The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 714 The Birth of the Primordial Creatures

Chapter 714 The Birth of the Primordial Creatures

Ye Fan and others also came to the oasis.

Hearing that this is the place where the largest bandit in the Northern Territory lived, they planned to avoid the limelight here.

At least wait until the shock from the outside world subsides, or Ye Fan enters the realm of Sendai before stepping into the world.

You must know that Ye Fan's physique of the ancient holy body is enough to fight across the ranks.

At the first level of Sendai, he was already able to fight against most of the saint masters of the second level of Sendai.

Even after the Eucharist is completed, even if there is no proof, it is enough to challenge Ban Dadi.

Not only the combat power, but even the lifespan is [-] years the same as the emperor.

After all, the powerhouses in the world that shroud the sky don't actually have a long lifespan.

Ordinary Almighty, only two thousand years old.

The great emperor of the extreme way, who dominates the world, only has a lifespan of [-] years.

At most, it is to live a new life with the help of the elixir.

And once a great emperor proves the Tao, the path of the rest will be blocked. In an era, only one great emperor is allowed to appear.

Even if the great emperor dies, it will take 1 years for the world to wear away the mark of that great emperor.

Before the traces of the previous emperor dissipated, he was not allowed to become an emperor.

Therefore, many great emperors would choose to seal their parents and children or close relatives with the Shenyuan treasure liquid.

Let them wait for the birth of the next era, and fight for another chance to prove the Tao.

Although there has not been an example of the Eucharist proving the Dao to the Great Emperor yet, once the Eucharist is completed, it will not be much different from the Great Emperor.

This is also the reason why the ancient sacred body can be called the strongest physique before ancient times.

"Little Ye Zi, the noise you made this time seems to be getting louder and louder."

Li Heishui came back from the outside world and told such news.

The Pantao Festival is not over yet, more and more heroes gather in the holy land of Yaochi.

Especially the holy places or great religions where the power has fallen in their own family, all the power comes to ask for an explanation.

Like the old leader of the Yin-Yang Sect, his chosen successor died in Wanlong's Nest.

And his own lifespan was approaching, and all thoughts were lost, and he didn't even want to worry about Lu Yan's existence, so he wanted Ye Fan to die.

There are still many superpowers who think the same as the old leader of the Yin Yang Sect. They all gathered in the Holy Land of Yaochi and issued a statement, asking Ye Fan to confront him.

Ye Fan naturally won't go, once he goes, anyone with a brain can guess what will happen.

The big black dog grinned and said, "Let them bark, we won't go anyway."

Ye Fan also had the same idea.

Even if he had the trump card of summoning Lu Yan in his hand, he didn't use it like this.

As the days passed, more and more heroes gathered in Yaochi Holy Land.

But no one inquired about Ye Fan at all.

In a hurry, some great teachers issued a statement that if Ye Fan didn't show up again, they would issue a death order.

However, under the circumstances of this dark tide, some ancient creatures came to Yaochi.

This made everyone feel heavy.

After they left Wanlong's Nest, they might have guessed that the ancient race would be born.

But it never occurred to me that it would be so fast.

Those ancient kings are saints, and they run rampant across the land.

If such an existence returns to the human world, this land may change its owner.

Only those emperors who hold the foundation of extreme emperor soldiers and saints can have some confidence in the inheritance of the emperor.

The ancient creature who stepped into Yaochi was called Gudaoya. He was very calm and did not show obvious contempt.

I just want to tell you all the high-level leaders of the big forces that the ancient kings will return to the earth one after another.

And the king of his race is very interested in the senior named Lu Yan, and hopes to tell him about it.

In this era, there is no great emperor alive in the human race, and even because of the relationship between the heaven and the earth, there are not many kings who can even be slashed by the three immortals.

Primordial beings chose to be born in this era, so they would naturally choose to communicate with the strongest human beings in the world first.

Many heroes all looked at Holy Master Ji Family and Holy Master Yaoguang. If anything, these two were the only ones present who were closer to Lu Yan.

And these two holy masters also looked at each other in dismay. At most, they had traded with Lu Yan when Lu Yan was famous in the Eastern Wilderness, so how could they know where they were.

The two Holy Masters did not hide anything, and told the news frankly.

Gu Daoya frowned, lost in thought.

He only has part of the blood of the royal family, and his status in the clan is not too high. If the king's mission is not fulfilled, it will be difficult for him to do it.

Then he asked who knew Lu Yan's whereabouts.

The old leader of the Yin-Yang Sect seemed to want the ancient creatures to help find Ye Fan, and told Gu Daoya that the holy body who could practice in the world knew Lu Yan's whereabouts.

After Gu Daoya left with the news.

On the second day, clouds and mist surged outside the Yaochi Holy Land, covering a large area with darkness, and it was unexpectedly invaded by a large number of ancient creatures.

Among them, the scales flicker, the black feathers flow, and all kinds of strange creatures are in it.

Many great powers have not yet left, they opened their eyes and observed a person in the center of the black mist.

There is no trace of ancient creatures.

Undoubtedly, it means that this is an ancient king.

"Within one day, I want to see the current Eucharist and the saint Lu Yan, otherwise, we will slaughter the people in the Northern Territory."

His tone was full of arrogance, and talking about slaughtering hundreds of millions of people in the Northern Territory was as plain as talking about eating fried rice with eggs at noon.

Obviously, this ancient king didn't have a good impression of the human race and wanted to cause bloodshed.

The clouds and mist kept churning, exuding a powerful aura, as if an abyss was about to burst out.

In the holy land of Yaochi, many strong people of the human race looked ugly.

Fortunately, there are extreme emperor soldiers in Yaochi Holy Land, and the Immortal Tears Pagoda is their support, so they are not helpless to fight back.

The strong human race in Yaochi Holy Land kept thinking about the way to break the situation. So many people failed to find Ye Fan, how could they find Ye Fan in a day.


A makeshift cabin in an oasis.

Jiang Huairen returned here and informed Ye Fan and others of the news.

Ye Fan was lost in thought.

Everyone in Yaochi Holy Land, including the saintess, treated him well. When he was persecuted by many heroes, the Queen Mother of the West also supported him.

This made him hesitate whether to go to make a rescue.

After all, he could really call Lu Yan out.

However, this ancient creature was not kind, and he was more worried that if too many ancient kings appeared, Lu Yan would be in crisis.

You must know that the ancient king is a title and does not represent the realm.

The ancient king can be a saint, but it does not mean that he is only a saint. Among them, there may be a saint king, or even a great saint who is a line away from the emperor.

Li Heishui was a little worried: "Did the ancient king really say that he wanted to slaughter the human race in the Northern Territory?"

"This is forcing Xiao Ye Zi and Senior Lu to show up."

Wu Zhongtian and other descendants of the great bandit also didn't know what choice to make.

Ye Fan was silent for a long time, and finally made this decision.

"I'll go take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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