Chapter 660 Bombing
Masaoyuki Ito looks like he is taking a walk, but he actually runs faster than most people.

Watching his movements for a long time can even make people feel dizzy.

Park Jae-ryung did not hesitate too much, and followed directly.

After the two leaders set off, more reincarnated people quickly came out of the ravine.

Of course, the target they are facing is Dragon Kingdom, which is currently recognized as the strongest division of reincarnators. No matter how much power they have gathered, they need to be cautious enough.

After the reincarnated people from the island country and the reincarnated people from the southern peninsula country came out, a team of people appeared in the ravine where they were hiding.

There are blacks, whites, and even a few Asians.

Judging from the closeness of those reincarnations, they should all come from the same division.

There are more than three hundred people in this direction at a rough glance.

You know, this is within the territory of Dragon Kingdom.

Being able to infiltrate so many people without revealing their specific whereabouts can only show that these people are absolutely top-notch among reincarnations.

300 people of this level shuttled quickly between the mountains and fields, like a group of ghosts, without making any obvious sounds.

The speed of travel is very fast, and we will soon reach the border of the mountain in a blink of an eye.

Strictly speaking, they have actually entered the boundary of the mountain city now.

The coalition forces of several countries walked out of the mountains one after another, and as long as they passed through the hilly area in front of them, they could see the city.

"It has been discussed before the action. Our people will enter the mountain city from the north and the south. If we don't have Dragon Kingdom reincarnation guards on our side, the Dragon Kingdom people must have put the main defensive force in the north."

Masaoyuki Ito suddenly said.

Park Jae-liang glanced at him and said, "You mean, go help?"

"If it's only our team, I'm afraid it's not safe."

While talking, they didn't stop walking.

Park Jae-young sneered.

He said meaningfully: "I heard that there seems to be something other than reincarnation in the coalition forces in that direction."

"The plan to seize the portal this time was first proposed by the Russian reincarnation, but don't forget that their strongest Andrei has died in his hands. The organization under Andrei's command fell apart and only cared about seizing power. According to Common sense doesn't have the extra thought to target the door in the hands of the reincarnation of the Dragon Kingdom."

Ito Masaoyuki was silent for a moment, and he naturally thought of this.

It's just that he was eager for revenge and didn't delve into it. Hearing what Park Jae-liang meant, he seemed to know something.

He couldn't help but ask.

"What do you mean by something other than reincarnation..."

In the middle of speaking, Ito Masaoyuki suddenly shut up, looked towards the sky, his face changed drastically.

The roaring sound from far to near instantly tore apart the silent night sky.

That's several ballistic missiles!

Masaoyuki Ito turned around and rushed into the mountains, roaring while escaping: "Go back!"

It turned out that it was not because there were no guards, but because they did not want to cause unnecessary casualties.

Heavy firepower!
They didn't expect that Longguo would use heavy firepower.

In terms of strength, these reincarnations could survive this round of bombing with their own physical fitness and various abilities.

After all, those present are all top reincarnators.

Don't forget, there are also limited missions.

It is precisely because of the existence of this restricted task that the current order in the countries of the world is still maintained.

The reincarnation of the four realms is one tenth, and the reincarnation of the six realms is restricted to only one percent.

Once the power beyond this limit is used in the real world, it will be directly wiped out by the reincarnation system.

The problem facing them now is to either suppress their strength or be killed directly.

Either release the power, resist the bombing, and then be wiped out by the reincarnation system.

Yes, no matter which one is chosen, it is death.

This is the biggest threat to the reincarnation after leaving the city.

In such a hilly area, when the military does not need to worry about killing urban residents and the influence of public opinion, it can be said that it has no scruples.

At that time, it will be nothing more than a news that a certain army is conducting exercises in a certain area.

The next moment, the first ballistic missile fell first.

A huge flame shot up into the sky.

The blazing high temperature and air waves swept out, engulfing the crowd.

These top reincarnators looked down on shrapnel and lasing gravel, but at this time they became the gods of death who took their lives.

Most of the reincarnated people are also ruthless, maintaining their strength at the position allowed by the limit, and forcibly resisting the bombing of missiles.

After all, after being bombed by missiles, if you are lucky, you may be able to survive, but if you are wiped out by the reincarnation system, there is no way to survive.

The bombing has not stopped.

To be on the safe side, several rounds of missiles were launched.

boom! !

Another series of deafening roars sounded.

There were hundreds of explosions before the missile bombing stopped.

I saw a mess on the ground, leaving only a series of hideous giant pits and corpses burning with embers.

The smell of gunpowder and burning is everywhere.

Fortunately, Ito Masayuki and Park Jae-ryung are not weak. As long as they don't appear in the center of the explosion, there is no need to worry about their lives.

Most of Park Zailiang's clothes were torn, and he struggled to get up from the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"Bastard! What are the intelligence officers doing?"

"Stop scolding, quickly confirm the casualties."

Masayuki Ito's condition is also not very good, he said shortly.

He wanted to scold his mother.

It was obviously a battle between reincarnations, but the Dragon Kingdom actually used heavy weapons, which is immoral!
As time went by, the surviving reincarnation gradually climbed up from the ground.

At first glance, at least 200% of the reincarnations were directly killed in the bombing, and the remaining [-] or so reincarnations were all injured.

There are even a considerable number of reincarnated people who have been seriously injured and cannot continue to move.

Footsteps sounded on the edge of the bombing zone.

Yun Changge came to these remnants and defeated generals alone.

The tone said lightly: "I just heard you mention something other than reincarnation, what is that?"

Park Jae-young took a deep breath.

"Let me go, after I am safe, I will tell you every word."

They all knew Yun Changge's strength.

If the coalition forces are in their prime, they can try to kill them.

As for now...

Let's see how many can escape.

"It's impossible to let you go."

Yun Changge's tone was still calm: "Even if there is something unexpected, he should be there."

(End of this chapter)

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