The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 657 Who gave the speech

Chapter 657 Who gave the speech

The refined man who was called Lao Li by the wind responded, and was about to turn around and control the undercover suspects.

"Right, wait a minute."

Kuang Feng seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly called out to stop Lao Li, glanced around the crowd on the playground, and added in a low voice: "Try not to make any big moves, and don't hit hard before confirming your identity. "

After all, there may be ordinary students among them. From their standpoint, they would rather let them go than kill them.

Lao Li nodded, then turned and left.


"The vice-principal I'm going to introduce next, the students should know each other, right?"

The graceful female host in a cheongsam made an introduction gesture in Lu Yan's direction, and said to the students below.

It is different from the introduction of the previous vice-principals.

Hearing the host's words, the students below immediately made a commotion.

But these students did not dare to leave the queue, so they stretched their necks one by one, and looked at the position of the rostrum.

"Is that the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War?"

"Yes, I saw him on the video before, that is, before the Tyrannosaurus God was carrying that big brick."

"I came to Shancheng just because I heard that the Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War is working as the vice-principal of the Shancheng campus."

"A boss like that should have a lot of good things in his hands."

"So can you ask these big guys to take us with the team card?"

"It's so young, it looks like it's not much older than us."

The students present were very excited.

In fact, out of consideration for the personal safety of the students, the students enrolled in the joint school district are all in the high school age group.

Students in this age group have basically left the rebellious period, but their understanding of society is not clear enough, and their plasticity is very high.

Of course, there is the most important point.

It is because students of this age group have not been severely beaten by society. If they encounter a disaster, the first reaction of the teenager is to stop the disaster and save the world.

After leaving the society, veterans will secretly hide or lie flat when encountering disasters. Anyway, the central idea is to destroy, tired.

Lu Yan rested his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his palm, and looked at the energetic students on the playground with a smile.

"Next, please ask Principal Lu to say a few words."

After the host made an introduction, he signaled him to say hello to his classmates.

After all, Lu Yan has never deliberately concealed his information, and his name is not a secret in the official department.

After consulting his opinion, he announced his name directly.

Lu Yan smiled and stood up, slightly bowed and put his hands on the table.

Facing the microphone on the table, his eyes fell on the students.

"Hi students, my name is Lu Yan."

"Then let me... say a few words."

"Students, in this quietly approaching autumn, I waved my hand and said goodbye to you from a distance. I know that you are leaving and graduating, but I can't get out, I can't get out of this parting season... ..."

Lu Yan's speech was full of emotion.

Gu Feng, who was sitting at the head of the rostrum, heard more and more something was wrong.

With a strange face, he poked a vice principal next to him, and said in a low voice, "You arranged the speech of Tyrannosaurus God?"

Wu Zigang touched his chin when he heard Fengfeng's question: "No, didn't you say that our campus should eliminate bureaucracy? The shorter the leader's speech, the better."

"Knock, who gave him the speech of the Tyrannosaurus God?"

Fengfeng suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have told Lu Yan that he didn't need to give a speech.

After all, it was enough for Lu Yan to just come here to make a name. How dare Kuangfeng ask him to do extra things.

Couldn't it be the speech he randomly searched online?

On the playground, the students looked at each other in blank dismay, standing there in a daze.

At first, they thought that the joint school district for reincarnated people should be different from ordinary schools.

But now...

What the hell, what's the difference? !

Ma Yongyi's face twitched in the corner.

He suddenly remembered that on the way here by car, Lu Yan had indeed asked him what the principals of ordinary schools would do.

Ma Yongyi's high school grades were not satisfactory. At the beginning, he didn't like going to school. The only impression he had of the principal was that he would hold a speech and give a grandiose speech for a long time at the graduation ceremony.

He told Lu Yan about it honestly.

Who knew that Lu Yan really did what he said.

Didn't this guy go to school?

Kuangfeng coughed deliberately, interrupted Lu Yan's speech, and then took the microphone and said, "Because of time constraints, the opening ceremony will end here. The students themselves should ask the class teacher for details according to the pre-assigned classes."

Hearing the news of the separation, the students left the playground one after another under the leadership of the teaching staff.

Seeing that everyone started to leave the venue in an orderly manner, Kuang Feng turned to look at Lu Yan, took a deep breath, and forced an ugly smile on his ugly face.

Considering his words, he said cautiously: "Well, big brother Tyrannosaurus, we don't like giving speeches here."


Lu Yan put the phone in his pocket, with a look of unsatisfactory expression on his face.

No wonder Ma Yongyi said that those principals like to read speeches in front of the whole school...


"Okay, this is your office."

Vice-principal Wu Zigang pushed open the door of an office, smiled at Lu Yan, and added, "We will be colleagues from now on."

Lu Yan looked Wu Zigang up and down.

I heard that this man, like Feng Feng, was from the military.

However, these two guys gave him a different feeling, and the wind would give people a bold and simple feeling.

But this guy named Wu Zigang, because he treats people in every way, seems to be deep in thought.

"No, according to the assignment of functions, what I do looks more like a security guard."

Lu Yan had a bright smile on his face.

On the way here, Wu Zigang had already introduced the teaching aspects of the joint campus.

The first is cultural class.


Even if you become a reincarnation, you still have to study Chinese, mathematics, physics and other subjects.

In the words of Kuang Feng, if he only knows how to fight, he is a reckless man.

Although he said this, it is not convincing.

In addition to those orthodox knowledge, there are relatively remote subjects such as interpersonal communication, acting skills, and medicine.

Of course, the most important thing for reincarnators is fighting skills and watching dramas.

Because it was agreed before, Lu Yan does not need to carry out teaching tasks, he is only responsible for strolling around the campus every day if there is nothing to do.

Lu Yan walked into this office that belonged to him. The overall layout was not much different from that of Gufeng's office, and there was nothing special to pay attention to.

(End of this chapter)

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