Chapter 720 Beheading

Changsheng Tianzun's tone was indifferent.

Even though he didn't expect that Lu Yan would take the lead in making a strong move.

But at this level, there is no fear anymore.

With another swing of the sword, the surrounding space that had just recovered not long ago collapsed again, cutting off the eternal blue sky.

Apart from Changsheng Tianzun who was forced to fight back, even the ancient emperors such as Qilin Ancient Emperor couldn't help but make a move.

In fact, while not sure whether this is the road to immortality, or what is inside, the Supremes who still resolutely went to explore the road must have put life and death aside.

It was impossible for Lu Yan to influence them.

Even the Hua Dao old man who had made a deal with Lu Yan also made a move.

Raise a dry old palm to smash the law of the Dao, become the only one, and move towards Lu Yanyin.

That kind of bark-like texture makes one's heart jump just by looking at it, and it is more terrifying than the collapse of space.

Including Changsheng Tianzun, the six ancient supreme beings present each used their own means.

It was earth-shattering, and the endless stars outside the domain were shattered and turned into dust in the universe.

They don't know exactly what Lu Yan's path is, and they can only guess from his display of combat power that it may be some kind of alternative enlightenment.

The Qilin Staff of the Ancient Emperor Qilin, and the Longevity Sword of the Longevity Tianzun, these are the extreme emperor weapons.

Only in the hands of a real emperor-level character can these weapons exert their most powerful power.

It's not as simple as one plus one, it will make the combat power superimposed to an unimaginable level.

Lu Yan leaped decisively to Super Saiyan III, the golden whirlwind soared straight into the sky, and the golden hair that rose up high grew to his waist.

This breath and posture shocked the endless creatures in the universe.

The air vortex covering his body was clanging, and there was a kind of extremely strong life wave,

Exclamations sounded from time to time in the extraterritorial and life restricted areas.

"What is this..."

"The breath has become stronger again, and the magnitude is astonishing."

"What kind of physique is this?"

In the cognition of the monks, no powerful secret method can achieve this level, it is more like a special physique.

Outside the big crack.

Even with one against six, Lu Yan did not have the slightest fear.

Supreme's combat power is astonishing, but it cannot be dealt with without fear.

What's more, there are still six Supremes joining forces to attack.

For the current Lu Yan, it is not easy for any Supreme Being to solve it.

The violent power fluctuations seemed to set off one hurricane after another, disrupting this space.

Various laws of the emperor's way surged, and the chaos and mist filled the air.

The ancient supremes were all the strongest in their era, and the path of the strongest was forged.

What a wealth of combat experience.

Even though they have never joined forces to attack like this before, it seems like they have practiced countless times.

Lu Yan fought back the dark blue unicorn stick with all his strength, without leaving him a moment to adjust his breath, the palm of the Taoist old man landed heavily on him.

The immortal platform of Hua Dao old man has been cracked, and the primordial spirit has been decayed. At his stage, even if he devours the blood essence of all living beings, he can no longer survive.

Therefore, he no longer kept it, and the terrifying ocean of divine power seemed to be able to crush the heavens.

Lu Yan spat out a mouthful of blood, mixed with some fragments of organs and tissues.

Under this palm, all internal organs in his body were shattered.

After all, facing six supremely sublimated ancient supreme beings, it is no different from facing six great emperors at the same time in a short period of time.

A supreme being of the human race spread his hands and connected the laws, revealing tens of thousands of divine chains of order, which quickly formed brilliant shackles and locked Lu Yan directly.

It seemed that he was about to control Lu Yan and stopped, not intending to kill him.

However, at this moment, Changsheng Tianzun suddenly erupted, and terrifying runes emerged, and a sword shocked him, as if everything was invincible and destroyed.

Under the blessing of divine power, this extreme imperial weapon slashed straight to the center of Lu Yan's eyebrows.

Changsheng Tianzun wanted to kill Lu Yan directly.

This kind of killing intent, which was regarded as nothing, made the other Supremes also change their colors.

Lu Yan was controlled by the Divine Chain of Order, unable to dodge, and was slashed head-on.

After a sword strike, the Heavenly Dao roared.

An extremely fierce blade storm swept across, and extremely terrifying forces were raging.

Under the control of Changsheng Tianzun, the fluctuation of divine power gradually dissipated.

In the end, nothing was left in the space where Lu Yan originally stayed, and everything disappeared.

Beside, several other supreme beings looked inexplicable when they saw this.

Such a person of the same level dissipated in the world like this, which made them all feel a little complicated.

Changsheng Tianzun still looked indifferent, without any expression.

As a mythical god who survived from the age of mythology to the present, even the dark turmoil has been launched several times, and his mind has long been as firm as a rock.

"The person blocking the way has been resolved, I will continue."

In the ancient forbidden land below, a woman in white and a figure covered in golden hair appeared.

This is the Ruthless Emperor and the Dacheng Holy Body.

At this time, the Dacheng Holy Body is not bound by chains like when we first saw it, and its posture is calm, as if it has recovered its sanity.

But after these two appeared, they stood still on the barren hill without any expression.

It's like simply coming out to see who is making noise at the door of the house.

"Even the Desolate Lord has appeared."

The old man Hua Dao returned to his half-dead appearance again, feeling weakly.

The ancient emperor Qilin held his own extreme emperor soldier, looked at the huge crack that was still spreading in the sky, and said: "There is no time to delay."

No one knows when the road to immortality will be closed, and these ancient supreme beings present have stayed in a state of extreme sublimation for a long time. If they don't enter, they may really have no chance.

All the supreme beings have no objection, and they all rushed towards the road to immortality, expressing their attitudes with actions.

Changsheng Tianzun didn't rush away immediately, but took a deep breath, and a wisp of white mist flew out of the bodies of tens of millions of creatures in the Big Dipper Starfield and sank into his mouth.

He is using the lives of all sentient beings to supplement the loss of the previous battle, so as to ensure that he is in a relatively ideal state.

All living beings, no matter how strong or weak, have the most precious substance in their bodies, that is life.

This is like treasures, hidden in the body of every living being.

In order to survive and resist the erosion of time, there will be supreme beings who choose to devour the lives of all living beings.

This is also the cause of the dark turmoil.

And Changsheng Tianzun swallowed it now, just to ensure that he has a greater probability of entering the road of becoming immortal.

"It's really sad."

Lu Yan's calm voice sounded.

I don't know when, he has reappeared in place, and he is unscathed!
Longevity Tianzun felt that he had experienced violent mood swings for a long time.

"Why are you?!"

Lu Yan twisted his neck, his expression extremely calm: "I said it before."

(End of this chapter)

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