Chapter 638 Despair?

Sha Ru's strength made everyone present tremble.

Just the aftermath of the beating can be called devastating.

Piccolo fell into a deep shock and was speechless.

Kelin even slumped down to the ground.

"It's... there is no hope..."

In the eyes of everyone, Wukong is indeed their last hope.

In the past, no matter what kind of opponent they encountered, even when facing the exaggerated gap of the universe emperor Frieza, as long as Wukong has not fallen, they can still maintain a glimmer of hope.

But now.

The originally extremely huge energy of Super Saiyan II, in front of Cell at this time, is as ridiculous as an ant on the ground.

If it wasn't for Sha Ru who wanted to play with Wukong again, Wukong would be a corpse now.

In this case, unless there is a miracle, there is no possibility of the situation being reversed.

In the battle of Dragon Ball, the weaker side is used as the standard. If the gap between the two sides is less than 10%, the battle will turn into a protracted battle. At most, one side will be slightly better, so the battle will be very anxious.

If the difference in combat power between the two sides is between 10% and 20%, the strong will clearly have the upper hand.

But if the difference in combat power reaches more than 30%, the stronger side will gain an overwhelming advantage, and the battle will soon be decided.

but now.

Wukong couldn't even fight back and was beaten unilaterally.

It can only prove that the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides is at least twice.

Lu Yan stroked his chin and murmured, "Looking at it this way, it's more in line with the normal [-]-fold increase in Super Saiyan III."

"Mr. Wukong!"

Trunks' pupils were shaking. This kind of combat power had completely surpassed his imagination.

With his Super Saiyi full power, he can't even help.

However, even if it doesn't work, Trunks is not willing to just watch Wukong being beaten.

All the power broke out and rushed straight towards Sharu.

However, Cell only temporarily stopped beating Wukong, and didn't even look at Trunks.

Grabbing Wukong, he turned around and punched him.

An unparalleled shock wave erupted, and the mountains of the entire eastern wilderness collapsed in an instant!

The terrifying coercion swept across like a storm, and even Trunks was thrown away.

As soon as he landed, Trunks stood up, and regardless of his injury, he was ready to rush up again.

"All right."

A gentle voice sounded behind Trunks.

Then a slender arm rested on Trunks' shoulder.

Turning his head, Trunks looked at Lu Yan who appeared behind him at some point, and responded with a painful tone.


Lu Yan touched Trunks' head casually, and said with a smile, "Leave it to me."

Even though the distance is quite far, with Sharu's strength, it is almost like talking in his ear.

There was still a wicked smile on the corner of Shalu's mouth, and he tilted his head slightly: "What did this king hear? Leave it to you?"

In fact, if Lu Yan hadn't stepped forward, Sha Ru would have completely ignored that there was such a person.

"You don't... want to deal with this king, do you?"

Cell threw the dying Wukong to the ground like trash, and gracefully patted the non-existent dust on his hands.

Wukong's clothes were torn, and he lay limp on the ground, clenched his fists with difficulty, and shouted with the last bit of strength: "Brother! Klin! Run!"

Cell casually kicked Wukong, interrupting Wukong's cry.

"It's too boring. Saiyans can go beyond the limit if they are angry?"

Wukong couldn't even open his eyes, he asked angrily, "What do you want to do?!"

"Your brother and that little bald head, which one should we start with?"

Sha Lu pretended to be distressed, and walked towards Lu Yan calmly.

Kelin's legs were weak, and he sat slumped on the ground, completely giving up resistance.


Wukong roared hysterically, and there seemed to be a little more strength in his already dry body.

However, facing Cell is just a drop in the bucket.

To everyone's surprise, Lu Yan not only didn't run away when he knew that Sha Ru was going to attack him, but instead took the initiative to walk towards Sha Ru.

While walking towards Sharu, blood-red steam surged from his body.

The strength suddenly expanded a hundred times.

There was not much words, and after a brief silence, the battle between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out.

Sharu's eyes narrowed.

Although he is full of confidence in his own strength.

But because of Lu Yan's special situation, he couldn't feel Lu Yan's anger, and couldn't judge his exact strength.

But since he still dared to attack him in this situation, he must be weak even if he was weak.

With this thought in mind, Sharu was not too careless.

He punched Lu Yan seriously.

A dull sound.

Everyone present was stunned.

Under Sha Lu's punch, Lu Yan was directly turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Shalu: "?"

Sharu's mouth twitched.

It has to be said that this wave of operations made him remember Lu Yan.

The strength is ridiculously weak, but he pretends to be a hidden master.


"Mr. Raditz!"

Seeing this scene, Wukong's eyes quickly became bloodshot and red.

The strength came out of nowhere, and he got up from the ground, trying to rush towards Sharu.

But at the next moment, Wukong suddenly stopped halfway stiffly.

It turned out that Lu Yan's figure had reappeared in front of Sha Lu intact, even the blood mist hadn't had time to dissipate.


Sharu was a little taken aback.

His punch should have been hit, but what is the situation now.

Lu Yan looked at Sha Lu with a smile, shook his hands, and said, "It should be enough to deal with you now."

"To deal with this king? With your pitifully weak strength?"

Sha Ru did not hide the disdain in his eyes: "I would like to see how many times you can be resurrected like this."

Lu Yan acted as if he didn't hear Sha Ru's ridicule, with a gentle smile on his face, but the eight-door dunjia opened again.

Don't forget, Lu Yan has the Saiyan dying passive.

After this death.

If his current destructive power is measured by the combat power system, the value is probably in the tens of thousands.

Coupled with the 1000-fold increase of the gate of death, the combat power will climb to more than [-] million.

Feeling the strong smell of blood emanating from Lu Yan's body, Sha Lu frowned slightly: "It's a very unique ability, but unfortunately it's not enough."

Lu Yan looked at Sha Lu with some amusement, and asked in a gentle tone.

"Then how about adding Super Saiyan transformation?"

(End of this chapter)

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