Chapter 706 Coveted
Almost in the blink of an eye, the Holy Master of the Jiang Family had already left the Yaochi Holy Land area.

Seeing this scene, the young people present were taken aback for a while.

The saint-level characters in their impression are all stable and powerful. When did they run away like this with their heads in their arms?
Thinking of this, many people looked solemnly at Lu Yan.

Is this the deterrent power of Senior Lu?
After saluting with the holy lords, the saintess of Yaochi led everyone to the main hall of the meeting place.

With a smile on his face, the holy master of the Ji family stepped forward to show his goodwill, wanting to confirm the relationship between Lu Yan and Ye Fan by insinuating.

But Lu Yan didn't want to talk to them very much, he just asked the saintesses of Yaochi when they could eat flat peaches.

On the contrary, Ye Fan was happy to explain to the holy masters.

Besides, Lu Yan did not interrupt and deny the whole process, allowing Ye Fan to boast nonsense in front of these holy masters.

As the saintess of Yaochi walked a certain distance, a suspended Qionglou Yuyu appeared in everyone's sight, decorated with flowers and trees, surrounded by lotus ponds, surrounded by clouds and mist, just like a real fairy world.

From time to time, people can be seen coming with a rainbow in the sky, and there are also various divine chariots flashing, running over the sky.

Great figures kept appearing, and even the holy lords who followed Lu Yan seemed more commonplace in this kind of grand gathering with frequent appearances of power.

Relatively speaking, the Holy Land of Yaochi has nothing to do with the world, and it hardly has any enemies with any forces.

Therefore, when they opened the Pantao Festival, all big forces and top casual cultivators were willing to give Yaochi Holy Land this face.

Lu Yan looked around, and in the sky, there were phoenixes and cranes flying together, and Shouyuan was serving peaches and pouring wine.

Seeing this, Ye Fan clicked his tongue incessantly.

"It's very similar to the Heavenly Palace in myths and legends."

Suddenly, the holy masters stopped and looked at the young man with golden body in the distance.

What did they discover?
Ye Fan used his divine eyes to observe his body.

Then my heart skipped a beat: "Fight against the Holy Ape."

Fighting Holy Ape belongs to the ancient royal family.

The most important thing is that this monkey was cut out of the source stone by Ye Fan, so there is naturally a lot of cause and effect.

"Already walking in the world, is the ancient race going to recover so soon?"

The eyes of the holy master of the Ji family became complicated.

These holy lands have no guts to fight against the ancient race in the open.

After all, the world has changed, if you dare to siege, there will definitely be the ancient king who will liquidate the siege in the future.

not to mention……

Looking at the young man's strong and powerful body, there is no doubt that he is already equivalent to a top-level holy master.

It's already so tyrannical before it really grows up.

However, when the fighting holy ape saw Lu Yan and his party, he took the initiative to walk towards them.

"I know you and I heard that you have many treasures on you."

Monkey looked at Lu Yan with piercing eyes and said directly, "I need magic medicine to save people. If you give it to me, I will return you a big favor in the future."

Lu Yan actually had the elixir on him, whether it was the magic liquid of the Xuanwu elixir or the leaves of the ancient tea tree of enlightenment, he had traded a lot.

However, he had never seen the ancient race before, and when he saw the monkey's straightforward expression, he shook his head amusedly.

"What use is your favor to me?"

The Holy Master of the Ji Family looked awkwardly, as if he wanted to explain.

After all, the ancient race should not be underestimated.

As the real ruler of this land in the ancient times, the human race can only survive carefully under its rule.

However, something happened later, which caused the ancient races to self-proclaim themselves.

After Lu Yan and his party appeared below the palace, more and more people noticed them.

Whether it is the Holy Body or the Holy Lords, they are not small people.

Not to mention the figure carrying the black stele, who is currently the most concerned existence in Donghuang!

A lot of great people welcome us, including the local golden family in the Northern Territory, as well as the supreme power of the human race.

They all behaved very humble in front of Lu Yan, like stars holding the moon, they surrounded Lu Yan and his party into the palace.

"I heard that Senior Lu wiped out the saint of the Jiang family yesterday, but I couldn't see it with my own eyes. It's really a pity."

Some people seemed to be extremely disdainful of the Jiang family, saying that Lu Yan did a good job.

It was an old Taoist in a feather robe, Taoist Crow, but a peerless old demon, but he behaved very cutely when he was next to Lu Yan.

The original high-spirited talk, with the appearance of Lu Yan, completely changed the topic of discussion.

The Primordial Race is about to come out, and maybe even a saint is nothing at that time, but at least so far, Lu Yan is still the undisputed number one powerhouse in the Eastern Wilderness.

Seeing Lu Yan at this time, everyone was talking about him.

There are jade tables in all Qionglou Yuyu, but these are actually places for the younger generation.

The Supreme Elder of Yaochi Holy Land came out and politely let him enter the Heavenly Palace.

To be able to enter the Heavenly Palace, one must either have a supernatural status, or be a strange person, or have a high level of cultivation.

In addition to saving face, there is also a king of flat peaches in the Heavenly Palace. In terms of medicinal power, it is far better than the ones outside.

Ye Fan and the others and the big black dog followed Lu Yan silently and walked into the Heavenly Palace.

The Supreme Elder of Yao Chi seemed to want to say something, but in front of Lu Yan, he didn't dare to say anything to make Ye Fan and the others withdraw.

Looking at Tiangong, except for Lu Yan and Ye Fan and others behind him, everyone else has white beard and hair, and they are very old.

Almost everyone in the Tiangong stared at Ye Fan and the descendants of the big bandits behind him, and the hall fell into a commotion.

Some old people should have retreated for too long and didn't know Lu Yan's origin. After the friend next to him secretly explained through sound transmission, they looked at Ye Fan with jealousy or envy.

"Ye Fan, you are enviable. You must have gathered all the nine secrets, right?"

I don't know who sent this sound transmission, and it spread throughout the entire Tiangong in an instant.

There was an old man in the Heavenly Palace whose complexion flickered.

This opportunity is too great.

Whether it's the Nine Secrets, or various imperial scriptures, the secrets about the forbidden zone of life, or even the ultimate emperor's soldiers.

Any of these are enough to drive people crazy.

And Ye Fan kept proving how good his relationship with Lu Yan was along the way.

The main thing is that Lu Yan has not refuted it yet, so naturally no one will doubt it.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, based on the relationship between the two, Lu Yan should have given Ye Fan a lot of good things.

Someone sneered slightly and looked at Ye Fan meaningfully.

If it weren't for Lu Yan being by his side, someone would have been unable to hold back and would have taken action to snatch it away.

But there is no doubt that Lu Yan will not always be by Ye Fan's side.

There will always be a day of separation, when the hands and feet are clean, no one will know who did it.

(End of this chapter)

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