The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 719 The Imperial War

Chapter 719 The Imperial War
The great sages and patriarchs who were in the battle outside the domain were extremely shocked, feeling in a trance that they were watching an unprecedented change in the situation.

The huge crack in the sky above the barren ancient forbidden land spread to the outside world, and many big stars that passed by were directly swallowed up.

Bright rain of light keeps pouring out of the Great Rift, and it's hard to tell what it is.

The Big Dipper Star Field is guarded by the Great Emperor's Array, and rays of light soar upwards, protecting all directions.

And all these astonishing sights are not comparable to the young man who offended the supreme before becoming immortal.

Yes, in their perception, such a move is tantamount to offending the ancient Supreme.

These great saints and patriarchs either existed in other star domains, or they ran out of the source of God after Lu Yan buried himself.

Nearly a hundred years have obliterated the traces of his existence in the past.

In addition, the human stele originally carried by Lu Yan has disappeared, so it is difficult to guess his identity from the image.

So except for some people who had seen Lu Yan with their own eyes, almost no one could recognize his origin. ,

Before Chengxian Road, the laws of the emperor's way overflowed, and various sounds of chanting resounded in the sky and the earth.

"Hahaha, boy, I was almost bluffed by you, so hurry up and leave."

Qilin Ancient Emperor let out a hearty laugh.

Obviously, in the eyes of these ancient supreme beings, only immortals can live forever.

And the young man who suddenly appeared in front of them couldn't possibly be a fairy.

Changsheng Tianzun looked at Lu Yan solemnly, and the ancient Taoist robe exuded a chaotic mist, which was mysterious and unpredictable.

"It's better to stay and wait for me to sacrifice the flag."

As an existence that once set off a dark turmoil, killing did not put any pressure on him.

The Longevity Sword in his hand waved, and the terrifying sword light lit up, as if illuminating everything in an instant.

This picture is beautiful, but it hides a creepy murderous intent.

Changsheng Tianzun didn't rely on only one character secret, he was able to survive from the age of mythology to this day, aside from the act of bloodbathing the heavens, it is also amazing enough in itself.

Lu Yan did not underestimate him.

He had fought against the Emperor of Stone before, and he knew exactly how terrifying power these ancient supreme beings possessed.

There is no intention of probing, directly enter the super race state, and the dead door is opened.

Golden swirls and blood-red steam covered the whole body.

"If you are not ready to trade..."

He didn't even look at it, and swatted the sword light that was coming towards him like a fly, then calmly looked at Changsheng Tianzun, and said: "Then be serious."

"This is?!"

Seeing this scene, Qilin Ancient Emperor was startled.

Even if Changsheng Tianzun was just a random blow, it was an attack from an ancient supreme being so easily blocked.

The most important thing is that none of the supreme beings present felt the fluctuation of divine power from Lu Yan, and seemed to resist it with pure strength.

The pupils of several supreme beings flickered, and gradually mist shrouded their bodies, making it impossible to see their expressions.

That is to say, the old man Hua Dao didn't feel surprised. After all, he is a guy who can fight off the Stone Emperor abruptly, so it's not easy.

Changsheng Tianzun's eyes became colder and colder: "It turns out that there is some ability."

Before the words fell, the longevity sword in the hands of Changsheng Tianzun suddenly became radiant and introverted.

Swinging the sword again, the inner strength exploded.

They have been sublimated to the utmost from the very beginning, and this time, it is a real emperor-level attack.

In the sky, the galaxy shattered, and a large area of ​​the star field was extinguished. The terrifying sharp edge made the sky seem to be cut into two pieces.

A sword is eternal, gorgeous and dazzling, making people blinded by the light.

Lu Yan didn't dodge or dodge, he punched out, and the vigorous power fluctuations around him almost solidified like a vast ocean.

Mars collided with each other like the earth, this is the collision of law, avenue and pure power.

Two very different systems of power are at war.

The unimaginable extreme terrifying fluctuations spread, sweeping in all directions, destroying endless stars, shattering galaxies, and turning them into ashes.

Even the fairy spirits that rushed out of the big crack were directly torn apart.

If it weren't for the protection of the Great Emperor's pattern, it would be impossible for the Big Dipper Starfield to survive the aftermath of such a battle.

But after the aftermath of the battle swept through, there was also a dead silence, which was extremely miserable.

The huge roar resounded through the universe, making the monks in the external battle feel pain in their eardrums.

"This is definitely a real imperial battle!"

"It's too scary, who is that?"

"Why is there no record of this person in the ancient books?"

Even these great sages, patriarchs, and even the quasi-emperor hidden in the void all exclaimed.

The whole world is shocked!

Such fluctuations in battle make the universe tremble.

Of course, the restricted area of ​​life is still detached, and such battles cannot affect it.

Those supreme beings who have not yet shown up in the restricted area of ​​life have all set their sights on the location of the battle.

Either surprised or suspicious.

When Lu Yan and Shi Huang were fighting in the Immortal Mountain, because of the barrier of the undead mountain, the sacred mountain of the universe, most of the Supremes were actually sleeping, not knowing what happened.

Outside the big crack.

Lu Yan and Changsheng Tianzun stood opposite each other.

The dazzling divine light dissipated a little bit, but the laws of the emperor's way became more active.

Lu Yan raised his right hand and looked at the back of his hand. There was a deep wound where the bone was visible, and blood was flowing.

It seems that there is some kind of energy influence, and the speed of self-healing of the wound is not as fast as imagined.

But Changsheng Tianzun himself was not injured, but the Longevity Sword in his hand kept whining.

This made him look ugly.

He knew that he had misjudged, this was a figure of the same level as them.

Now that he has shown his strength, he is naturally qualified to stand here.

"Young man, get out of the way."

Changsheng Tianzun's tone was cold, he was unwilling to fight against people of the same level when the road to immortality was opened.

Lu Yan shook his hand, a few drops of blood dripped from the back of his hand.

"I reject."

Although most of the time he was smiling, it was because he didn't regard the other party as an equal at all.

Strictly speaking, Lu Yan's temper is not good.

"I advise you to take care of yourself, it's not that the poor can't kill you."

Longevity Tianzun said coldly, while looking at several Supreme Beings aside, he added: "Everyone, let's take action together, there is no time to waste."

He still needs to save his strength to fight for the road to immortality, so how could he fight Lu Yan to the death here.

Anyway, the ancient supreme beings present all had the same purpose, so he directly pulled everyone to make a move together.

The joint attack of several supreme beings will not please even the great emperor.

"You really can't kill me."

After Lu Yan finished speaking, the aura around him swelled again before Changsheng Tianzun responded.

The flaming golden air swirl mixed with jumping electric arcs rushed towards Changsheng Tianzun.

(End of this chapter)

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