The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 667 The first clue

Chapter 667 The first clue

For a guy like Qiyu who is no different from cheating, Lu Yan really doesn't seem to be the second one.

But just looking at the current situation, it is really similar to the world of One Punch Man.

You know, this is the world with the highest level of difficulty in the Five Realms.

Lu Yan had noticed before that, if calculated according to the difficulty of the worlds he had completed, whether it was the Dragon Ball world or the high-difficulty world such as the Marvel world, it was all hopelessly difficult.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the ceiling combat power of those who have experienced the world is judged to be at the level of the Nine Realms.

Even if a top reincarnator like Yun Changge enters, he is probably not much different from ordinary passers-by, and there is no way to change the plot with his own strength.

According to this law, the strength of the ceiling in this world should be even more terrifying.

But the strong are not born so easily.

A healthy power system should be distributed in a pyramid, that is to say, the general power of this world should not be much different.

How could it be like this, completely indistinguishable from the real world.

Moreover, according to the few mission information, there should be food or items in this world that can improve his physical fitness.

But if there are those natural and earthly treasures, how could the aborigines in this world be so ordinary?

Lu Yan was walking aimlessly on the street.

I don't know what time it is in the early morning. Anyway, apart from the occasional car passing by, there are no other pedestrians.

At an intersection, Lu Yan stopped.

Shaking his head helplessly, he raised his palm, which exuded a dense golden streamer.

The exquisitely shaped magic sealing box was summoned by him.

"Come out, Transcendent."

The card turned into starlight and spread out, finally condensing the figure of a transcendent in front of him.

After the Transcendence appeared, he looked around first, and asked with some doubts: "Didn't you say that I was released when the training mission was carried out?"

Lu Yan's mouth twitched when he heard the transcendent's question.

But still said patiently.

"This is a new world of experience, you can go around first and see if you can find any clues."

The transcendent was a little confused.

Who are you fooling?How is this thing different from your original world?
Of course, the transcendent did not say this.

After all, his range of perception far exceeds that of Lu Yan. As soon as he came out, he felt that it was indeed an ordinary earth, and these inhabitants were also human beings.

"Okay, I'll go to the universe to see."

Before the words fell, the transcendent disappeared in place, as if he had never appeared before.

Anyway, there is a tool called the Transcendence to help him find clues, so Lu Yan is too lazy to run around like a headless chicken.

He randomly picked a shop on the side of the road, regardless of whether the floor was dirty or not, and sat down directly on the steps in front of the shop.

After all, it is quite inconvenient to carry a stone tablet on your back.

Just rest like this, and wait for the transcendent to find some clues.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan stretched, and slowly closed his eyes.


Around four or five o'clock in the morning, the sky turned white.

Sanitation workers in orange outfits have started showing up on the streets, cleaning up.

When the sanitation workers saw Lu Yan sitting in front of someone else's shop, they just glanced at him and then looked away.

Sanitation workers need to get up early every day. Poor guys like this who have no money and can only sleep on the street may feel pity at first, but when they think about their own situation, it seems that their situation is not much better, and they have seen a lot. It's also numb.

As time goes on, the sun gradually rises, illuminating everything.

With the breeze blowing, the green vegetation on the side of the road is swaying gently, and the fresh air and the fragrance of the soil in the morning blow to the face.

There are basically no sanitation workers on the street. They have already cleaned up a round, and most of them will choose to find a place to rest and have a cheap breakfast.

Pedestrians have increased, and office workers and student parties have begun to appear frequently.

The office workers hurried past Lu Yan, not in the mood to care about a homeless man like Lu Yan who slept on the street.

On the contrary, the students would stop and look at it curiously.

After all, Lu Yan didn't look like a tramp, and he was carrying a huge black stone tablet, more like a lunatic engaged in performance art.

Shops along the street opened one after another.

An old man over seventy years old walked up to Lu Yan playing with the key.

"Unlucky, dog day beggar, stay away, don't affect my business."

The old man looks kind and friendly, but when he speaks, he is a sharp Chinese quintessence.

Lu Yan slowly opened his eyes, but he wasn't angry, he just stared at the old man with a smile.

It was the first time for the old man to meet such a guy who smiled so happily after being scolded, and he always felt a little panicked.

I'm afraid it's not a neuropathy, right?

The old man walked past Lu Yan cursing and opened the shop door.

It was only now that Lu Yan noticed that this was actually a bookstore.

However, the shop was not too big, and it seemed that the old man used it to pass the time, and he didn't expect to make money from it.

Lu Yan was about to wait for the Transcendent to come back, and was about to go back to sleep.

Suddenly, I saw a handsome young man walking towards the bookstore.

The young man is about twenty years old, but he has a stable temperament that does not match his youth.

First, he glanced at Lu Yan with a little curiosity.

He also felt that it was impolite to stare at strangers like this, so he smiled apologetically at Lu Yan, and then walked into the bookstore.

What the young man didn't notice was that after he turned and entered the bookstore, Lu Yan was still watching his back thoughtfully.

It wasn't that he knew this young man, it was mainly because after this young man approached him, there was an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

This is the effect of the title of sinful natural disaster, which can sense the key nodes of the world's operation.

This key node can be a person, an object, or even something that is about to happen.

If it is a person, then there is a high probability that this person is the protagonist of the current experience world.

Not long after, the young man walked out of the bookstore with two books.

Lu Yan noticed that one was "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" and the other was "Guanzi".

Neither of these books seem like something anyone in this age group would read.

The young man noticed that Lu Yan was looking at him, groped his body, took out 20 yuan and handed it over.

"Go get some breakfast."

It seems that he heard about Lu Yan's situation from the old man.

His every move was calm, even a little calm and breezy.

Lu Yan stopped the young man: "What's your name?"


(End of this chapter)

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