The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 681 The Vast World

Chapter 681 The Vast World

"Nine Secrets?"

"What nine secrets?"

The old people were a little confused.

In fact, as the famous Ninth Secret, although they have never seen it, they have heard of it more or less.

It's just that they didn't realize that the nine secrets Lu Yan mentioned were the nine extremely powerful secret arts.

After all, in the eyes of these old people, Lu Yan and the others were just ordinary people who strayed into the ancient forbidden land, without any magic power, so it was impossible to think that they would have such a thing.

It's like a kindergarten kid with hundreds of millions in deposits, it's unbelievable.

"Don't you all know the Nine Secrets?"

Holding the nine jade slips in his arms, Lu Yan twitched the corner of his mouth.

He subconsciously suspected that he had been tricked by the Ruthless Emperor.

"No, young man, the Nine Secrets you're talking about can't be..."

Several old people looked at each other with solemn faces.

If the nine jade slips in Lu Yan's hand were really the Nine Secrets, let alone the Nine Secrets, even if there was only one of them, they would not be blessed to accept it.

The girl named Weiwei looked at the old people in surprise, and asked, "What is that? Why do the elders..."

One of the old men with white beard and hair managed to stabilize his mind and explained earnestly.

"It is rumored that there used to be a very mysterious ancient scripture in the Big Dipper Starfield, which did not record profound mental methods. It only had nine kinds of secret techniques, and it was as famous as "Tao Sutra", "Void Sutra" and other fairy classics. Later, the ancient scripture Split by a certain power, scattered in all directions, several secret techniques may even disappear forever."

The "Void Sutra" mentioned by the old man is the true heritage of the Huanggu family.

Weiwei turned her head thoughtfully, looked at the jade slip in Lu Yan's arms and murmured, "Your nine secret arts are the nine secrets?"

"should be."

Lu Yan nodded.

He didn't expect that the Nine Secrets had such a great background, but since it was given to him by the Ruthless Emperor, it shouldn't be a fake.

As soon as these words came out, there was no sound in the venue.

Ye Fan and others don't understand these things at all, they can only wait and see what happens.

But people like Lingxu Dongtian were intimidated by the name of the Nine Secrets.

After a while.

Only then did the old man standing in the main seat burst out laughing: "You are a very interesting young man, I was almost frightened by you."

The old man smiled, and the atmosphere was not so dignified, and the rest of the old people also showed smiles.

They all thought that the Nine Secrets in Lu Yan's hands were fake, and they might have been deceived by some unscrupulous guy.

"Young man, I heard they say your name is Lu Yan, so I will ask you to call you Xiao Lu."

The old man with white beard and hair walked over and patted Lu Yan on the shoulder, and added with a pleasant face: "You have never been in contact with the world of practice, so it is normal to have some common sense, and don't believe in such things that fall from the sky in the future. "

"That's right, if it's really the Nine Secrets, including our Lingxu Cave Heaven, it's not worth one of the Nine Secrets."

One of the old men exhaled lightly and said jokingly.

Another old man blew his beard and stared, and said, "Lao Liu, even though this is the truth, you don't need to say it."

Listening to the old people's exchange, Lu Yan probably understood the value of the Nine Secrets.

Obviously, due to the high value of the Nine Secrets, this so-called Lingxu Cave couldn't trade with him for treasures of the same value.

So Lu Yan didn't bother to prove that the Nine Secrets Jade Slips in his hand were real, so he had better wait and see.

"Okay, children, as long as you are willing to practice hard, you may not miss the chance to obtain the real Nine Secrets."

The old man with white beard and hair spoke out to encourage everyone. In his eyes, these are good seedlings who have embarked on the path of cultivation.

Everyone is still in a state of ignorance.

Ye Fan glanced at Lu Yan before asking, "I don't know who you are?"

An old man stroked his beard and replied proudly: "There are six blessed places in the territory of Yan Kingdom, and our Lingxu Dongtian is one of them."

The territory of Yan State is two thousand miles horizontally and three thousand miles vertically.

It feels like a pretty big country already.

But the Big Dipper Starfield is divided into five plates, namely the Eastern Desolation, Western Desert, Nanling, Beiyuan, and Zhongzhou, and Yan Kingdom is only a corner of the Eastern Desolation, a drop in the ocean.

"Just one country of Yan has six blessed lands. How many immortal sects are there in this world..."

Pangbo's pupils contracted for a while, and he felt that these facts seriously violated common sense.

At this moment, a loud laugh sounded out.

After that, more than a dozen rainbow glows fell in the sky one after another.

These people are male and female, and they all look around 40 years old.

"Your Lingxu caves are not good, you can send them to the caves if you have good talents and qualities. I heard that you have found more than a dozen good seedlings of cultivation?"

One of the middle-aged men was imposing, and laughed loudly.

A grey-haired old woman echoed, "That's right. We wanted to be together in the six places of heaven and earth, and we suddenly found so many talented seedlings. Naturally, we have to take some of them away."

An old man in Lingxu Cave frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "Senior Sister Li Ying, you can't say that..."


These blessed old people are arguing endlessly, and the central idea is to divide them into several people.

Among the crowd, Ye Fan and Pang Bo, two good seedlings who had eaten the spirit fruit, received the most attention, followed by Lu Yan.

After all, compared with the rest of his old classmates, Lu Yan is relatively young.

Lu Yan just watched quietly, without saying a word the whole time.

He is thinking about where to go next, mainly because this experience world is too big, and he doesn't know how long it will take to cross the Eastern Wilderness once.

Moreover, the information provided by Crocodile Zu, because it has been suppressed for too long, is indeed a little time-sensitive.

Most of the cultivators of the Nine Secrets in his hands are not even qualified to trade, so it may not be easy to find one who is qualified to trade.

And he still needs to find some next-level treasures to test the threshold of trading.

While Lu Yan was pondering these questions, these old men had already gone to the sky to fight and came back.

The elders all looked a little embarrassed, but they finally determined the order of selecting disciples.

"Since we lost, there is nothing to say. You Lingxu Caves can choose first."

The elders in Lingxu Dongtian directly selected Ye Fan, Pang Bo and Lu Yan without hesitation.

But when several old people carefully examined Ye Fan's body, his face changed color.

An old man even exclaimed directly.

The other people in Dongtian Paradise noticed something was wrong, and quickly asked what was going on.

But Lu Yan didn't care what these old people were surprised about, and interrupted with a smile.

"Excuse me, do you have any treasures on you?"

(End of this chapter)

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