The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 648 Everyone's reaction

Chapter 648 Everyone's reaction
Saitama and Vegeta.

These two are guys who are extremely confident in their own strength.

None of them would choose the tactic of showing weakness to the enemy.

The needlepoints of the two fists collided head-on, like a wheat awn.

boom! ! !
An extremely domineering air wave swept out, and the terrifying pressure pressed the sea surface below the two into a huge spoon shape.

"No wonder you are so courageous, you still have some skills."

The corner of Vegeta's mouth curled up, and he said mockingly: "I hope you can let me have a good time."

Such ridicule has no effect at all on a guy like Saitama.

Besides, he still remembered Lu Yan's formidable strength.

Since this is the world in which Lu Yan was born, it is normal to have other powerful people, and Qiyu is mentally prepared for this.

He maintained a serious expression.

"Normal continuous punch."

Before the end sound fell, Qiyu's fists continued to blast out. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of punches were thrown out, creating a large number of fist shadows.

Vegeta was a little surprised, but he didn't show it.

Not to be outdone, he punched hard.

The aftermath of the battle between the two of them was like a horrific [-]-level storm on the sea.

Faced with such a movement, Napa and Raditz both folded their arms and stood calmly in place.

Because they have taken time to go to the spiritual time room, and have practiced for such a long time, and they also know the way to go.

Already standing at the full power of Chaosai [-], there is only one chance to break through to Supersai [-].

So in the face of this kind of super-level battle, it is not unbearable.

They are just very strange, where did this strange strong man come from?
I haven't heard of it in the universe before. Could it be some artificial human that they missed?

"His Royal Highness should be able to deal with this bald man?"

Raditz frowned.

Hearing the word bald, Napa's eyes twitched.

But he didn't choose to get angry at this time, he just responded coldly: "Of course there will be no problem."

It was another roar that resounded through the entire sea.

Saitama took the initiative to pull a distance away, his legs kept flapping, staying in mid-air.

Vegeta did not choose to catch up immediately, and with the strength shown by Saitama, he is qualified to say a few more words.

"You are very strong, ordinary punches can't solve you."

Qiyu hesitated for a moment, then added: "If you tell me about Lu Yan's whereabouts, I can leave."

His serious punch is not a fixed damage, it represents a punch after he has become serious at this stage, so once he swings out, there is no chance to stop the phone.

Saitama himself is not a murderer, he can accept reconciliation.

Hearing his words, Vegeta burst out laughing.

There was an unabashed mockery on his face.

Probably because I was tired from laughing, I replied disdainfully: "You don't think this is all my strength, do you?"

Saitama shook his head.

Since this guy is obsessed with obsession, he doesn't mind being cruel.

There was no further response, and he collected his fists to gather strength.

"Seriously punch."

As soon as the voice fell, a straight punch slammed towards Vegeta.

Vegeta originally had a mocking expression on his face, but the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

The seemingly ordinary fist set off an unimaginable wave of terror.

The strength of the punch produced was visible to the naked eye, like a terrifying air cannon, hitting Vegeta with precision.

Compared with Vegeta's size, the huge fist strength is very different, like hitting mosquitoes with a cannon.

Fist strength came out from Vegeta's back.

The atmosphere was torn apart in an instant, and the ocean thousands of meters deep below was split by fists, and the bottom seabed could even be seen directly.

The entire planet was shaking violently, and many buildings collapsed under the influence of the shaking.

Saitama kept stepping on the air, still maintaining the movement of punching.

"do you died?"

This guy who is favored by the world really belongs to the kind of existence that can become stronger while lying down.

And you must know that the time law of the experience world is completely different from that of the real world.

On the surface, it seems that not too long has passed, but for Saitama, since he left the world of One Punch Man, he has entered countless worlds of experience.

Compared with the original strength, it can be called a world of difference.


Vegeta was short of breath, his clothes were shredded, and vague wounds torn by punches could be seen everywhere on his body.

This embarrassing appearance made him very ashamed.

He didn't even enter the state of Super Saiyan [-], because Toda was severely injured by Saitama.

I really didn't expect Saitama to be able to deliver such a terrifying attack with one punch.

"Okay, very good."

Vegeta's eyes gradually became cold, and he said, "I will kill you."

Before the words fell, the breath in the body rushed out like a volcanic eruption.

Bright blue lightning leaped around him.

It only took a few breaths to enter the state of Super Race [-].

After so many years, although Vegeta has not yet broken through Super Saiyan [-], his control over Super Saiyan [-] has already been perfected.


A mountain village in East 439 District.

On a hillside shaped like a bun.

Monkey King walked out of the house with a solemn expression, looking at the place where the battle waves came from.

"It's Vegeta's anger, who is he fighting?"

Earth has been at peace for several years since the Cell crisis was resolved.

Vegeta and their practice have never made such a big movement, which makes Wukong a little strange.

Qiqi also came out of the house, pursing her lips and leaning against Wukong's side.

After hesitating for a moment, he still asked.

"Wukong, are you going?"

Goku nodded.

He is really curious about being able to transform Vegeta into a Super Saiyan [-] opponent.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back."

Goku comforted Kiki, then flew up and rushed towards Vegeta.


Somewhere in an unknown sea.

Lu Yan and Frieza stood in mid-air in a slightly embarrassed state.

He happened to meet Frieza on the way to the flight before, and simply invited Frieza to travel with him.

Just as the two were watching the scenery along the way, a huge punch suddenly came, and it was too late to get out of the cabin to resist, and the aircraft was directly blown up.

Although relying on the strength of the two of them, it is impossible to die even if the plane crashes, but it is impossible to feel better when encountering such an indiscriminate disaster.

Moreover, there is still a huge movement erupting in the direction from which the fist force came.


Frieza had an ugly face.

He could feel Vegeta's aura in that direction, and his first reaction was that the guy didn't know what was going on.

Without explaining to Lu Yan, he flew in that direction alone.

Naturally, Lu Yan would not let Frieza go alone, and chased after Frieza.

(End of this chapter)

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