Chapter 707 Persecution
At this moment, the hall was a little cold.

Many people gathered on Ye Fan with meaningful gazes.

This made his heart sink.

Then he casually took out the Flying Thunder God Kunwu that Lu Yan had given him earlier, and put it on the table in front of him.

After showing the Flying Thunder God Kunai, the atmosphere in Tiangong eased a little.

What happened that night has already spread throughout the Northern Territory.

This strange weapon seems weird and has no fluctuations in divine power, but it can directly teleport Lu Yan.

With such a Flying Thunder God in his body, even when Ye Fan was alone, no one would dare to rush to snatch it.

I thought it was over like this.

Unexpectedly, someone said in a voice transmission secretly: "You are really a lucky boy. Not only has he won the favor of many strong people, he also heard that he once retreated from the Bronze Immortal Palace."

"That's right, Ye Fan has obtained the root of the source of Qi, the mother of all things, and must have been recognized by the inheritance of the Ruthless Emperor."

These voices all came from the dark, and it was not revealed who made them.

But the intention couldn't be more obvious.

The Bronze Immortal Palace was once used as a dojo by the Ruthless Emperor, and Ye Fan once obtained the source root of the mother of all things in it, and retreated from it. This means that Ye Fan also obtained the inheritance of the Ruthless.

With so many sound transmissions, good and bad are mixed together, wanting to make Ye Fan a target of public criticism.

"Everyone may not know that when Ye Fan saved the peerless god king, the elixir of immortality was the dragon fruit produced by the elixir of immortality."

As soon as the news came out, everyone was in an uproar.

A Holy Master figure couldn't sit still anymore, and stood up suddenly from his seat, with a biting murderous aura permeating the air.

"I only obtained the Mother Qi of all things in it, not the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art."

Ye Fan opened his mouth to clarify.

Unfortunately, such explanations are of no avail.

Some people have actually been waiting, what is lacking is an excuse to make a move.

An old man from the Yuanshu family cupped his hands towards Lu Yan and said, "Senior Lu, if Ye Fan is the inheritor of the ruthless man, do you still want to protect him?"

You know, Ruthless is different from other great emperors.

The one who was originally known as the Great Emperor of Swallowing Heaven, the Emperor Sutra Swallowing Heaven Devil Kung Fu passed down by him was to swallow other tyrannical physiques to prove the Tao. The whole earth trembled because of it, and no one wanted her kung fu to be born for the second time.

What's more, as a great emperor, he was so ruthless that he sacrificed his godless body. This is completely different from other great emperors in terms of skills and behavior, and he is a villain.

Lu Yan casually put the flat peach to his mouth and took a bite, noncommittal about the current situation.

And his posture, in the eyes of many heroes, seems to be the tacit consent of everyone to press Ye Fan.

"If you want to prove your innocence, you must explain the origin of the true dragon's elixir, otherwise it will be related to the inheritance of ruthless people, and no one can save it..."

A hero spoke coldly.

At this time, Lu Yan had finished eating the flat peach in his hand, and casually threw the peach pit on the table in front of him.

Looking up at Queen Mother Xi who was sitting on the main seat, she said unhurriedly, "Peaches are delicious, do you have any more?"

"Naturally there is."

Queen Mother Xi waved her sleeves, and two women with fluttering belts came forward with plates to supplement.

The hero was interrupted by Lu Yan's action, and his emotions were not very coherent. After a while, he continued to say to Ye Fan: "With Senior Lu present, we will not take your elixir, but we will take it with you. Let's go and see to prove your innocence."

The eyes of many strange people and strangers are uncertain, the elixir is too important, they all want to see it, and they have their own plans in their hearts.

Smiling, Lu Yan shifted his gaze from the flat peach in front of him to the hero, and said, "Can you please stop, and interrupt me when I interrupt you."

Although the tone was gentle, the words did not sound so friendly.

The hero was stunned for a moment. He was just ruling the Northern Territory, and he was far away from Lu Yan's terrifying method of obliterating the saint with his hand.

He dared to force Ye Fan, but he definitely didn't dare to force Lu Yan, so he immediately swallowed the following words from his heart.

With this pause, the Tiangong suddenly became silent.

Before Lu Yan made a statement, they might still be able to try to get something out of Ye Fan by relying on the number of people, but after Lu Yan expressed his dissatisfaction directly, they didn't dare to speak out again to be the top bird.

"You don't need to do this, I believe Ye Fan has nothing to do with the Ruthless Emperor."

The host, the Queen Mother of the West, came forward to defend it. After all, it was a grand peach festival opened by their Yaochi Holy Land, and she didn't want to see everyone fighting in Yaochi.

"In and out of the Bronze Immortal Palace at will, all things' mother energy and the real dragon's elixir are obtained by him. We have reason to believe that he has obtained the Heaven Swallowing Demon Sutra."

Some people still don't want to let Ye Fan go.

In fact, this is an excellent opportunity. There are high-level officials present from all major forces in the Eastern Wasteland. If Ye Fan is ruled as the inheritor of Ruthless Man, All Saints will not allow him to live in the world.

Many people rushed forward, the murderous intention filled the air, causing the temperature in the Tiangong to drop suddenly.

Faced with such a situation, Lu Yan turned to look at Ye Fan with a smile as if nothing had happened, and joked, "How many people have you offended, and you don't even have anyone to help you talk."

Ye Fan sighed with some helplessness: "The way of the great emperor is to be enemies in the world. If you kill one, you will be implicated. You are always undefeated, and you always have to kill..."

"The same is true."

Lu Yan nodded thoughtfully, and then persuaded, "But don't be too murderous, there are many friends and many paths."

Hearing this, Ye Fan's eyes widened: "Are you qualified to accuse me?!"

The two just talked like no one else.

Nearby, many heroes had already shown their killing intent, but it was a pity that with Lu Yan present, it was difficult to make a move.

Lu Yan glanced at it, and did not deliberately lower his voice, but asked as usual, "Do you want me to help?"

Ye Fan shook his head.

In fact, according to Ye Fan's temperament, many times he would rather rely on his own ability to solve problems than rely on others to protect him all the time.

The flowers in the greenhouse can never become truly strong.

Ye Fan turned his head and looked at the holy lords and strange people approaching around him, and said calmly: "I can take you to see the real dragon medicine, but I must first explain that that place is not a good place. If you want to go, Live and die at your own risk."

"That's right, so you can be sure if what you said is true."

A Supreme Elder from the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion teased.

Once the real dragon elixir appeared, it obviously no longer belonged to Ye Fan.

A violent air wave swept out, and the surrounding desks were all crushed into powder.

Everyone stared at Lu Yan in the center of the arena with lingering fear.

I saw him take his fist out of the Supreme Elder of the Purple Mansion Holy Land.

"I don't like his tone of voice."

(End of this chapter)

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