The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 713 Buried Again

Chapter 713 Buried Again
Hearing the words of Holy Master Ji Family, the corners of Holy Master Yaoguang's mouth twitched.

He had never seen the Holy Master of the Ji family so shameless.

Hastily stretched out his hand to block the front, and said eagerly: "This statement is wrong. Senior Lu's action saved everyone present. When is it your turn to express your gratitude to the Ji family?"

After the surrounding heroes confirmed that these ancient creatures gave up their shot, they finally had a chance to catch their breath.

They all looked at Lu Yan eagerly.

Regardless of how credible the rumor from the fairy world is, Lu Yan's power to crush saints is enough for them to find a way to make friends.

Lu Yan waved his hands with a smile and said, "No need to thank you."

Ye Fan stretched out his hand to grab the big black dog, and was about to leave here, but he missed it.

At this time, the big black dog had already groped towards the cave secretly.

Although the ancient king must still be sleeping in the cave, it could be that he hasn't woken up yet.

The treasures in Wanlong's Nest are quite rich.

There is even a top-level magic medicine such as the real dragon elixir.

With the temperament of a big black dog, he is absolutely reluctant to leave at this time.

Lu Yan looked at the sneaky look of the big black dog, and said to Ye Fan, "I'm going to leave."

Burying himself in the ground and quietly waiting for the Terran stele to be unsealed is what he wants to do now.

He has even seen the Supreme in the Undead Mountain.

These ancient royal families have not been able to make him interested.

As for the transaction required by the mission, we have to wait a little later.

The heroes and the ancient creatures watched Lu Yan walk towards the exit of the underground palace, and no one dared to stand up and stop him.

Ye Fan and the others forcibly pulled the big black dog and followed behind Lu Yan.

When Lu Yan and his party left, the heroes hurriedly followed.

They didn't forget that there were still ancient creatures around here, so it would be better if Lu Yan was there.

Now that the senior is gone, they can't guarantee whether these ancient creatures will attack again, so naturally they won't stay here any longer.

With Lu Yanwei as their leader, the group walked towards the ground along the narrow opening.

Not long after, a group of people appeared on the snow one after another.

After all, everyone came to participate in the Pantao Festival at the beginning, but suddenly because of the real dragon elixir, everyone came to the ruins of this ancient holy land.

As the host of Yao Chi, Queen Mother Xi took a rough glance, knowing the general casualties in her heart, and her face couldn't help but become a bit solemn.

These people present are the high-level officials of many holy places, the masters of the Great Cult.

All of a sudden so many great people fell.

This is a catastrophe, it can be regarded as a world-shattering murder.

Some people even suspect that the ancient creatures buried underground may be born.

The Holy Land and the remote ancient family can still dominate now, but once the ancient creatures are born, they will definitely ride on their heads.

Therefore, even many holy masters became uneasy.

They can't call out the background as soon as an ancient creature comes to the door, no matter how much background there is, it's not enough to be like this.

Such a catastrophe, someone must stand up and bear it.

It is human nature to blame rather than attribute.

Immediately, someone looked at Ye Fan with unfriendly eyes.

They thought that all this was done by Saint Ye Fan. If he had told everyone in advance that this was the sleeping place of the ancient royal family, they believed that such tragic casualties would not have occurred, and these ancient creatures would not have been awakened.

It's a pity that Ye Fan has been standing beside Lu Yan. Even if these heroes are angry, they dare not vent their anger on Ye Fan in front of Lu Yan.

It stands to reason that they asked for all of this, but as big shots, it is obviously impossible to let it go so easily.

He was going to wait for Lu Yan to leave Ye Fan before hiding his identity and attacking Ye Fan.

After all, when he was in the cave, Lu Yan said that he was going to leave.

All heroes are willing to wait patiently for a while.

"Okay, there will be a period later."

Lu Yan touched Ye Fan's head with a gentle tone.

Then, without waiting for Ye Fan to respond, he broke off the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his pocket.


Deep in the oasis.

Namikaze Minato rested his chin in one hand, and sat on the grave mound bored.

"Why so long..."

Suddenly, as if he had received some kind of news, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Forged a seal of the art of flying against the god of thunder.

A puff of white smoke rose.

Lu Yan's figure appeared in front of the grave.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lu Yan laid down in the pit with ease, looked at Namikaze Minato and added with a smile: "Please bury me again."

the other side.

In the depths of Daxue Mountain in the ruins of Mingshen Palace.

There are surviving pattern masters who are constructing domain gates.

However, most of the heroes did not pay attention to the domain gate, but instead looked at Ye Fan and the others with unfriendly eyes.

The atmosphere unknowingly became dignified.

Finally, Da Neng from the Beiyuan Golden Family spoke first.

"This son is cruel and merciless, and killed many comrades, how can he let him go, he should be punished!"

The Lord of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion also stared at Ye Fan indifferently: "Even if you are protected by seniors, you must be reasonable. Senior Lu is a person who understands right and wrong, otherwise why leave so eagerly."

After the words of these two powerful people, many people were moved, and they echoed their words one after another, gradually becoming murderous.

"Since that's the case, you don't need to worry too much, you and I can kill him."

One of the Supreme Elders of the Wanchu Saint had murderous intent in his eyes.

The lords of their holy lands all died in the lair of ten thousand dragons, and there must be an explanation.

Ye Fan glanced around the audience, but laughed instead.

"I don't want to explain anymore. You know what is right and what is wrong, so I just ask, even if I admit it, do you really dare to take action against me?"

Ye Fan took out a brand new Flying Thunder God Kunai from his arms.

Many people were speechless, but their murderous aura intensified.

Seeing this, Ye Fan's expression became indifferent.

He understood that in this world, right and wrong have no meaning, and only power is the only truth.

Holding Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, he turned to the descendants of Dakou and Daheigou and said, "Let's go."

This place is no longer restricted, and the big black dog quickly spread out a teleportation pattern in front of many heroes.

During the period, You Da Neng was ready to move, and he was unwilling to let Ye Fan and others leave just like that.

It's a pity that he didn't make such a hasty move after all, being scruples about Lu Yan's existence.

The light flickered, and Ye Fan and his party disappeared in place.

Many surviving heroes returned to the holy land of Yaochi through the domain gate.

In less than a day, news of the terrible disaster of Wanlong's Nest was reported, and the entire land of the Eastern Wilderness was shaken.

Almost all the elders in the major holy lands have fallen, and even the holy masters have died in batches.

This is a real catastrophe, and such news spreads all over the world as if it has grown wings.

(End of this chapter)

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