Chapter 658 Fishing
"Then I'll leave first."

Wu Zigang smiled at Lu Yan, then turned and walked to his office.

At present, the joint campus has just started school, and everything is just getting started.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning.

After all, people are not machines, and there is not much preparation time, so there will be more or less all minor problems in such a large venue of the United Campus.

In order to ensure a stable development, the teaching staff, including Fengfeng, began to get busy.

Probably only Lu Yan walked around the joint campus with his hands behind his back like an outsider.

The entire joint campus covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu. It is no problem to say that it is a small city. There is even an airport in the campus. To walk from one end of the campus to the other, even reincarnated people have to walk for a while.

Lu Yan wandered aimlessly and walked into a teaching building.

The students all entered the classroom in an orderly manner, and no one was wandering in the corridor.

Lu Yan put his head on the window sill curiously, watching the situation in the classroom silently.

"Teacher, when will we be qualified to become reincarnations? Isn't it that we come to this school...!"

A student sitting by the window was asking, and suddenly found that there was an extra head next to him, looking at him with piercing eyes.

This is too scary!

The students kept showing signs to the head teacher on the podium.

Take care of it, it's too outrageous for such a big shot to stare at us.

In fact, most of the class teachers are reincarnated from the army, teaching by precepts and deeds, so as to control the students' ideology and not to be distorted.

The head teacher swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and nervously responded to the students' comforting looks: I can't beat him again!
"Cough, don't worry, for the sake of your safety... Let's improve your basic quality first. After reaching the standard, it will naturally..."

jingle bell~
The bell for the end of get out of class finally rang.

Under Lu Yan's gaze, the teachers and students in this classroom felt extremely tormented, and they finally stayed until the get out of class was over.

Seeing the students in other classrooms leaving the classroom one after another, Lu Yan happily left with the stone tablet on his back like an old man.


The afternoon passed quickly.

The first day itself was not ready for the official start of classes, that is, let the students adapt to the unfamiliar environment of the joint campus first.

Although only high school students are recruited, the management of the joint campus is more like a university.

After class, as long as you don't leave the joint campus, you can go anywhere.

If you want to leave the joint campus, you only need to register.

The students feel very fresh.

The students in the same dormitory are basically familiar with each other, and the bold ones have already gone to bars, KTVs and other places to relax with their roommates.

Internet cafes are full.

Most of the high school students are not full. Seeing such a formal Internet cafe that allows them to surf the Internet, it is natural to have fun first.

It is probably because of the consideration that after becoming a reincarnator, you can do whatever you want in the experience world, and you have not chosen to suppress the students' instinct to play, but if you only know how to play after entering the joint campus, you will obviously be judged as unqualified and persuaded to leave .

The students who are having fun don't know what will happen tonight.


center console.

Zhong Gongliang silently looked at the screen on the screen with his hands behind his back.

He suddenly asked, "Has Tyrannosaurus left the joint campus?"

With a lit cigarette in his mouth, Kuangfeng wiped his machete boredly, and said with a pouted mouth, "Little Ma drove him back to the city two hours ago."

Hearing this, Zhong Gongliang showed an imperceptible smile on his face, and quickly restrained himself.

He told Lu Yan in the morning that they would choose to fix the door tonight.

If Lu Yan is still playing in the joint campus now, he will wonder if Lu Yan has no plans to help.

Since Lu Yan chose to leave the joint campus carelessly, he was obviously trying to lure a snake out of its hole.

"very good."

Zhong Gongliang pressed the earphone and said, "Lao Luo, you take people to go outside the provincial border and expand the warning circle by [-] kilometers to form a horn position with Changge to prevent the other party from entering the mountain city boundary."


Teacher Da Luo's voice came from the headset: "We have all left, where are you?"

"If you don't leave, those mice probably won't dare to come out."

Zhong Gongliang said with a light smile.

What can be confirmed is that reincarnated people from other organizations must have entered the territory of Dragon Kingdom.

If they feel that it is difficult to snatch the portal, they will naturally choose to lie down and wait for the opportunity.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking.

Zhong Gongliang used himself and his family as bait to catch all the mice in the gutter in one go.

In the mountains to the north of the Shancheng United Campus.

"Check equipment."

Old Li narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.

In the dense mountain forest, there was a slight sound of pulling the bolt of the gun and the sound of the current of the headset.

"Are there any abnormalities in the S15 and S16 areas?"

For precise positioning, Zhong Gongliang has divided the mountain range including the joint campus into 100 yuan areas and marked them with tactical serial numbers.

"everything is normal."

In the shadows of a pine forest, a face suddenly appeared like in a horror movie.

If Lu Yan were here, he would be able to recognize that this was Captain Ye who also served as their commander during the divisional match.

Behind him, there are twenty reincarnated people sitting cross-legged on the ground. If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that they are posing in a not-so-standard circle, but they have an inexplicable beauty.

In the center of the circle formed by these twenty reincarnations, there is a prismatic crystal suspended, and the ground below the crystal is fluctuating like a pool.


The main entrance of the Union Campus.

With a big wave of Wu Zigang's hand, nearly a hundred people were divided into dozens of temporary three-person teams, marching towards the joint campus in a triangular formation.

They are patrolling troops on the surface.

After all, there is not even a patrolling person in such a huge campus, so this is not equivalent to saying there is a problem.

But for the patrolling personnel, if there are really infiltrators, they are the patrolling personnel who will be the first to deal with them.

So Wu Zigang knew very well that their patrol team was the most dangerous.

But he kept his face as usual, and let the four patrols surround him.

"Patrol according to the original route."

The Union Campus has undergone construction during this period.

Probably also to prevent peeping, the vegetation near the campus is mostly withered, and you can see far away at a glance, preventing people from hiding behind the vegetation.

At this moment, Wu Zigang, who was surrounded by patrol members, suddenly squatted down and raised his arms at the same time.

Seeing this, it only took a moment for all the patrol members around him to raise their vigilance and look around vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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