Chapter 637
With the ravages of Shalu's breath, the five lakes and the four seas began to surge violently, setting off huge waves, and strong winds swept across every area of ​​the earth's surface.

All the human beings living on the earth heard Shalu's roar that resounded through the sky, and faced the changes in the surrounding environment, they fell into unprecedented horror.

Amid hundreds of millions of screams, tall buildings in major cities were cut off in the middle, majestic mountains collapsed, and the entire planet seemed to be about to perish!

In fact, because of Wukong's good protection, the most terrifying disaster in the impression of human beings on the earth is the time when Piccolo destroyed a city with his hand.

I have never seen such a situation where the earth seems to be disintegrating in the next second. Most people are curled up in a corner and shivering.

On the Eastern Wasteland.

As the source of this violent aura, Sharu has become calm after successfully transforming.

The quiet posture and the violent and wanton aura give people a feeling of separation.

"This king calls this state Ultimate Cell."

Cell still kept a wicked smile on his face, staring sideways at Wukong.

Transformed into this state, he no longer takes Vegeta seriously.

Vegeta standing in front of Sharu felt as if struck by lightning, as if being blasted into the depths of Sharu's mind by the golden lightning, his heart stopped suddenly and he was extremely shocked.

At this time, Sharu can be said to have completely surpassed his imagination, reaching a level that he cannot understand.

Although Sha Ru didn't do anything to him now, just standing there made him unable to stabilize his mind.

Feeling Sharu's terrifying aura, Wukong vaguely realized that this seemed to be the path he should take.

Super Saiyan [-] is not the limit yet.

Lu Yan rubbed his chin, sat on the stone pier and looked at Sha Lu's appearance.

He can probably guess that Cell's current state should be comparable to Super Saiyan III. After all, with Saiyan cells, Cell himself has the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Lu Yan was just a little puzzled, what good happened to Sha Lu, how could he master this level of power in such a short time?

In the original book, although Sharu can become stronger by devouring the essence of the human body, the enhancement rate is not large.

It can evolve into a complete body mainly by devouring NO.17 and NO.18.

It can be said that the current situation is very different.

What's the point of devouring such a terrifying speed of practice? Wouldn't it be nice to just find a place to nest and practice until you are invincible in the world?
Of course, at this stage, Sharu's strength can also be called invincible in the world.

Wukong has not yet been able to fully grasp Super Saiyan [-], let alone break through Super Saiyan [-].

There is also no explosive and desperate Kaiohken, no matter how you think about it, you can't compete with Cell.

As for Vegeta, it wasn't even long before he broke through Super Saiyan [-], and the gap with Cell can be said to be sky-high, and it can't be counted on at all.

"Do you still have to come by yourself?"

Lu Yan sighed quietly, these Saiyans who were flying in waves were really too unstable.

Just as Lu Yan was thinking, Vegeta had barely suppressed the terror in his heart.

Looking at Shalu, he squeezed out a mocking smile and shouted: "Pretend to be so scary, but that's all it seems to me!"

Hearing Vegeta's shout, Cell temporarily took his eyes off Goku.

Tilting his head slightly, he said, "You're still so stubborn."

The next moment, in Vegeta's perspective, Cell's figure suddenly disappeared.

Almost at the same time it disappeared, it appeared in front of Vegeta.

Everything was so fast that none of the people present, including Goku, could react before seeing Cell kicking Vegeta's head with a kick.

The whole set of actions looks ordinary, without any bells and whistles.

But combined with Cell's current explosive power, the damage to Vegeta is unimaginable.

Vegeta didn't even move to resist, and flew upside down like a sandbag.

Cell's attack hadn't stopped yet, and he came later, dodged in front of Vegeta, and kicked hard again.

The ground collapsed, and the mountain peaks tens of miles away were blown away by the aftermath in an instant.

It seems that because of disdain, Cell didn't use his hands the whole time, but even so, he beat Vegeta so helplessly.


"His Royal Highness Prince!"

It wasn't until Cell's attack stopped that Wukong and the others reacted.

Napa even entered the Super Saiyan state in an instant, rushing towards Cell.

Because of his bald head, Napa's transformation into a Super Saiyan means that his pupils have turned light green, which is not very conspicuous.

But Sharu doesn't matter, whether Napa breaks through the Super Saiyan or not, it doesn't matter to him.

He reached out with one hand and pressed it directly on Napa's smooth head.

Then with a flick of his hand, Napa was smashed into the ground under his feet on the spot.

The smoke gradually dissipated.

Both Vegeta and Napa were lying on their stomachs dying, completely incapacitated.

Seeing this scene, Kelin swallowed unconsciously, his face full of horror.

"How... how could this be?"

Wukong's expression was also completely frozen.

He knows very well that after Vegeta breaks through Super Race [-], his combat power is only on par with him, maybe he can still beat Vegeta.

It is absolutely impossible to be as relaxed as Sharu.

Sha Lu turned to look at Wukong, folded his arms, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "Monkey King, do you regret it?"

Wukong turned into Super Saiyan II in an instant, and gave Cell the answer with his actions.

Seeing Wukong's reaction, the smile on the corner of Cell's mouth became brighter.

"The king is really worried that you will give up resistance after realizing the strength of the king. That's good, otherwise it would be too boring."

Wukong shook his head lightly and said, "I will defeat you."

In fact, Wukong is in a rather serious mood now.

In his opinion, Sha Ru was let go by him, and he should have been responsible.

Even... even if you give your life!
Wukong stepped on the ground, and the terrifying power caused the ground under his feet to drop by half a meter.

After closing the distance to a certain extent, he directly clenched his fist and punched Sharu.

Faced with such power, Sha Ru did not panic at all.

"too slow."

After a light comment, Sha Ru made a sudden move.

Without waiting for Wukong to hit him, he grabbed Wukong's fist, and the other hand clenched into a fist, and he swung hundreds of times in an instant.

boom! ! !
The shadows of the fists were blurred, as if raindrops were densely bombarding Wukong.

The clouds shook, hundreds of meters of sea waves rolled up the dark clouds, and the mountains of the entire planet collapsed under the aftermath.

Wukong has no power to fight back, this is not a fight at all...

This is a one-sided beating!

(End of this chapter)

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