The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 721 True Immortality

Chapter 721 True Immortality

"I said it before..."

Changsheng Tianzun thought about it in his heart, and then his face suddenly became extremely shocked.

"This is impossible."

The voice was hoarse, as if it was squeezed out of the throat.

How could the eternal life they pursued all their lives appear in front of them so easily.

Such a reality, Changsheng Tianzun does not want to believe it, nor can he accept it!
The supreme beings rushing towards the road to immortality also stopped their movements and turned to look at Lu Yan.

All of them showed expressions of disbelief.

They were sure that Lu Yan had been beheaded by the sword of Changsheng Tianzun just now, and even the traces of his existence had been wiped out by the law of the emperor.

But now, why did he appear on the spot unscathed, and he could vaguely feel that his aura had become stronger.

Encountering such a situation, all the supreme beings are a little at a loss.

The truth is that there is no experience in dealing with this situation.

"When you encounter something you don't understand, you subconsciously refute it. This is a sign of lack of self-confidence."

Lu Yan was very calm, not caring at all how much shock he had caused these supreme beings.

Hearing this, Changsheng Tianzun's gray beard trembled visibly.

What is not confident, the great emperors who have been able to achieve enlightenment throughout the ages are all true heroes, how can they not be confident.

It is really amazing that Lu Yan came back from the dead like this.

Changsheng Tianzun took a deep breath and said, "Can you really live forever?"

After asking this question, he could hear his heart beating rapidly.

As Gu Tianzun, who was struggling from the age of mythology to the present, he didn't know how long it had been since he had such violent mood swings.

The rest of the ancient supreme beings were equally excited, quietly waiting for Lu Yan's answer, and didn't even continue their journey to immortality.

Why do they want to become immortals?
Perhaps part of it is the pursuit of supreme power.

But in the era when they became emperors, they were synonymous with the strongest.

Both left and right are invincible, so what if they are strong?

If you want to become a fairy, the most important driving force is the longevity and long-term vision after becoming a fairy.

"Does it matter?"

Lu Yan didn't answer directly, but laughed instead.

"Naturally important!"

Longevity Tianzun growled.

It can be seen from his title how much he longs for longevity.

"Then beat me."

Before he finished speaking, endless golden air waves erupted from Lu Yan's body, and violent waves swept out round after round.

The power of the gods is like hell, and it is several times more terrifying than before.

The whole person turned into a golden light, and rushed straight towards Changsheng Tianzun.

At this moment, the longevity sword in Changsheng Tianzun's hand turned into a heavenly sword, which became countless times larger out of thin air, showing its sharpness.

Regardless of whether Lu Yan will tell him the real answer or not, he is so spared his life, of course he doesn't want to watch Lu Yan attack him.

The Longevity Sword, which had soared to hundreds of feet in length, slashed down, intending to cut Lu Yan in half.

Lu Yan didn't dodge or dodge, he slammed into the sword's edge solidly, and the dazzling light shone for nine days and ten places, shocking people's hearts.

The monks who fought outside the domain were speechless.

Such a scene is too shocking. Who can block a full-strength blow from a Mythical Celestial Master in control of his own extreme emperor soldier?

hum! ! !
A deafening hum resounded through the Big Dipper.

Under such terrifying battles, even with the protection of the Great Emperor's formation pattern, the Big Dipper Starfield gradually began to fall apart.

The extreme sharpness made the laws of heaven tremble.

The size gap between the two is like chopping a mosquito with a kitchen knife.

However, the end result was quite unexpected.

Not only was Lu Yan not killed by the huge Longevity Sword, but he pushed the Longevity Sword back to the position of the Longevity Tianzun.

No matter how hard Changsheng Tianzun wielded his divine power, it was still useless.

"Everyone! What are you waiting for!"

Changsheng Tianzun crazily blessed his divine power to resist, and shouted at Qilin Ancient Emperor and other supreme beings: "Aren't you curious about the secret of this son?"

"Help me kill this beast quickly. If I delay any longer, I will definitely grow old and die."

At this time, Changsheng Tianzun really felt the pressure brought by Lu Yan.

The revived Lu Yan, because of the influence of the Saiyan's dying passivity, not only did not weaken his power, but it skyrocketed again.

Now Changsheng Tianzun is very sure that he alone is completely unable to suppress Lu Yan.

If you should call for help, call for help.

After living for so long, many things have long been seen.

Apart from life, everything else can be given up.

Qilin Guhuang and the others hesitated a little.

After all, Lu Yan didn't attack them now, and they didn't care about the life and death of Changsheng Tianzun.

What's more, the road to immortality has already been opened, so it may not be realistic for them to give up their hope of becoming immortal and fight Lu Yan to the death.

However, Changsheng Tianzun did not wait for Qilin Ancient Emperor and others to help, but instead waited for another new Supreme.

A powerful seal came from the sky.

Lu Yan's explosion was interrupted.

It was a heroic man in battle armor.

The battle armor all over his body is shining brightly, but it is made of fairy material such as feathered green gold, and has a kind of extremely powerful life fluctuation.

This ancient supreme came out of the sea of ​​reincarnation, and his background is also not small.

Known as the Lord of Reincarnation.

He didn't intend to make a move at first.

According to his calculations, the road to immortality opened this time was not the correct time, so he chose to continue dormant.

But when it was discovered that there were immortal people, the Lord of Reincarnation finally couldn't help but make a move.


The Lord of Reincarnation was the first Supreme to come out to seek answers, but he was not the last.

The aura of the emperor's way in those life restricted areas became active, and many dormant ancient supreme beings were ready to take action at any time.

It is suspected that there is a real eternal existence.

Such a situation made their blood spurt even more than becoming a fairy.

The lord of reincarnation is calm and calm, his pupils emit a strange light, and his forehead bone is crystal clear, shooting out thousands of celestial lights.

The goal of all fairy light is Lu Yan.

We must control Lu Yan and figure out what is going on with him.

After all, in their view, everyone is at the same level, and there should be no such thing as cheating.

With the help of the lord of reincarnation, Changsheng Tianzun cooperates decisively in running the Tao.

If we say that controlling Xianguang like this at the beginning, it might make it difficult for Lu Yan.

However, after the resurrection, Lu Yan's power has skyrocketed again, and this level of hindrance is no longer in his eyes.

The bright golden light spread around Lu Yan, and finally opened up a golden ball with a diameter of several hundred feet.

The celestial light control of the lord of reincarnation was dispelled on the spot.

After doing all this, Lu Yan rushed out again without even adjusting his breath.

(End of this chapter)

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