended long ago, was so ink-stained because Wukong had to make waves with the wind.

Wukong was slightly taken aback, and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

It's no exaggeration to say that he really didn't take Sharu seriously.

Although Saiyans are eager to fight, they are indeed not too vigilant against opponents who are too far behind them.

This is probably a common problem among Saiyans.

"Don't worry, I will take care of Cell."

Looking at the giggling Monkey King, Lu Yan added expressionlessly: "The last guy who was so swearing seems to be Vegeta."

Wukong was at a loss for words for a while, and turned around silently to open the door of the gravity room.

Klin, Raditz and others who were next to him rushed away, and even Wukong was taught this way, so they didn't dare to touch the bad luck.

A blink of an eye.

Lu Yan was the only one left in the lively open space.

Lu Yan casually sat on a stone pier, and clicked on the task interface to check.

Sure enough, the task has not yet been completed.

He frowned.

I have to say that this task is really troublesome, and the task description is also very vague, and there is no task progress.

What exactly does it mean to protect the earth from being ruled by evil forces?

The Dragon Ball drama, because of Wukong's relationship, is actually in a fairly stable and peaceful state most of the time.

Even if there are other powerful evil beings, they will be solved by Wukong either easily or with difficulty.

No matter how you look at it, this task should belong to the lying win type.

What exactly does this mission require him to do?
It can't be to let him stay until the finale of Dragon Ball, right?
It seems that this drama has not officially ended yet.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan sighed and looked at the sky speechlessly.

When is the head...


Time slipped through the fingers little by little, and a month passed in a flash.

"Kakarot! I will defeat you, and then I will go to the appointment!"

In the gravity room, Vegeta stared at Goku in front of him, and said word by word.

Even without careful observation, Vegeta's current Super Saiyan state has undergone some changes compared with the past.

Wisps of bright blue lightning jumped around him, exuding a terrifying coercion.

Because he was beaten to the brink of death by Sha Ru before, and he has been cultivating frantically for so long with the mentality of revenge on Sha Ru.

Vegeta finally broke through Super Saiyan [-].

Feeling the unimaginable power in his body, Vegeta even felt that he could blow up the earth with one punch.

Therefore, Vegeta can finally speak with confidence to take over the qualifications to deal with Cell from Goku.

Wukong hesitated, and said: "But Cell is making an appointment with me."


Vegeta snorted coldly, and the surrounding vortex became more and more inflated: "Stop talking nonsense, don't try to rob me."

Wukong can probably understand Vegeta's mentality of wanting to seek revenge from Cell, and the gap between Cell and himself is indeed not small, and Goku is not too eager to fight Cell.

Simply choose to fulfill Vegeta.

The breath was restrained, and the golden hair suddenly turned black and relaxed.

Impressively, he directly exited the Super Saiyan state.

"Kakarot, what do you mean?!"

Vegeta frowned and scolded loudly.

Wukong shrugged, turned around and opened the door of the gravity room, and joked as he walked, "If you still can't beat Cell this time, I won't rescue you."

An unknown fire rose in Vegeta's heart.

What he hates the most is Wukong's casual attitude, as if he doesn't regard himself as a competitor at all.

This is probably why Vegeta has a hard time getting along with Goku.

Wukong walked out of the gravity chamber and looked at the bright sun above his head.

Before I knew it, it was already noon.

But for powerful creatures like them, this temperature is not worth mentioning at all.

Wukong glanced at Lu Yan who was lying on the stone pier basking in the sun, and asked.

"Brother, how long is it until the appointment?"

Lu Yan squinted his eyes, seemingly sleeping but not sleeping.

After hearing Wukong's question, he didn't move too much, just replied quietly.

"If you rush over now, you should hurry to stop Sharu."


Wukong was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "What's stopping Cell?"

"Because a month has passed, and Sha Ru will not wait until you die."

Vegeta, who had just walked to the door of the gravity room, suddenly widened his eyes.

"What! The time for the battle has come!?"

(End of this chapter)

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