Chapter 668 Dragon

Ye Fan did not hide his name.

Probably in his opinion, in a society ruled by law, there is no need to conceal his information.

However, after hearing the name Ye Fan, Lu Yan froze for a moment.

It wasn't too surprising or anything, he just had no impression of the name.

Mainly from the very beginning, he was binge-watching dramas, but he had never seen a drama with the protagonist named Ye Fan in any film or television drama.

Lu Yan didn't say anything more, watching Ye Fan's figure disappear into the corner of the street.

He was almost certain that the young man named Ye Fan was the protagonist of this world experience.

But what he was a little puzzled about was that the strength of Ye Fan's breath of life was no different from that of ordinary people.

In other words, the protagonist of this experience world is not an invincible player like Saitama.

Then why does this experience world have such a high level?
"Damn it, why are you still standing in front of Lao Tzu's shop?!"

The old man interrupted Lu Yan's thoughts cursing.

Lu Yan smiled and stood up, as if nothing happened, as if the old man wasn't scolding him.

"Is there such a supernatural power in this world, such as flying into the sky and escaping from the ground?"

Seeing that Lu Yan not only did not leave, he was even ready to chat with him.

The old man directly yelled: "Fuck, there is a hammer flying into the sky, what a crazy psycho! Get away from me."

Although the old man was mainly swearing, Lu Yan still caught the information in it.

In the eyes of people in this world, supernatural powers such as flying to the sky and escaping from the ground do not exist!
On the contrary, this made Lu Yan's doubts a little deeper.

shouldn't be...

The only clue left now is the man named Ye Fan. If there is no accident, the key information lies in the young man named Ye Fan.

Lu Yan ignored the furious old man and followed in the direction Ye Fan left.

He was going to spy on Ye Fan secretly.


Sea Bright Moon City.

This is a large-scale entertainment city integrating catering and leisure, located in a prime location.

In a business-style restaurant.

Several tables of young people toasted frequently, and the atmosphere gradually became warmer between the toasts.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

A refined young man raised his glass and said, "After graduation, we will be far apart...I have a proposal to extend this gathering. What do you think?"

"Okay, it's okay anyway."

"Just have fun if you want to play."

Others at the table echoed one after another.

Ye Fan sat on the table without making a sound.

Even though they are all the same age, they can clearly feel the difference between them.

In a corner outside the restaurant, Lu Yan leaned against the stone tablet, and the stone tablet was against the corner.

He has observed Ye Fan for two full weeks.

Nothing strange was found.

Ye Fan's daily performance is no different from that of an outstanding young man with a little wealth.

The only thing that is special is probably that he likes to read those "surprise" type books.

Lu Yanyou secretly went to check on Ye Fan while Ye Fan was away.

It was found that those books did not hide any mystery, and were no different from the ancient books in the real world.

In addition to work, Ye Fan also occasionally goes to the bookstore, most of which is to make a cup of light green tea, and then read books all afternoon.

Although this kind of behavior is not suitable for Ye Fan's age, it is just a small hobby, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After finally meeting Ye Fan who was not going out to buy books, Lu Yan thought he was finally going to find out the key, so naturally he followed.

It turned out that Ye Fan did not expect to go to the class reunion.

Of course, after so many days, Lu Yan didn't gain nothing at all.

At least he can now be sure that there is really no supernatural thing in this world, and most of the recorded weird events are the kind that can be made up by people at first glance.

"What is going on in this experience world?"

Lu Yan stroked his chin, and he began to wonder if there was a malfunction in the reincarnation system, which sent him to the experience world of the next realm.


Mount Tai.

Ye Fan and everyone rested in the hotel for the night, and began to climb Mount Tai the next day.

This is the play item they discussed.

As a sacred mountain since ancient times, even young people like Ye Fan who have entered the society will inevitably feel a little emotional when they set foot on such a place.

"The sky is too high to be reached. Set up a Zen on Mount Tai and worship it, so that you can get close to the gods..."

"The first emperor of Qin who swept across Liuhe, and the talented and bold Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, all once held the unparalleled ceremony of enshrining Zen in Mount Tai..."

The tour guide introduced the various kinds of ancient Fengchan while leading these dozens of tourists to climb to the top of the mountain.

Ye Fan usually pays attention to exercising, but there is no problem in terms of physical fitness.

He didn't listen to the tour guide's introduction throughout the whole process, mainly because he knew more about the deeds told by the tour guide, so naturally there was no need to listen.

Ye Fan has been observing the scenery and historic sites along the way. Although he is still calm on the surface, he is full of admiration in his heart.


Ye Fan's eyes flickered.

He seemed to see a familiar figure in the crowd behind him, and after a closer look, he disappeared again.

Can't help laughing at himself.

It seems that I am dazzled.

Behind an ancient tree, Lu Yan stood quietly, pursing his lips.

During this period of time, he was sure that Ye Fan was an ordinary person, and he didn't cover up his whereabouts too carefully.

This is indeed his carelessness.

If he was really seen by Ye Fan, he didn't think Ye Fan would fail to recognize him.

After all, with such an obvious black stone tablet behind him, I believe that as long as he has seen it once, he will not forget it too easily.

Lu Yan still wanted to get new clues from Ye Fan, and didn't plan to let him discover his existence too early.

Ye Fan and his old classmates are ordinary people, and they must not be able to climb the mountain faster.

It was not until the evening that people arrived at the top of Yuhuangding, which is the top of Mount Tai.

Everyone watched the sunset, as if everything was covered with golden rims, and they couldn't help falling into intoxication.

Judging from the excited expressions of those female students, it is obvious that they have forgotten their tiredness.

Lu Yan hid behind a boulder, with his hands behind his head, and said with emotion in a raving tone.

"No matter which world's Mount Tai... the scene is so shocking."


Lu Yan narrowed his eyes suddenly.

He saw a few small black dots appearing in the sky, and they were still getting bigger in his field of vision!

The whistling sound sounded like wind and thunder.

It can be clearly seen that those small black dots turned out to be nine huge monsters.

Lu Yan's eyesight allowed him to clearly see what it was, and his face gradually became serious.

Those are... dragons!

(End of this chapter)

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