The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 659 Battle of the Portal

Chapter 659 Battle of the Portal
Wu Zigang raised his right fist and said in a deep voice, "Check the communication and stay vigilant."

While speaking, his eyes kept falling in the shadow of the vegetation directly in front of him.

There didn't seem to be anything there, but it gave him an uneasy feeling.

A prudent person never believes in coincidences or illusions.

The raised right fist changed, and he made several tactical gestures, signaling the patrol members to outflank the past from both wings.

The patrol members are all reincarnations, and perhaps their reincarnation levels are not high, but because of the existence of restricted tasks, the power that ordinary reincarnations and top reincarnations can show in the real world is not as great as imagined.

The patrol members on the two wings quickly moved into place, but there was no movement in the shadow of the pile of mountain vegetation.

Wu Zigang realized something was wrong.

He quickly walked to the center of the vegetation, bent down, and put his palms on the ground to grope a few times.

"Someone has stepped on it here, and there is still temperature on the leaves."

These clues all indicate one thing, that is, someone hid in this vegetation before, and it should have just left.

Maybe it was after they found out that they were here that they left here.

"Who will it be?"

Wu Zigang raised his head, looking for the nearby woods, trying to find the trace.

It's a pity that the shadows of the woods are as one with the night, and even the places I have walked through will have a sense of strangeness in the dark night.

Wu Zigang searched for a while, but found nothing.

"What happened?"

Zhong Gongliang's voice came from the headset.

He stayed at the center console to coordinate the overall situation, and he could notice any abnormality at the first time.

"We found an anomaly in the S3 area. There were unknown forces lurking in the jungle just now. The number is unknown. They have left now. I suspect it is those rats."

Wu Zigang's tone was firm.

Zhong Gongliang smiled and said: "Don't worry, according to our information, the large army of rats has just arrived at the border of the mountain city, and there are at most only a few investigators around the joint campus."

The strong ones among the reincarnated people have records in all countries in the world, and generally these dangerous people will not be allowed to enter the country.

Dragon Kingdom is naturally stricter.

Therefore, those foreign reincarnations who sneaked in to snatch the portal had to smuggle in by land.

Even if they entered the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, they didn't dare to take the national road ostentatiously. They always chose to travel from the inaccessible valleys, and the speed of the road could not be increased at all.

"Then shall we continue patrolling?"

Wu Zigang asked.


Zhong Gongliang shifted his gaze to another split screen, and added: "Don't worry, the opponent's goal is the portal, and he won't rashly expose himself."

The subtext of these words is, don't worry about safety issues, the other party will not attack you, don't be afraid of dying like this.

Wu Zigang recognized what Zhong Gongliang meant by beating, he chuckled, and quickly said yes.

Resolutely not to change.

He signaled the patrol members to surround himself with his eyes, and then he waved his hand.

"Continue to patrol."


Mountain City, as the name suggests, is characterized by a lot of mountains and water, and the terrain undulates along the mountains and rivers.

There are mountainous areas in the north and south directions, so normally, it is entered from the national and provincial roads in the east and west directions.

However, if those foreign reincarnations choose to enter from these two directions, the result of waiting for them is that they will be interrogated before entering the mountain city area.

That's why the teams of Yun Changge and Teacher Da Luo are stationed in the north and south mountains respectively.

This is something that is on the surface.

In order to ensure that their whereabouts will not be exposed in advance, even if they know that the defenses in these two directions will be very tight, those reincarnated people from abroad can only choose to climb over the mountains and enter the boundary of the mountain city from the north and south directions.

Mountains south of the mountain city.

The clouds in the sky are very thick, blocking a lot of moonlight, and the visibility is not high.

On the towering peaks, the shadowy leaves sway slightly with the evening wind,

Several ghostly figures quickly shuttled between the mountains and forests.

A leading figure suddenly stopped on the treetops, quickly patrolled around the mountains, and then whispered to the team members behind him: "Now はすべて is normal, 后続の人をフォローさせます." (Currently everything Normal, let the follow-up personnel follow.)

The players behind him nodded heavily.

Judging from the dialogue, it is obvious that they are just the first investigators, and the large forces are still behind.

Another team member hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "From the current information, that person is probably also in this city."

"Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War?"

The leading man subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva when he thought of Lu Yan's brutal performance in the division match.

"Don't worry too much. According to the information our informant heard, that person has not joined the official department."

According to normal logic, a strong man of this level is proud.

If it is a free agent, it should not be easily mobilized.

The team member who nodded before turned around and jumped onto a treetop, carefully observed the surrounding situation, then took out a flashlight from his arms, and flashed it a few times in the direction of a small ravine.

This is their pre-programmed signal.

There is no way, Zhong Gongliang will not make such a big mistake.

Since the morning, the satellite phone signal within the mountain city has been blocked.

As for ordinary base station signals, everything is normal. The problem is that as long as they are not stupid to a certain extent, how can they do such easily exposed things.

In the current environment, the simplest and rude way of communicating information is actually more reliable.

In a small ravine.

The man standing at the main seat nodded after seeing the signal.

This face is not low in the reincarnation community. Masayuki Ito is the strongest reincarnation in the island country.

Seeing that the general situation was over in the regional competition, he chose to come back and survived.

Masayuki Ito said calmly, "Let's go."

"It's not normal, why haven't we encountered reincarnations from Dragon Kingdom?"

Park Jae-ryang interrupted.

As the strongest reincarnator in the southern peninsula, he is not afraid of Masayuki Ito himself.

Besides, cooperating with them is also to seize the door, and there is no friendship between them.

"In Mr. Liang, whether we touch it or not, do you think we will fail?"

After Ito Masaoyuki said this, he walked directly towards the jungle.

The reason why he is so confident is mainly because in his opinion, the strength of the alliance this time is quite strong.

Either with a revenge mentality, or wanting to get that portal.

In short, as soon as this proposal came out, many parties hit it off.

"The people of Longguo know that our goal is the portal, so they must have prepared well, but they never imagined how much power we have used..."

(End of this chapter)

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