Chapter 680 Nine Secrets
The Ruthless Emperor looked at Lu Yan's expression, and the more he looked at it, the more weird he felt.

But now she just wants to get rid of Lu Yan as soon as possible, and doesn't want to cause any trouble.

Spreading his palms, a dense breath rose out.

Then condensed into nine jade slips, floating in mid-air out of thin air.

The ruthless emperor is the most amazing and brilliant emperor in history, and the most talented woman in ancient times.

She covers a wide range.

There are not many other things, there are plenty of exercises and secret methods.

Of course, although she can no longer use the things that the Ruthless Emperor brought out, the level cannot be so low.

What's more, in her eyes, even if Lu Yan gets rid of that state of nothingness, his own strength is not weak.

Therefore, in order to let Lu Yan leave as soon as possible, she was not stingy.

Lu Yan took the jade slip, held it in his arms and looked at it: "What is this?"

"Nine secrets."

The Ruthless Emperor was concise and to the point.

"What it is?"

Lu Yan didn't mean to tease on purpose, he really didn't know what it was.

The Ruthless Emperor: "..."

Only now did she realize that Lu Yan seemed to be a stunned young man, as if he didn't know anything.

But since she gave it away, she will not take it back.


She was too lazy to continue explaining to Lu Yan, and just let him leave.

Lu Yan was a little dissatisfied.

Even if these nine jade slips can be traded separately, they are still far from the one hundred pieces.

However, Lu Yan is not an insatiable person, and it is not bad for him to have something to gain.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan smiled at the Ruthless Emperor: "Thank you."

The Ruthless Emperor: "..."

Great, the guy who robs and knows how to say thank you.

She didn't speak anymore, and her mood swings today are more than tens of thousands of years ago.

After watching Lu Yan leave, the Ruthless Emperor waved his hand.

A hazy light blocked the top of the abyss.

This is to prevent Lu Yan from running back suddenly.


Outside the ancient forbidden land.

A group of old men and women walked out of the forest with each other's support, but two teenagers in their early ten years were at the forefront of the group.

These two teenagers are Ye Fan and Pang Bo.

This is the most feared power in the Ancient Forbidden Land besides the banning of mana and Taoism.

Those who enter it will lose their lives!
They were obviously good young people, but when they left the barren and forbidden land, they lost their youth and vitality, and they declined before they got old.

And Ye Fan and Pang Bo, because they ate the fruit from one of the mountain peaks, not only did they not become old, but they rejuvenated.

Everyone was extremely desperate. Such an appearance that time was running out made many people lose the will to survive.

At this moment, a colored light suddenly flashed across the sky.

Everyone noticed that there was a figure in that ray of light.

Even though they all knew that this was not an ordinary world, they were still shocked when they saw this fairy-like scene with their own eyes.

The hope of regaining youth also appeared in the hearts of everyone at the same time.

The rainbow light in the sky seemed to have spotted everyone, and suddenly turned around.

This is a young girl in the cardamom age, a light blue dress fluttering in the wind.

The girl stood in the air, looked down at the crowd, and asked, "Who are you?"

Everyone can figure out the meaning of the ancient Chinese pronunciation.

Realizing that this fairy-like girl was not malicious, everyone asked for help one after another.

The most talked about is to ask girls to restore their youth.

The girl asked several questions in a row, and basically confirmed what they encountered.

There was a strange look in his eyes.

You must know that in this vast land, not everyone can practice.

And they walked out of the barren and forbidden land alive, which means they opened the path of practice.

For these blessed places, having more than a dozen disciples at once is something worth celebrating.

What's more, there are two "fairy seedlings" who have eaten fruit, Ye Fan and Pang Bo.

Lu Yan stepped out of the jungle on the side.

Everyone was taken aback.

In their eyes, how could it be possible that Lu Yan was still alive after jumping into that terrifying abyss, and not only did he not become as old as them, nor did he rejuvenate like Ye Fan, as if he had not been affected by the ancient forbidden land.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo looked at each other, wondering if Lu Yan ran down and fought with an unknown existence.

After all, not long after Lu Yan jumped down, there was a terrifying fluctuation. In the end, he was able to come back alive and unscathed. It's hard not to think about it.

Lu Yan greeted everyone with a smile.

Although everyone has changed, but their clothes have not changed, so naturally he will not fail to recognize them.

The girl sized Lu Yan up, and judging from everyone's reactions, they obviously knew each other, so she didn't ask specifically.

Just a big wave of the hand.

"Okay, I'll take you out of this ancient forest first."

A piece of rainbow light fell, covering everyone, and slowly lifted them into the sky.

Changhong flew extremely fast, and the virgin forest below quickly retreated.

However, the area of ​​this deserted forest is really big, and it took a full hour of flying to arrive at a brightly lit town.

Through the exchanges along the way, everyone also had a preliminary understanding of the situation in this world.

The girl led the crowd to the square in the center of the town.

Several old people came out, who seemed to be the elders of the girl.

"It's Weiwei who is back."

"Why did you bring so many people?"

The girl explained: "They are all people who strayed into the ancient forbidden land and came out alive."

Hearing this, the faces of several old people showed joy.

"Not bad, the sea of ​​bitterness in the body has been activated, and they are all seedlings who have cultivated well."

But when these old people were looking at everyone, Lu Yan was also looking at these old people.

He could feel that although these people were old, the vitality in their bodies was far superior to that of ordinary people.

Since these old people are practitioners, maybe we can reach a deal with them.

Lu Yan stepped out and asked gently, "Can you make a deal with me?"

Several old people glanced at each other.

They didn't feel the existence of mana in Lu Yan, so they were just ordinary people, and they didn't think there would be anything good.

But considering Lu Yan's young appearance, he might have eaten that kind of fruit.

Therefore, several old people did not express disdain, but smiled kindly.

"Hahaha... It's possible, but after embarking on the journey of cultivation, the things of mortals are no longer useful to us."

Lu Yan clapped his hands together, and nine jades appeared in his hand.

This is the storage space temporarily opened by the reincarnation system for the convenience of tasks.

"Do you know the Nine Secrets?"

(End of this chapter)

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