Chapter 726 Closing
Lu Yan's scarlet eyes peered at the supreme beings outside through the Shinto oven.

A vast ocean of icy killing intent surged out.

In fact, even if they were besieged at first.

Lu Yan wasn't too angry, after all, he was in the mood of having fun most of the time.

But no matter how good-tempered he is, he can't stand being burned in the stove.

What's more, his temper is really not good.

"It's really capable..."

Lu Yan said without a word, not hiding his anger at this time.

Of course, most people get angry when they are angry.

It is also impossible to single out the tiger with a sliding shovel, but it will be full of flaws because of not being calm enough.

But Lu Yan is different, he has the characteristics of a Super Saiyan.

To put it simply, the more angry the emotion is, the stronger the power that can be erupted.

You know, Super Saiyan [-] is not the end of Super Saiyan.

After Super Saiyan III, two branches appeared in the evolution line of Super Saiyan.

They are Super Saiyan IV, which represents the original wild power, and the Super Saiyan God line, which represents rationality.

It's a pity that the Super Saiyan God route needs to feel the breath of God. Lu Yan has left the world of Dragon Ball, and I don't know if he will have the opportunity to feel this so-called breath of God again.

At least for now, this route does not work.

The advanced conditions for Super Race [-] are relatively simpler.

As long as one's own basic strength reaches a certain level and has a tail, it is possible to transform into Super Saiyan IV.

Although Lu Yan doesn't have that tail, his ability to transform into a Super Saiyan is obtained from a blank scroll, which naturally meets the transformation requirements.

He could feel that his aura had swelled to a critical point, and he had vaguely touched a certain bottleneck. Once he broke through, he could master the ability to transform into Super Saiyan Four.

But it seems that something is missing, and I can't really step into that stage.

However, he has also reached the full power state of Super Saiyan III.

Outside the Shinto oven, the supreme beings continued to make law patterns and submerged into the oven.

They could see Lu Yan's situation.

At least on the surface, the effect of their actions is still very significant.

The Lord of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation said: "Hand over the law of eternal life, and we will live in peace, or you will be suppressed forever!"

"Go on, I want to see how long he can last!"

The beast god let out a cold snort.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Lu Yan's face, and he stared at everyone present with scarlet eyes.

That gaze made all the supreme beings present feel a little creepy.

He didn't mean to answer, but slowly raised his hands and pressed them on his head.

Then he used his hands suddenly, which directly cut off his life force.


Everyone was startled.

They all looked at Lu Yan's corpse in astonishment, swallowing saliva frantically.

Who has ever seen such a guy who commits suicide at the slightest disagreement? He has absolutely no experience in dealing with it.

"not good!"

The Lord of Samsara Sea suddenly exclaimed, and he came to his senses.

"He will come back to life!"

As if to echo his words, Lu Yan's body disappeared in full view.

The expressions of many Supreme Beings have turned livid.

They just realized that since the law of eternal life exists, even if they hold back, Lu Yan can commit suicide.

I have never encountered this kind of fighting style.

Not long after, Lu Yan's unscathed figure appeared beside the Shinto oven.

"Go on now."

Before the words with a strong killing intent fell, Lu Yan's figure had disappeared in place.

The Beast God suddenly let out a cry of pain, and half of his body exploded.

Fast to the extreme.

No one even caught Lu Yan's move.


The Lord of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation cursed secretly.

At this time, they really realized that they had nothing to do with an existence like Lu Yan.

The strength itself is astonishingly strong, and the most terrifying thing is that it can't be killed at all, and it can't be controlled.

Even if they had so many supreme beings present, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation could not see the slightest hope of winning.

"Stop him!"

The three supreme beings closest to the beast god stepped forward, trying to force Lu Yan to give up the attack.

However, an extremely huge force spread out, blowing them away.

Lu Yan paused for a short while, and turned to look at the supreme beings: "Don't worry, we'll be there for you soon."

After speaking, he rushed straight to the beast god.

Seeing this scene, the Beast God was terrified.

His imperial body has not yet recovered, and he has no confidence in receiving Lu Yan's next attack at this time.

"No... I am unwilling! Help me!"

The ancient bell soared to the sky, the sound wave swept across, the golden wings of the phoenix shone with red clouds, and the attacks destroyed the sky and the earth one after another.

But Lu Yan ignored these attacks like an outsider, put one hand on the top of the beast god's head, and watched the beast god struggle leisurely.

"You have lived for so long, you deserve to die."

Lu Yan didn't hide his killing intent, he punched the beast god, and then turned around to look for another supreme being.

The battle was fierce to the extreme, beyond everyone's imagination.

The sky collapsed, ghosts cried and wolves howled, patches of galaxy went out, and the Big Dipper Starfield below them was completely turned into pieces.

Every time Lu Yan punches, there will be unimaginable shock waves.

The true meaning is devastated.

There is a powerful Supreme who can fight Lu Yan twice, but it is useless.

Facing such an existence, the ending was doomed from the very beginning.

The supreme beings hate, mourn, and mad, but it is useless.

They have no chance.

But none of the Supremes chose to escape. They had already reached the limit of sublimation, and they could no longer survive this life. Even if all the living beings were exhausted, there were not enough Supremes to replenish their lifespan.

So they completely lose hope and just want to vent.

There are no more redundant words.

Blood spattered the world, and there was even the sound of the ultimate emperor's soldiers being broken.

A real battle.

Fighting so far, no Supreme can remain intact, all bleeding.

"Is this battle going to destroy the world?!"

"I have never seen the great emperors and emperors fall like today."

All beings were shocked and trembled.

Even the great saints who are separated by many star fields cannot keep calm.

It can be clearly felt that the scope of the aftermath of the battle is getting bigger and bigger.

The battle is too fierce, the universe will be smashed if this continues, and no one will be spared.

There is a supreme roar, and it will be destroyed as much as possible.

He was not killed by Lu Yan, but he could no longer maintain himself.

One after another, the three supreme beings withdrew from the state of sublimation, their whole bodies were dim, and they were swept into blood mist by the aftermath of the battle.

The consumption is too high, and it is impossible to maintain the state of extreme sublimation for a long time.

The Supremes are gone.

The lord of the forbidden zone raised his head and sighed, with complicated emotions.

They were all invincible in the world, and now there is such a day.

Desolate howls and wild songs.

Since death is inevitable, let it be as bright as possible.


(End of this chapter)

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