The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 694 Taboo Beings

Chapter 694 Taboo Beings

The Holy Master of the Ji Family couldn't help but want to scold the street, but also felt that this was not in line with his identity, suppressed his anger, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't I ask you to persuade Senior Lu first?"

The intelligence officer was aggrieved.

Even you holy masters dare not force him, what can he do as a small intelligence officer?
Of course, he kept those words in his heart and didn't say them out.

At this moment, the domain gate behind the Holy Master of the Ji family was illuminated again.

This is someone else.

Every time the domain gate is opened, a huge amount of origin stones will be spent.

But now, opening the domain door seems to be free of money, and people come one after another.

The light went out, and a man who looked like a god, surrounded by [-] halos stepped forward.

"Who am I? It was you."

The Holy Master of the Ji family said nonchalantly.

Lord Fluctuating Light smiled lightly and said, "We've met quite frequently during this time."

The Holy Masters of these major forces are almost all of the same generation. They fought together hundreds of years ago. It was not until they became Holy Masters that they put out their thoughts of fighting on the surface.

Holy Master Yaoguang looked at it twice, then said clearly: "It seems that senior is no longer in the city."

"I'm going to wait outside Mount Bulao."

The holy master of the Ji family turned around with a flick of his sleeves, and was about to leave with the rainbow light.

"Go together, go together."

The Holy Master Yaoguang smiled and followed, and then added: "I heard that many great religions have received the news, and the Zifu Holy Land and Daoyi Holy Land have also sent people. Restless."

"so what?"

The holy master of the Ji family waved his hand indifferently.

In fact, he had an inexplicable feeling that he believed that Lu Yan would never die in the Mountain of Immortality.

What's more, these forces, before they are confirmed, will hardly choose to be an enemy of Lu Yan in the open.

The only Huanggu Jiang family that made it clear that they were going to confront Lu Yan, has been closing their doors to thank guests during this period of time, and they don't know what is brewing.


"Is this the place?"

Lu Yan looked at the black mountain range in front of him.

This is one of the seven forbidden areas of life...

Immortal Mountain!
Even if an ordinary person looks at this place, he will subconsciously feel that something is wrong.

Because it's weird here.

This black mountain range is majestic and majestic, each peak is majestic and towering, the peaks are covered with ancient trees, and even dotted with lakes.


It's all black.

Deep and heavy blackness.

There was an aura of terror that made people uneasy.

There are too many rumors about this place.

The existence that came out of it once disrupted the earth, blood flowed into rivers, and created the most terrifying dark turmoil.

However, Lu Yan did not have much awe of the Undead Mountain.

He was able to escape from another restricted area of ​​life, the ancient forbidden land, and even blackmailed the Ninth Secret.

At this time, facing this kind of restricted life zone of the same level, Lu Yan was eager to try.

At first, he thought that there was a taboo who controlled the restricted area of ​​life like this.

Later, as his understanding of this world deepened, he realized that most of the restricted areas of life were not the exquisite single rooms like the barren and ancient forbidden areas, but rather collective dormitories with hips stretched out.

In addition, judging from the rumors, the existence of taboos living in the Immortal Mountain is obviously not a good kind.

This does not require any psychological burden.

Lu Yan took a step and walked straight towards Bulao Mountain.

"This is coming in?"

Lu Yan shook his hand.

I didn't feel the life-depriving power like the barren ancient forbidden land, but there was a mysterious palpitation, which made people feel creepy, but I didn't know why.

With a random kick, the huge air wave created directly turned everything in front of him into dust, and all kinds of black plants and rocks were turned into fly ash.

"The degree of sturdiness is no different from that of ordinary plants, it seems that the color is simply changed."

Lu Yan took two steps forward, ready to squat down and take a closer look.

At this moment, strange marks suddenly appeared under his feet.

A gloomy light flashed, and Lu Yan disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he found himself at the foot of a magnificent mountain.

He was not surprised by such an accident.

Before entering the Undead Mountain, he had naturally learned about it.

What is special about this place is that during the war in the ancient times, the formation pattern carved by the ancient emperor, if you make a wrong step, you will be teleported to the terrifying area in the undead mountain.

Of course, this is just a more convenient teleportation array for Lu Yan.

Just like now, after a teleportation, he came directly to a location close to the central area, saving at least half of the journey.

After going deep into the Undead Mountain, you will find that everything around you has turned black.

Under the influence of the environment, it seems that even the sky has become a bit darker.

From a psychological point of view, the color of the surrounding environment will affect people's emotions.

This is why the walls of the hospital are chosen in white and blue.

Such a dark environment made Lu Yan feel a little serious involuntarily.

If it were an ordinary monk, he would probably choose to climb the mountain in front of him to confirm his location.

But Lu Yan didn't need to do this.

He narrowed his eyes slowly.

The life perception provided by Symmetra told him that this place was not as dead and silent as it appeared on the surface.

Instead, it is full of life.

In the lakes between the mountains, there are a lot of unknown life activities.

Maybe it's the fish fed by the owner of the place.

Although his judgment was affected by so many breaths of life, Lu Yan felt a little happy instead.

Unexpectedly, the taboos of these undead mountains exist, and they are still fishermen.


A breath of life that was so thick that it could be called huge appeared in his perception.

But the activity level is very low.

It doesn't feel like life to him, it seems to be some kind of plant.

After confirming the direction of this breath of life, Lu Yan walked towards the direction he sensed.

He didn't intend to cover up his whereabouts at all, as if he didn't care about being discovered by those taboo beings as an outsider.


A dark area.

Suddenly there was a dry and decaying sound.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such an arrogant guy, is there any fellow Taoist who wants to make a move?"

In fact, most of the monks who strayed into the Undead Mountain, as long as they keep their tails between their legs, these taboos would not deliberately target them.

It's like finding a mosquito in your home while taking a nap. As long as the mosquito is far away from you, you don't bother to kill it.

Whoever swaggered like Lu Yan did not take them seriously at all.

"He has the smell of Hengyu on him, the old man will go and have a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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