Chapter 725 Refining
As we all know, any great emperor is supreme in his era.

But this does not mean that the power among the great emperors is the same.

The gap between eras is sometimes greater than the gap between people.

The emperor who proved his way in the world of great contention is obviously stronger than the emperor of ordinary times.

Some great emperors were invincible all their lives, conquering all opponents and proving the Tao.

And some great emperors were defeated all their lives, and then came back after being defeated.

There is no need to say much about the difference in combat power between these two great emperors.

Seeing Lu Yan wreaking havoc on the battlefield, no one could stop him.

The masters of those life restricted areas couldn't sit still anymore, and decided to make a move together.

A high-pitched dragon chant resounded through Beidou.

A large purple dragon soared into the air, so huge that it completely covered the sky.

The bright rays of the sun bloom with immortal auspicious colors.

This is an ancient emperor named Wanlong.

It's a pity that in front of Lu Yan, Wanlong Emperor didn't even show any power, and was blown away by Lu Yan's fist.

Afterwards, he didn't even look at the stumps, and instead rushed towards another supreme being.

Whenever the Supreme makes a move, the spectators outside the domain will guess which emperor or ancient emperor it is.

In the face of these ancient supreme beings, the monks should have maintained a deep awe.

However, in the eyes of the monks who watched the battle, the ancient supreme who was easily blown up by Lu Yan on the battlefield really couldn't be combined with the recorded image.

"Senior Lu is too strong."

After all, it has been a while since Lu Yan showed up. Although he did not carry the human stele behind him, many people recognized Lu Yan.

After the news was passed, even the powerhouses in other star regions already knew about Lu Yan's experience.

Someone sighed: "It's unfathomable and unfathomable."

The big crack in the sky has stopped expanding, and it seems that the road to immortality is about to be closed.

If there is no Lu Yan, I believe that many ancient supreme beings will choose to make a breakthrough first.

But now that the law of immortality is right in front of them, the temptation of becoming an immortal to them is not as great as before.

As the masters of the restricted area of ​​life began to attack, the center of the battlefield became more and more turbulent, making this place boil.

The void was split apart, and countless lines of the emperor's path were broken and reassembled.

It was the six supreme beings who slaughtered Xiang Lu Yan together.

They have all been sublimated to the extreme, and the world is shattered in a single shot.

Without fear, Lu Yan went forward to meet him.

Until now, he is very clear.

The law of eternal life is right in front of your eyes, everything you say is false, these ancient supreme beings will never stop.

Of course, Lu Yan didn't care about these things either.

He swung his fist quickly, and punched each of the six Supremes who rushed over.

The aftermath of the terrifying battle spread everywhere.

The galaxies are shattered, and the sky is full of light and rain.

Even though the woman in white is trying her best to maintain the integrity of the Big Dipper Starfield, it is always easier to destroy than to create. The Big Dipper Starfield is slowly but firmly shattering.

The ancient Supremes did not care about this.

Their only goal now is the law of immortality, even if it destroys the Big Dipper Starfield.

The white tiger howled in the sky, the real dragon swayed its tail, and all kinds of phantoms almost turned this place into an age of mythology.

All Supremes are doing their best.

Lu Yan once again blasted the body of an ancient supreme being.

His eyes were indifferent, looking around.

In fact, he has already killed more than a dozen Supreme Beings.

But there are still a few Supremes who survived the severe injuries.

How powerful the emperor body is, it can even be compared with the Dacheng holy body of the unaccomplished emperor.

What's more, each of these ancient beings who can live for such a long time has a unique longevity method.

Even if Lu Yan hits him head-on, as long as the injury is not particularly serious, he can use divine power to forcibly regenerate.

However, this method is of little significance to Lu Yan who has infinite power.

It's nothing more than one punch is not enough, just another punch.

An even more terrifying attack unfolded. Lu Yan punched the ancient emperor of the snake, causing his head to bleed, and fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

On the way of falling, the Ancient Snake Emperor let out a miserable scream, his whole body was cracked, and his primordial spirit quickly disappeared.

In fact, I don't know if this should be regarded as a drawback of the Sky-shrouding cultivation method.

The cultivation method in this world pays attention to digging out one's own divine treasure, and they are all one.

If the body is injured, the primordial spirit will also be severely injured.

If their primordial spirits could exist independently of their physical bodies, Lu Yan probably wouldn't be as easy as they are now.

There was an ancient supreme whose hair stood on end, and didn't even dare to attack Lu Yan again.

An ancient emperor who was burning with divine fire obviously noticed this situation.

Let out a loud shout.


The emotion of fear cannot continue to spread, and Lu Yan must be defeated to obtain his eternal life law.

The four supreme beings used the laws of the emperor's way at the same time to suppress and kill them with the emperor's soldiers of the extreme way.

Everything along the way was shattered, even Lu Yan was suppressed for a short time.

Seeing this, the Supremes have extremely rich combat experience, and they will never miss such a good opportunity.

"Catch his soul, don't let him resurrect!"

"Refine him!"

Some supreme yelled, worried that after Lu Yan's resurrection, his strength would increase again.

Several celestial fires rushed together and turned into the most terrifying sacred furnace, completely enveloping Lu Yan and burning blazingly.

The laws of the emperor's way are vertical and horizontal, and all kinds of attacks burst out, everything becomes empty, and the runes are obliterated.

Dozens of majestic Great Emperor-level attacks landed at the same time, forming a storm that cut off the huge cracks in the distance.

The Big Dipper Starfield below was instantly shattered into countless pieces, and all the Great Emperor's formations dimmed and dissipated.

The violent power fluctuation subsided, only the Shinto oven was still shining.

"How's it going?"

"It's weird, his soul seems to be one with the body and cannot be refined."

The Supremes know all about the world, but they have never seen such a unique situation.

The ancient emperor named Beast God said ruthlessly: "Maybe it has something to do with the law of immortality, let's refine it together."

While speaking, another celestial fire was fired, and a large number of laws were intertwined into a net to melt Lu Yan.

In the Shinto oven, Lu Yan was refined into a scorched human figure, and the blond hair that Chao Sai III had was completely burned.

Constantly being forged and tempered.

No one noticed that his pupils were bloodshot.

It hurts so much!
In this long life, he tried many suicide methods.

But there are few times when the pain can be compared with such a living refinement.

With such a strong pain tolerance, he couldn't help but want to cry out in pain.

Human diversity is actually quite interesting.

For example, in a fight, if someone hurts you, different people will have different emotions. Some people are afraid, while others will become angry.

And Lu Yan...

It happens to be of the second kind.

(End of this chapter)

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