The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 647 Solve it as a freak

Chapter 647 Solve it as a freak
"I finally found you."

Saitama let out a sigh of relief.

No one knows how many worlds this bald man in a khaki superman costume has traveled through.

If it were a normal person, even if he had acquired the ability to travel through worlds of experience, he would have no choice but to give up in the face of worlds as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River.

But he is Saitama, for this kind of single-minded guy, no matter how difficult it is, he will keep going until he succeeds.

Finally, Huangtian paid off, and it was Qiyu who finally discovered Lu Yan's trace.

Qiyu closed his eyes, carefully perceiving Lu Yan's specific location.

A little while.

Qiyu opened his eyes in surprise, he was sure that Lu Yan was on this planet right now.

But the problem is...

Why are there traces of Lu Yan's stay everywhere on this planet?
It can be said that Lu Yan's aura spread throughout the whole week.

In Qiyu's view, a demon like Lu Yan shouldn't be so bored as to wander around on purpose.

And since Lu Yan is on this planet, the planet is intact.

"In other words... was that demon born in this world?"

Saitama hesitated.

at this time.

Bang! ! !
The originally calm sea suddenly set off a huge tsunami.

Three figures surrounded by golden cyclones rushed out of the seabed.

The situation appears to be two against one.

Seeing this scene, Saitama frowned suddenly.

Although the battle of these three people on the sea did not have much impact on the surrounding environment, Saitama could feel that it was because the three people had perfect control over their own power, and not much power leaked out.

"These three are very strong."

Saitama has just arrived here, and he still doesn't know the situation in this world.

However, if this world is really the place where Lu Yan's demon was born, it would be normal for other strong men to exist.

Without hesitation, Saitama jumped towards the battlefield of the three of them.

His idea is very simple, a strong man like Lu Yan, even in this kind of world, should not be an unknown person, maybe he can ask directly.

Vegeta is still in the Super Saiyan state at this time, and he is fighting against Raditz and Napa with his own strength.

After leaving the Eastern Wasteland, Vegeta has never stopped practicing for a day.

In order to ensure the effect of practice, he chose the place of practice in the deep seabed.

At the bottom of the sea, the heavy pressure is constantly tempering his body.

At the same time, a part of the time will be allocated for actual combat every day. Napa can't put pressure on him alone, so add Raditz.

In short, let yourself grow in all directions.

Of course, Saiyans don't have the ability to live underwater, so they still need to find a resting island.

Coincidentally, the island Vegeta chose to practice is a pirate port that is inaccessible.

This was the first time Saitama discovered it.

"Excuse me, may I bother you?"

Saitama's stunned voice came, interrupting the battle of Vegeta and others.

Because Qiyu is not from the world of Dragon Ball, there is no such thing as qi in his body.

It feels to Vegeta and others as if it was drilled out of nowhere.

Encountering such a sudden change, Vegeta subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

The golden cyclone on his body has dissipated, but his hair still remains golden.

I saw Saitama, who was wearing a shabby khaki superman costume, staying on the surface of the sea out of thin air, his feet were still bouncing like a drowning person.

Such a funny look made the corners of Vegeta's mouth twitch.

He really wanted to ask where this bald head like a circus clown jumped out from.

Fortunately, because of Napa's relationship, he has a pretty good tolerance for bald heads.

And most importantly, he also didn't feel the presence of Qi from Qi Yu.

The last guy who made him feel uneasy was Lu Yan.

"who are you?"

Vegeta didn't choose to take the first shot, and asked patiently.

Saitama discovers that she can understand Vegeta.

"My name is Saitama."

After answering, Qiyu asked a little foolishly, "Do you know where Lu Yan is?"

Vegeta had a puzzled look on his face.

Raditz felt that the name sounded familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while.

In fact, the name Lu Yan was only heard once when Raditz first arrived on Earth, and later Lu Yan impersonated Raditz.

From then on, they also got used to calling Lu Yan and Raditz.

After so many years, they have basically forgotten what Lu Yan's real name was.

"I don't know, go away."

Vegeta pouted.

Saitama frowned slightly, and he kept paying attention to the expressions of the three of Vegeta.

When he said the name Lu Yan, Raditz's expression did change.

Saitama suspected that Vegeta and the others knew, but deliberately did not tell him.

Randomly added: "You should know Lu Yan, right? Please tell me, I want to find him."

"If you don't leave, don't blame me if you go to hell."

Even if Lu Yan promised to protect the earth, it doesn't mean that Vegeta's temper has changed.

Raditz hesitated for a moment, but still did not choose to speak out.

Saitama's dull eyes became serious: "So you are going to kill me?"

He was just asking someone, and he said he wanted to kill him.

This kind of cruel character is really worthy of the world where the demon Lu Yan was born.

Vegeta stopped turning around.

When he turned to look at Qiyu again, a qigong bullet had already been thrown from his palm.

The qigong bomb hit Saitama instantly, and a cloud of smoke exploded in mid-air.

There was a playful smile on the corner of Vegeta's mouth: "He is really a guy looking for death, let's go, let's continue."

But the next moment.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed Saitama below, intact.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Vegeta's face froze.

"Tch, I lost my eyes."

Vegeta quickly adjusted his mentality, not afraid, but like a child discovering some fun toy.

"Alright, just take it easy."

He didn't choose to break out directly to Super Race Two. In his opinion, although this funny guy is not bad, he doesn't need to use Super Race Two to deal with him.


A surging golden cyclone exploded from his body in an instant, and then rushed straight towards Saitama.

Saitama's face was not very good-looking either.

He doesn't like this kind of guy who kills at every turn.

When traveling through the world, he had killed quite a few bad guys like this, anyway, he just dealt with them as weirdos.

Facing Vegeta's first wave of attacks, Saitama didn't dodge and punched him head-on.

He wants to try how strong the weirdos in this world are.

(End of this chapter)

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