Chapter 669 Coffin
Yes, nine dragons.

Each one is more than 20 meters long, and behind them is a bronze coffin about [-] meters long.

Kowloon pulls the coffin!

Toward the top of Mount Tai, it descended rapidly.

This is an extremely shocking scene. At this moment, everyone on Mount Tai was so shocked that their expressions froze.

In the face of such an accident.

Behind the boulder, Lu Yan slowly stood up, the corners of his mouth gradually curved.

He was not afraid, but relieved in his heart.

At least it can be proved that this is indeed not an ordinary world.

There is extraordinary power!

The speed was so fast that before Lu Yan had time to think too much, the Jiulong coffin had already landed on Mount Tai.

The mountain shook for a while.

A huge pit appeared where the bronze coffin fell, and the ground around it burst into dense cracks like spider webs.

The Yuhuangding, a scenic spot, was not spared either. Under such a shock, it became devastated.

In the panic, cries of pain and calls for help continued to sound.

The screams of the tourists became more and more one after another, scrambling to be the first to run down the mountain.

The crowd rushed downwards, but Lu Yan, who was carrying a huge stone tablet on his back, went upstream and took the initiative to walk towards Jiulong to pull the coffin.

When it was in the air before, it was not so obvious.

After everything calmed down, Lu Yan noticed that these dragons were all dead.

Nine huge dragon corpses lay quietly on the top of Mount Tai like this, and the huge bronze coffin was also like a dead thing, silently.

Weird, mysterious.

And judging from the destructive power caused, Lu Yan didn't think it was a natural fall, but more like a controlled fall.

After all, the damage caused by the landing of the Kowloon coffin is not too big.

If such a huge object is really in free fall, it would be considered light if the top of the mountain is smashed, let alone so many people survived.

The world of experience this time seems to be very deep.

"Let's hurry down the mountain."

A female classmate looked panicked and lowered her voice, as if she was afraid that her voice would wake up the dragons.

Ye Fan and the others happened to be on the top of the mountain when the Kowloon coffin landed. They were very unstable when they observed such an amazing scene up close.

Fortunately, they got together during the chaos just now, but there were no casualties.

Everyone nodded.

This situation is too shocking and mysterious, and I don't want to stay here any longer.

Throughout their lives, they have been educated in materialism, and even when the facts are in front of them, it is still difficult to accept.

"Look, what is that?"

Another female student named Li Xiaoman pointed to a cracked surface.

It was a circular altar exposed to the surface, simple and simple, made of soil of five colors.

And there is more than one five-color altar like this, and there are as many as dozens of them at a glance.

Ye Fan likes to read those "search strange" books, and his interest in these things is much greater than that of others.

But he didn't rush over rashly, he just stood and observed from a distance.

When the gears of fate start to turn, many times they are not affected by subjective behavior.

While everyone was curiously looking at the altars and the jade and stone slabs on the altars, the bronze coffin seemed to have accumulated enough energy, and suddenly an invisible suction burst out.

The five-color altar also shone at the same time, and the ancient characters engraved on it all lit up, bursting out brilliance one after another.

Finally, a huge gossip pattern was formed in midair.

"what happened?"

"I can't move my body!"

Everyone panicked to the extreme.

The bronze coffin was shaken, revealing a big crack, and a strange invisible force enveloped Ye Fan and his classmates, and everyone felt their dizzy spin, and they were directly sucked into it.

Lu Yan, who was standing on the edge of the huge pit, also felt this invisible force.

This kind of power can easily break free for him.

But when he noticed that Ye Fan was sucked in, he restrained himself without hesitation, and with the help of this invisible suction, he directly entered the bronze coffin.

Anyway, in his opinion, following the protagonist will sooner or later make him understand what's going on in this experience world.

The coffin lid resets and closes.

With a burst of shaking, Jiulong once again pulled the coffin into the sky and disappeared.


"Who can save us?"

"Why is this happening? There is no signal on the phone."


The inside of the bronze coffin was pitch black, and the situation could only be observed with the light of the mobile phone screen.

There was a deep sense of despair among the crowd.

There are even many women whimpering softly.

Fortunately, we are all adults who have entered the society,
Someone will always step up and take the lead.

After several students comforted each other one after another, everyone's fears relaxed a lot.

Ye Fan sat quietly aside, constantly thinking about the current situation.

"Has everyone fallen into the copper coffin? First confirm the number of people present, one, two...29, thirty? 31?!"

When the classmate in charge of counting the number reached No.30, his voice became trembling.

And when he counted to 31, he felt even more creepy.

After all, when everyone enters the society, it is difficult to gather people for class reunions.

This class reunion, there were only 29 of them in total.

But now, there are actually two more people!
"Yes... who is it?"

The phone's flashlights lit up.

In such a situation that only appears like a ghost story, everyone has no idea of ​​saving power.

Everyone approached tremblingly, looking at the two figures in the corner.

"You, are you humans or ghosts?"

After experiencing those things on Mount Tai, everyone felt extremely uneasy, feeling that even some evil things might happen.

The figure next to Lu Yan faintly woke up.

"What a ghostly place."

A burly man got up from the ground, the light of the mobile phone made him dizzy for a while, and he couldn't help shouting: "Damn, what are you doing, I'm Pangbo."

Pang Bo was Ye Fan's best friend in college, but he couldn't come to the class reunion due to some personal matters.

As a result, such a person who shouldn't appear, but in such a weird place, made many people's scalps tingle for a while.

No one dared to believe Pangbo's explanation.

In the end, it was Ye Fan who took the initiative to stand up and support, so that everyone reluctantly accepted Pang Bo's statement.

"If he is Pangbo, then who is this guy?"

Liu Yunzhi pointed at Lu Yan, his voice trembling.

Although there is only light from the mobile phone in the coffin, part of the outline can be vaguely seen.

Ye Fan frowned slightly.

He has a pretty good memory, not to mention Lu Yan's recognition is so high.

Naturally, he recognized it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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