Chapter 639 Weird Power

"Then how about adding Super Saiyan transformation?"

Lu Yan looked at Sha Lu with a smile.

Because there is no combat power detector, he is actually not sure what Sharu's current combat power is.

The combat power data officially given by Dragon Ball only goes up to the Namek chapter, and the subsequent combat power values ​​are only guesses.

Therefore, it is difficult for Lu Yan to compare the current Cell with Goku from Super Saiyan III.

Of course, even so, he wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to solve Sharu.

After hearing Lu Yan's words, Sha Lu was startled at first, then seemed to have guessed something, and quickly calmed down.

There was a smile on his face, and he said lightly: "You won't tell this king, you are also a Saiyan, right?"

Neither has the characteristic monkey tail of the Saiyan, nor is it as fanatical about fighting as the Saiyan.

No matter how you look at it, Lu Yan has nothing to do with Saiyans.

"I'm not a Saiyan, but..."

Lu Yan said slowly, while moving his feet shoulder-width apart, his upper body slightly bent.

After completing this preparatory action, he smiled at Cell: "Who said that only Saiyans can transform into Super Saiyans."

Although it sounds a bit convoluted, Lu Yan, who has S cells, does have the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Besides, several years have passed, and under the guidance of Lu Yan, there are four people who have broken through the Super Saiyan.

It is obviously unrealistic to say that he has not found the feeling of transformation so far.

Before Sha Lu could open his mouth to mock, Lu Yan proved what he said was true with his actions.

An explosive breath was suddenly born in Lu Yan's body.

The sky trembled, and thunder surged.

The shocking air wave broke through the clouds in the sky, and the golden light that emerged from his body was as blazing as a star.

The next moment, the rising breath caused Lu Yan's hair to rise high, and it turned golden yellow in an instant.

The golden flames around him shot straight into the sky, and the frenzied dancing of electric lights made the world tremble, and even the air sizzled.

Yes, Lu Yan can break through to Super Race [-].

You know, the boost of the Eight Door Dunjia Formation and the boost of the Super Saiyan are not even a system.

Under the effect of "non-self", they can be superimposed perfectly.

Even though Lu Yan's destructive power is not strong under normal conditions, he can still unleash unimaginably astonishing power by relying on two abnormal amplification abilities.

The violent momentum was still unscrupulously released, and the whole world lost its other colors under the golden light.

The endless light gathered together and turned into a dazzling light spot.

Until the thousands of rays of light slowly disappeared, Lu Yan's figure reappeared.

After entering the super race state, his muscles swelled, causing his originally slender figure to become a bit stronger.

It does not look bloated, but gives people a well-proportioned human body beauty.

"It seems to be stronger than I imagined."

Lu Yan clenched his fist lightly.

Sharu's expression changed.

At this moment, he could already feel the anger emanating from Lu Yan.

Vegeta, who was lying on the ground, had a look of shock on his face.

" he really a Saiyan?"

From Vegeta's perspective, Lu Yan took the initiative to impersonate Raditz for some unknown reason.

At first he was wary of Lu Yan, but as time passed, he gradually relaxed.

He also never considered the possibility that Lu Yan was really a Saiyan.

Standing behind Lu Yan, Trunks stared wide-eyed, and suddenly had an absurd guess in his heart.

That is, in this time and space, Raditz is probably stronger than Wukong.

Wukong was not too surprised.

After all, with his brain capacity, he never doubted Lu Yan's identity.

Since it's his brother, isn't it a matter of course that he can transform into a Super Saiyan?

And with such a powerful qi, maybe it is really possible to defeat Cell.

"Then try it first."

Lu Yan said gently.

Before he finished speaking, he casually punched Sharu.

The terrifying gale caused by the punching swept out, like countless sharp knives dancing wildly, across Sha Ru's chest in an instant.

The next moment, a bloody wound suddenly opened on Shalu's chest.

Of course, although this injury looks terrifying, for Cell, who has the regenerative ability of a Namek, it is almost like losing a hair.

Sha Ru looked at Lu Yan full of surprise.

He couldn't understand how the guy who was obviously going to be blown up by him before became so strong all of a sudden.

In the blink of an eye, the horrific wound on his chest had returned to its original shape.

"Very good, it can actually hurt this king."

Sha Lu raised his hand and patted his chest, his expression became a little ferocious: "Try again!"

With a roar, Sha Ru's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and rushed towards Lu Yan at an unprecedented speed.

Lu Yan frowned.

He could feel that after the babbling of the wronged soul attached to his attack entered Sharu's body, it had already been melted away by the vast ocean of energy before it had time to take effect.

It can only be said that the power system in Dragon Ball really perfectly interprets what it means to drop ten meetings with one force.

It seems that you need to accumulate enough to take effect.

Lu Yan was thinking about this aspect in his mind, but his reaction was not slow at all.

Seriously dodge activated, and Sharu passed through his body.

Then he turned around and kicked Sharu's waist from bottom to top.

Lu Yan didn't stop this blow, and Sha Lu's waist was deeply dented by this blow.

He only felt a violent impact coming from behind, and his whole body was like a kite with a broken string, flying uncontrollably into the sky.

Lu Yan followed closely behind, and after rushing to the top of Shalu, he took advantage of the situation and gave a roundabout kick.

Sha Ru's abdomen was hit in a shocking arc by this kick, and he fell to the ground on the spot.

The air was torn apart, the ground collapsed, and finally a large crater that looked like a meteorite impact was blasted out on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Kelin's heart was surging, and he felt his blood boil for a while.

"Radiz is too strong!"

Raditz, who has always had no sense of presence, trembled even more.

If I remember correctly, when I first met Lu Yan, he had fought with Lu Yan.

Thinking that I survived in the hands of such a strong person, I was afraid for a while.


Sha Ru flew out from the depths of the crater and stood in mid-air.

He looked up at Lu Yan with an incomparably solemn expression.

In fact, the speed and strength displayed by Lu Yan are still within his comprehension, even worse than him.

What Lu Yan gave him was not strong, but weird.

Whether it is the resurrection in full state, or such a substantial increase in combat power, or it cannot be hit.

All full of weirdness!

(End of this chapter)

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