The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 693 Undead Mountain

Chapter 693 Undead Mountain

Even if the Jiang family sent a saint-level powerhouse, Lu Yan would not worry about his own safety.

What he's curious about now is how exactly did the transcendent get killed?

With the strength of a transcendent, even if he meets the female emperor under the ancient forbidden ground, even if he cannot beat him, he can still escape.

But in the memory of the transcendent, it seems that he went to a strange space, and was wiped out without even seeing the person who made the shot.

This means a lot.

Could it be that there are really immortals living in this world?

Thinking of this, Lu Yan turned his head and scanned the circle of Holy Masters around him.

He hesitated for a while, but still didn't ask.

Mainly these guys don't look like they know these things.

Lu Yan stepped down, jumped up high, and then fell towards the position where the Hengyu Sacred Furnace was.

It is impossible to just throw away a treasure of this level like this.

At this time, many monks had appeared around the Eternal Sacred Furnace, but everyone knew that Lu Yan was watching from a distance, and no one dared to take the risk of snatching it at this time.

After Lu Yan put the Eternal Sacred Furnace into the mission space in front of everyone, he turned and left in a calm manner under the regretful gazes of all the Holy Masters.


Half a year passed by in a hurry.

The Eastern Wilderness is vast, and the primitive area is uninhabited for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Throwing a person into the land of Donghuang, so that the person is not actively exposed, the possibility of being found is ridiculously low.

Lu Yan took a dark green fruit out of the jade box and observed it.

"This is the last one."

Before he finished speaking, he swallowed the fruit and threw the jade box aside.

Feeling the warmth rising from his lower abdomen, Lu Yan stretched in satisfaction.

During this period of time, he walked and ate all the way, and finally consumed all the magic medicine spiritual fruit on his body.

Probably no one would eat spirit fruit and magic medicine as snacks like him.

There is a flowing divine glow all over the body, and the fragrance of grass and trees still remains while walking,
After eating these massive spiritual fruits and magic medicines, Lu Yan at this moment finally looks like a monk with profound mana.

But in fact, since Lu Yan didn't have the human mystic realm unique to the creatures of this world, and naturally there was no Lunhai mystic realm to store mana, so most of the medicinal power of so many spiritual fruits he ate was wasted.

Fortunately, the effect of strengthening the body has not been reduced, and can be perfectly absorbed by him.

As for how much his physique has grown during this period, since there is no reference, he can't describe it accurately.

It's as if you grow a millimeter taller every day, and you can't feel it at all.

But after eating such a spiritual fruit, Lu Yan felt that the growth rate must not be too small.


Youyue Ancient City.

It is one of the ten famous cities in the central part of the Eastern Wilderness, where a large number of human races and monster races gathered, and it was extremely prosperous.

In the center of this area, there are many top immortal sects and ancient families.

Lu Yan stood outside the city, surrounded by monks.

He looked at the city wall full of traces of time, and shook his head helplessly.

Donghuang is really too big, even if he didn't slow down the whole process and just took time to take drugs, but it took so long to come to the middle from the south.

If you really want to travel through the entire Big Dipper Star Field, you don't know how long it will take.

Some monks noticed Lu Yan and couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

After this period of brewing, news about Lu Yan has spread throughout the Eastern Wilderness.

Even those low-level casual cultivators have heard what he looks like.

After all, such an appearance with a black stone tablet on his back is too strange, and he can't help but attract attention.

Even if you haven't seen him, you can almost guess it.

So when Lu Yan walked out of the mountain again and was discovered, it immediately caused a sensation.

"Senior Lu, what do you want to do when you suddenly appear in Youyue Ancient City?"

"Could it be that you want to wait here for the Jiang family to appear?"

Some courageous monks asked.

Recently, the Jiang family has recalled most of the family disciples who have traveled abroad. Although they still don't know what the Jiang family wants to do, it is obvious that they will make a big move.

Lu Yan smiled and touched the head of the monk in front of him, and said, "I'm just interested in the restricted area of ​​life."

He has never taken the Jiang family seriously.

In fact, if someone hadn't mentioned the Jiang family, he would have almost forgotten about the Jiang family.

"Life restricted zone? Undead mountain?!"

All the monks around were secretly paying attention to his situation, and some people couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard what he said.

As we all know, there are seven restricted areas of life in the Big Dipper Star Field.

There is a huge distance between each restricted area, which is a distance that mortals cannot cover even if they spend their entire lives.

And in the forbidden zone of life in the central part of the Eastern Wilderness, there is only the Undead Mountain.

Lu Yan, the stele bearer, appeared in Youyue Ancient City, and the news that he was suspected of wanting to enter Bulao Mountain spread like a virus.

The major forces once again set their sights on Lu Yan.

The forbidden zone of life, as the name suggests, is a place where life is forbidden to enter. It is rumored that there is an undead medicine in the forbidden zone, but those who dare to enter the forbidden zone of life have almost zero chance of getting out alive.

Generally, only the strong who have reached the end of their lifespan will choose to enter the restricted area of ​​life to fight for a chance.

But no matter how Lu Yan looked at it, it didn't look like his life was coming to an end. Why did he take the initiative to go to such a dangerous place?

After hearing the news, the powerful Holy Master fell into deep thought.

They haven't figured out the secrets about Lu Yan. If Lu Yan just died in the Undead Mountain, wouldn't those secrets just disappear?

In a hurry, many people directly used the domain gate to cross the void, trying to persuade Lu Yan to give up this idea.

In addition, many people with evil intentions rushed to Youyue Ancient City.

These people did not come to persuade Lu Yan.

They wanted to wait for Lu Yan to die in the Undead Mountain before sending someone to pick up some bargains.

There are too many good things about Lu Yan.

Eternal God Furnace, Nine Secrets, numerous Emperor Scriptures and various spiritual fruit treasures.

It is no exaggeration to say that apart from the lack of heritage, the treasures on his body are more than enough to establish a holy place.

If you're lucky enough to pick it up, wouldn't you be able to leap over in no time?
The domain door flickered again, and a middle-aged man walked out without anger or pride.

He is the Holy Master of the Ji family, and he had invited Lu Yan to go back to the Ji family with him before.

The Holy Master of the Ji family walked out of the domain gate and asked the people he had arranged in Youyue Ancient City, "Where is Senior Lu?"

The intelligence officer said with a trembling voice.

"Lu...Senior Lu Yan has already set off."

(End of this chapter)

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