The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 724 Massacre Supreme

Chapter 724 Massacre Supreme
These so-called great emperors and ancient emperors.

They had no idea what a terrifying existence they were facing.

Another unimaginable terrorist attack broke through, surpassing everything, and blasting half of Lu Yan's body.

Even though he was torn apart and blood was flying everywhere, Lu Yan's expression did not change at all.

While his body was recovering, he was still persistently chasing and killing Xiaoyao Tianzun.

But such a scene, in the eyes of the other supreme beings, seemed so horrifying.

They have seen a lot of life-threatening fighting methods, but they are all desperate methods at the critical moment of life and death. When can they be regarded as routine methods.

Is this the power of the law of eternal life?
After realizing this point, many supreme beings' originally quite intense emotions became even more surging.

No matter how painful the price is, the law of eternal life must be obtained!

Lu Yan didn't have time to adjust his figure, and was once again bombarded by a fierce divine light, and the half of his body that hadn't fully healed itself turned into ugly flesh again.

Xiaoyao Tianzun led him to circle continuously, while the rest of the Supremes continued to attack from a distance.

On the surface, it seems that Lu Yan is completely at a disadvantage in the current battle situation.

Xiaoyao Tianzun dodged Lu Yan's heavy punch again, and said: "It's useless, if you meet my Xingzi secret, everything will be invalid."

He has the self-confidence that a god should have.

As his way of becoming an emperor, in terms of speed alone, no one in this world can compare.

Lu Yan was unmoved.

Speaking of which, there is a very embarrassing thing about the Saiyan's near-death passivity, that is, if they actively seek death, they cannot trigger the effect of a surge in combat power.

In this way, with all the supreme beings keeping their hands back, it was really not easy for Lu Yan to be beaten to the brink of death.

The situation remained deadlocked.

The Supremes have no intention of making changes.

It seems that they intend to exhaust Lu Yan's strength with this style of play, and then make it easier for them to search for the soul to obtain the law of eternal life.

What they didn't know was that with such a thought, it might not be possible to exhaust Lu Yan's strength until he died of old age.

In the universe, all the powerful clans, even the Zhun Emperor, are scalp numb.

They didn't know the plan of the Supremes. In their eyes, Lu Yan persisted under the siege of dozens of Supremes.

What a heaven-defying method this must be!
And Lu Yan didn't intend to just waste it like this.

It's not that I can't hold it, but it's unnecessary.

"It's almost accumulated."

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes, and the deep bloody color covered his whole body, and the aura in his body rose instantly.

Golden power, blood for blood!

He has been accumulating blood since he fought against the Qilin Ancient Emperor and other supreme beings.

Up to now, the injuries caused by the Eight Doors Dunjia Formation alone are enough to explode with devastating power, not to mention being bombarded by many supreme beings for so long.

"Become stronger again? What's going on!"

"Don't keep your hands anymore, shoot with all your strength."

There was a layer of haze in the hearts of the Supremes.

Unknown things are always scary, not to mention watching the other party getting stronger in battle, Lu Yan's performance made them horrified.

Facing Lu Yan's sudden surge of aura and speed, Xiaoyao Tianzun turned pale with shock.

In desperation, he used the secret of Xingzi to the extreme, and stepped into the field of time.

If it is an ordinary person, in the face of this kind of power of time, in order to prevent the loss of his life, he will definitely throw a mouse.

But Lu Yan is different.

It's like he doesn't mind the passing of his life at all.

He rushed into the field of time, and punched Tianzun Xiaoyao firmly with a terrifying punch.

The brilliance flooded the universe, and no one could see clearly.

After the world-shattering collision, chaos surged, and this area was completely shattered. The aftermath of the battle turned the galaxy in the universe into star ruins, dilapidated.

Xiaoyao Tianzun's body was chapped like the land that had been dry for a long time, and he coughed up blood and flew out.

His brows were split open, blood was dripping, and his expression was full of unwillingness.

The law of eternal life is in front of him, but he is about to fall.

The avenues of heaven and earth in this place were almost cut off and became an area of ​​nothingness.

Even if the woman in white kept pouring her divine power into the Great Emperor's pattern all over the Big Dipper Starfield, she couldn't stop the starfield from being torn apart, and could only protect the creatures above as much as possible.

On the other side, after Lu Yan killed Xiaoyao Tianzun, he didn't stop quietly to mend his body, but rushed towards the Supreme who was closest to him.

"Shoot with all your strength, first suppress it, and then slowly map it."

The Supremes are not stupid. With Lu Yan's current combat strength combined with the law of immortality, if he doesn't take this opportunity to suppress him, maybe there will really be an existence who will always ride on their heads.

One, two...ten!
More than a dozen ancient supreme beings in a row chose to sublimate to the utmost.

They have no shortage of determination.

Moreover, the law of eternal life is in front, even if you sublimate to the utmost, you may not necessarily die.

With so many auras of the great emperor appearing at the same time, this area turned into a quagmire of laws in an instant.

Under the influence of such a large number of emperors, the road to immortality in the sky that was constantly gushing out immortal energy has become bleak.


Even a top existence in the emperor class like Xiaoyao Tianzun can't support the current Lu Yan, let alone these ordinary emperors.

Lu Yan swung his fist, and a great emperor overlooking the ages exploded.

The Heaven and Earth Avenue roared, and all the stars were turned into dust.

Lu Yan's killing didn't stop yet, and he rushed to the next prey.

See such a scene.

The universe is seething.

The monks who watched them from many star fields trembled.

Horror, horror!

When will the emperor be bombarded and killed like a mowing grass?
In the past, I didn't even dare to think about it, but now it has become a reality.

Unable to calm down, shaking forever.

Subverted the world's cognition.

They seem to have seen an invincible strong man rising up, shining a dazzling light.

And the Supremes who faced Lu Yan were even more disturbed.

As an existence of this level, when did you ever think about your own safety like now?
Now it has become a reality.

"Could it be...he is really a fairy?!"

Some ancient supreme beings couldn't help but exclaim.

Supreme divine power, immortality.

Isn't this the characteristic that the fairy in their imagination should have?
They were actually coveting such an existence in the first place?
There is a Supreme who wants to ask for a truce.

But the battle has reached the present, and it is no longer something they can stop if they want to.

Lu Yan was raging on the battlefield, and few supreme beings could withstand his attacks.

Many supreme beings have cold eyes, but their minds are still firm.

Even if they are true immortals, they might as well slaughter immortals today!
The supreme beings who still hold this idea are all the masters of the forbidden areas of life, or the famous emperors. Their strength is at the top even in the series of emperors.

(End of this chapter)

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