Chapter 636 Trouble

"Why are you yelling so loudly?"

Lu Yan waved his hands in displeasure, as if Vegeta had interrupted his dream.

Vegeta's face was cloudy and uncertain.


After a low growl, he suddenly asked Wukong: "Kakarot, where is your appointment? Tell me quickly."

Vegeta can't wait to seek revenge from Cell.

"Don't ask."

A voice that seemed to be suppressing anger came from above.

Both Goku and Vegeta looked up in disbelief, and it turned out that they were the original challengers... Cell!
Sha Lu suppressed the anger of being sent to the pigeons, and stood in mid-air, looking down at the three people present.

He said in a low tone: "Because this king has already come."

Wukong: "!"

Wukong scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, feeling as if he was caught on the spot for doing something wrong.

On the contrary, Vegeta doesn't have the embarrassment of Goku at all.

Even because of being too emotional, his face was slightly red.

He clenched his fists and shouted loudly: "It's just in time! Save me from looking for you again."

Cell looked sideways, although Vegeta has now become Super Saiyan [-], but the change in appearance is not too big, Cell will naturally not fail to recognize it.

"Breakthrough Super Saiyan [-], is this your reliance?"

Sensing the powerful aura on Vegeta's body that was exactly the same as Goku's, the corner of Cell's mouth curled up with a mocking arc: "It's nothing more than that."

If one month ago, facing such a terrifying and powerful existence, Sharu's first reaction would have been to turn around and run away.

But now...

Because of Frieza's talent that is so powerful that it is comparable to cheating, under this premise, after another month of hard work, Cell has completely surpassed the level of Super Saiyan [-].

"But that's it? Anyone can say big words."

Seeing no fear on Sharu's face, Vegeta felt a little uncomfortable, and added: "Don't worry, I won't let you die too easily."

Sha Ru slowly landed, one foot forward, stepping on a piece of round gravel.

In the next second, a crazy aura centered on Sharu spread out in all directions.

Affected by the invisible breath, the pieces of rubble on the ground floated out of thin air.

The two gravity chambers not far away were shaking under this breath.

It caused Raditz and others who were originally practicing in the gravity room to come out to check the situation.

After a short period of brewing, the aura around Sha Ru finally exploded, and the terrifying aura of destroying heaven and earth shot straight into the sky.

And the instigator of all this... Sha Ru, still stood there calmly.

The appearance didn't change at all, but a bright blue arc like a Super Saiyan [-] appeared around his body.

Sensing the aura emanating from Cell, Vegeta suddenly widened his eyes.

"This... this is? How is it possible?!"


Shalu crossed his arms and said calmly, "This king calls this state Lightning Sharu."

Vegeta's face twitched twice.

There is already a faint guess in my heart, that is, I may not be able to beat Shalu now!

Although there is this guess, Vegeta doesn't want to admit it.

Gritting his teeth, he stepped down.

The huge force directly crushed the ground under his feet.

"Whether you can fight or not, you have to fight to know!"

Vegeta swung his fist and hit Cell, suddenly there was lightning and almost solidified power, and every inch of his body was covered by a golden whirlpool.

Cell's face remained unchanged, he stretched his arms, let go of his hands and feet, and shook Vegeta head-on.

This is a man-made big storm, lightning flows, and all the floating gravel is crushed into fine powder by the breath.

Because the two gravity chambers were not far apart, they were directly overturned by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Napa has involuntarily transformed into a Super Saiyan, otherwise he would not be able to keep standing.

He asked solemnly, "Is this guy that green monster?"

Clint nodded stiffly.

Now he really felt that reality was just a garbage game.

I have worked so hard to practice for a lifetime, but I can't compare to these guys who have practiced for a month.

Another shocking collision.

Vegeta has been hit by Cell several times, and every time it seems that he has endured a planetary explosion.

For him now, it is very difficult to bear.

However, Vegeta's mouth is still unforgiving.

"Tch, is that all you have?"

Hearing this, Shalu's eyes sharpened, and they shot out flame-like light like two magic lamps, which was extremely frightening.

This Cyclops-like attack made Vegeta back down subconsciously.

"This king has been underestimated."

Taking advantage of this gap, Sha Lu suddenly said, "Alright, let you lowly creatures see the real achievements of this king's cultivation."

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Vegeta who was currently confronting him head-on, Goku who was watching the battle from the sidelines, or even Krillin and others at the door of the gravity room.

All of them showed expressions of disbelief.

Isn't this the full strength of Cellu?
"Come on... are you kidding me?"

Clint's mouth twitched.

He knows that the reality is unreasonable, but he can't openly hang up like this, right?

Sha Lu's body bent slightly, he clenched his hands tightly, the veins on his neck bulged, and the arrogance around him suddenly expanded several times.

The oppressive force that suffocates the soul hits like a gust of wind and a tsunami.

Feeling the rapidly rising aura and explosive energy in Cell's body, Vegeta who faced Cell directly seemed to forget to breathe.

Ahhh! ! !
The planet was trembling violently, and with Sharu's roar that exhausted all his strength, soon, the atmosphere and clouds of the entire earth began to gather crazily, rushing towards Wukong's direction like a wave.

A more dazzling light erupted, and Sharu's whole body turned into a huge bright golden star.

As if breaking away from some kind of shackles, during Sharu's crazy roar, the two insect armor pincers on his head became longer and bent little by little.

It hangs down to the waist before stopping.

Boundless golden light bloomed, illuminating every corner.

And the center of this golden light is Sha Ru.

The whole body is shining with golden light, thunder is dancing wildly, and every inch of the body exudes a powerful aura.

The evil smile at the corner of Sharu's mouth made Vegeta's scalp tingle even more, and his body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

"Good... so strong."

Even Wukong, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, felt struck by lightning.

He couldn't understand how Sharu could become so incomprehensibly strong in just one month.

Lu Yan stretched like nothing happened, and finally sat up straight.

(End of this chapter)

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