The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 661 The existence of not the wheel chapter

Chapter 661 is not the existence of reincarnation
The "he" Yun Changge spoke of was naturally Lu Yan.

In the real world, the strength that Lu Yan can display is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

The reason is actually very simple.

Although everyone will be affected by the restricted tasks, the higher the reincarnation level, the more severe the restrictions will be.

But don't forget, Lu Yan's reincarnation level is not high.

If everyone's combat power is 100, after being restricted, the top reincarnators can only use 1, but Lu Yan can use 10.

The gap is obvious.

If everyone can survive two tricks in the reincarnation world, they can only be beaten by Lu Yan when they return to the real world.

Therefore, even if no one knew that Lu Yan could ignore the reincarnation system's obliteration, no one would dare to deal with him.

Yun Changge pressed the headset above his ear and said, "I have arrived at the scene and the threat has been lifted, but there seems to be some special threat in the north."

"Well, I see."

Zhong Gongliang's calm voice came out of the headset: "Your follow-up personnel should be here soon, control the rats, and allow them to kill them if they act rashly."

Yun Changge glanced at the defeated generals in front of him: "Understood, do you need me to go over to the other side?"

"It's okay, the situation is still under control."


Mountains in the northern part of the mountain city.

The mountains in this direction have relatively sparse vegetation.

If it is in the daytime, it is almost bare rocks as far as the eye can see.

Such an environment means that as long as the defenses are arranged in advance, it is almost impossible to sneak in quietly.

On a towering rock platform, a temporary camp has been set up in a short period of time.

Although it is impossible to judge from the outside how many people are in the camp, people can be seen coming in and out of the tent from time to time, and there are obviously a lot of defenders.

The temporary headquarters is commanding, and its vision can perfectly cover the entire northern mountain range.

Teacher Da Luo was sitting on the edge of the rock next to the headquarters, holding a bowl of instant noodles in his hand, and was eating with his head buried.

"Old Luo, why are you still eating?"

A middle-aged man with an unshaven beard walked up to Teacher Da Luo and sat down.

Teacher Da Luo chuckled and said, "People are like iron, rice is like steel."

This middle-aged man is called Spicy Chicken, the person in charge of the provincial division.

After all, your province is very close to the mountain city. In order to ensure that there are enough defensive forces within the mountain city, Zhong Gongliang was transferred to help.

Spicy Chicken took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it in his mouth, and exhaled smoke expertly.

"Go, go, come here on purpose to let me inhale second-hand smoke, right?!"

Teacher Da Luo bumped him with his shoulder.

Spicy Chicken took another sip, and said slowly: "The latest news is that Yun Changge has basically solved it."

"Changge, let's make a move, there won't be any big trouble."

Teacher Da Luo took a sip of the noodle soup and put the instant noodles at his feet.

"and also……"

Spicy Chicken continued: "The information obtained over there is that there are existences other than reincarnations who are also eyeing that portal."

Teacher Da Luo froze for a moment when he heard this.

"And this? Why didn't you say it earlier?!"

Spicy Chicken was a little confused, and he didn't expect Teacher Da Luo's reaction to be so intense: "No, what's the matter?"

Teacher Da Luo became anxious immediately, and fumbled for the communication tool on his body.

After connecting, he quickly asked: "Old Zhong, are you sure it's those guys?"

In fact, the official sector does not eat dry food.

A long time ago, they had learned about the existence of the starry sky race.

It's just that the news about the starry sky races has been tightly sealed. Even in the official department, only a few high-level people know about it. The person in charge of a division like spicy chicken has not yet had time to get in touch with this aspect. intelligence.

"Don't worry, those old guys won't show up with you."

After Zhong Gongliang connected, he first gave Teacher Da Luo a reassurance.

Then he added: "I had a guess about this from the beginning, but now I just confirmed this guess again."

Teacher Da Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Why are you so sure that those guys won't show up with us? You already know their whereabouts? Already know which starry sky race they are?"

Teacher Da Luo threw out a lot of questions like a cannonball.

No wonder he was so worried.

If he is in the experience world or the elite selection dungeon, or where the space overlaps, as long as he can exert his power without restriction, he will not be afraid of those alien races in the starry sky.

But it's different in the real world.

With the existence of restricted missions, even high-level reincarnations will inevitably be restrained when they face the starry sky races who can attack at will.

"I don't know yet."

Zhong Gongliang shook his head, and said calmly: "After all, we don't have any foundation in the endless starry sky, and our understanding of the races in the starry sky is limited, but don't worry, our intelligence capabilities will catch up soon."

"Hope it..."


On the Inbound Expressway in the north of the mountain city.

A black car approached the high-speed toll booth and stopped in accordance with the rules and regulations as if passing by normally.

The car window was rolled down, and a young man wearing sunglasses handed the CPC card to the toll collector, looked at the good-looking toll collector, and said with a playful smile: "Beauty, hurry up."

"Hey, are you picking up girls in front of me?"

In the co-pilot seat, a young woman in sexy clothes was a little dissatisfied, and slapped the young man coquettishly.

The female toll collector in the toll booth glanced at the young man, still with a professional smile on her face.

He looked at the situation in the back seat of the vehicle without any trace.

It's a pity that I don't know if it was because the lights in the car were not turned on, or for some other reason, but I didn't see anything.

Not even sure if anyone else was in the car.

The toll collector swiped his card and smiled politely, "The toll fee is 43 yuan."

"Okay, I have plenty of money."

The young man grinned, then lowered his head to search for something in the bag.

His peripheral vision kept observing everything around him.

At some point, only their car was left in the entire highway toll booth.

At the same time, dozens of officials from the official department have quietly touched the position less than ten meters away from the car, and they can rush into the car at any time.

"43, right, fifty here, no need for change."

The young man handed over the money, and before the toll collector could take back the hand he extended to borrow money, he suddenly turned his wrist, grabbed the toll collector's arm, and suddenly exerted force, dragging the toll collector to the car door.

But at this moment, the toll collector's arm suddenly retracted like a snake, and he couldn't even grasp it.

(End of this chapter)

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