The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 741 Mission Failure

Chapter 741 Mission Failure
When I was in the dungeon of the Banquet Hotel, I met a ghost general, which directly increased the difficulty of the dungeon to the level of the Seven Realms.

But now it is surrounded by warrior-level resentful souls, and a king of resentful souls has to be added to reach the level of the Eight Realms.

From this point of view, the Nine Realms level may be extremely rare.

Just when Lu Yan was pondering this question, the king of resentful souls wouldn't wait for him to figure it out, and the terrifying attack had already fallen.

A huge dark purple handprint that was dozens of kilometers long appeared out of thin air and fell from the sky.

It enveloped Lu Yan and the countless resentful souls around him.

There was a deafening roar, and the whole planet seemed to tremble under the king's attack.

The terrifying power set off a violent hurricane on the surface of the planet.

Air waves mixed with sand and dust swept out, impacting everything around.

Yu Wulin presciently jumped off the carriage and got into the carriage to avoid the storm.

Although he didn't know the reason, he knew that the hardness of this carriage was beyond imagination.

Otherwise, he wouldn't want to get this carriage.

Half a minute later, the violent fluctuations caused by the attack slowly subsided.

The dark purple big handprint gradually disappeared, creating a huge depression on the ground.

There is not a single resentful soul left within the range of the Mahamudra attack, they are all wiped out.

Most of Yu Wulin's face was stuck to the car window, observing the situation outside.

At the center of the depression, Lu Yan stood on the spot unscathed.

It would not be accurate to say that he was unscathed, at least there were only a few strips of cloth left on his jacket.

However, he didn't see any signs of injury.

After the king of resentful soul noticed this situation, he was a little surprised.

"It survived?"

He is obviously just a reincarnation of the Five Realms, and his abilities are still in a state of being banned. After forcibly bearing his own attack, he was not injured at all.

The king of resentful souls couldn't accept it.

"What kind of monsters appeared in this group of reincarnations?"

Of course, he was amazed at most, and he would not be afraid if he really said it.

After all, he is a contract worker of the reincarnation system, and he can enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree, so he doesn't have to worry about his own safety.

Lu Yan also knew this, but he still walked straight towards the resentful king.

His character is not at all the type who won't fight back after being beaten.

The resentful king stood where he was, waiting for Lu Yan to come to him.

In the quiet environment, only the sound of Lu Yan's footsteps could be heard.

Like the tranquility before the war, the atmosphere seemed a little dignified.

At this moment, Yu Wulin trotted out of the carriage without fear of death, clenched his hands into fists, and shouted excitedly.

"Fight! Just fight! Fight if you can't win! Always be in a fighting state!"

Lu Yan: "..."

The King of Resentful Souls: "..."

The two looked at Yu Wulin at the same time.

Being interrupted like this, the atmosphere became inexplicably joyful.

Lu Yan's eyelids twitched, causing his emotions to become incoherent.

The notification sound of the reincarnation system sounded at the right time.

【Ding! 】

[End of the copy of the resentment carriage]

[Task Status: Failed]

[The obliteration begins! 】

The above are the system prompts that Lu Yan and Yu Wulin received.

The king of resentful souls didn't hear the beep, but he also guessed from the short pause between the two of them.

"It's boring."

After making a concise judgment, he ignored Lu Yan and the others, and turned back to the cab.

He has no interest in talking to two dead men.

Yu Wulin put on a critical face: "Oh, we are dead."

Lu Yan didn't answer, but looked up and down Yu Wulin suspiciously.

He didn't think this guy was in a state of imminent death.

But in the next second, Lu Yan felt an invisible force enveloping him, as if to erase the traces of his existence.

This is obliteration. He has been obliterated by the reincarnation system more than once.

I have gradually gotten used to this weird feeling.

The erasure of the reincarnation system is carried out at the same time.

Yu Wulin didn't even make any sound, and just disappeared.

It's as if someone erased the characters on the drawing board with an eraser, it's horrifying and weird.

Lu Yan's eyes gradually narrowed.

No wonder it is called obliteration, which is to eliminate everything about the target from the world, without leaving a trace.

Watching Yu Wulin being obliterated helplessly, Lu Yan himself remained unchanged.

Not even a little pain.

If he closed his eyes, he would suspect that he was not being wiped out, but a full body massage.

Time passed by minute by minute.

That invisible force finally gave up after being wiped out to no avail, and quietly dissipated from Lu Yan's body.

Not only that, but a carriage door appeared out of nowhere in front of Lu Yan.

Looking inside the door, I can recognize that this is the platform of Dongjiekou Subway Station.

The office workers crowded onto the subway busily, but no one noticed that Lu Yan was watching them.

Lu Yan quickly realized that the reincarnation system was taking the initiative to let him leave the dungeon.

Although this was his first mission failure, and he was still obliterated.

But if you really want to be angry, you don't have to be angry. Who would lose their temper with a tool.

Realizing this, he shook his head amusedly.

Step into the car door.

Noisy voices and platform announcements suddenly appeared.

It's like turning the sound back on while watching TV.

Lu Yan looked around and confirmed that he had returned to the real world.

Suddenly, a hand patted his shoulder.

Lu Yan turned his head away, and it was Yu Wulin who reappeared.

"Aren't you obliterated?"

Even though Lu Yan suspected from the beginning that Yu Wulin could not die so easily, he was still a little surprised after confirming this fact with his own eyes.

"Ah? So I'm already dead?"

Yu Wulin looked a little surprised.

"No wonder I'm alive."

He stroked his chin, not hiding his delight.

This reaction made Lu Yan speechless for a moment, always feeling weird.

Many office workers around heard their conversation, and they all showed crazy expressions. Some girls had already pulled out their mobile phones and were ready to call the police at any time.

"It's okay, I'm the real Yu Wulin now."

Yu Wulin patted Lu Yan's shoulder familiarly, looked around, and said, "Well... let's go out first and then talk."

It was only after six o'clock when the two entered the instance.

And now it's early eight o'clock, which is the rush hour for work.

There was an endless flow of people taking the subway to work, and Lu Yan and the others didn't intend to block the entrance of the subway station. They stopped only when they reached a place where there were few passers-by.

Along the way, Yu Wulin felt as if he was seeing the world for the first time, and he would glance at everything he passed by.

He rubbed his hands together and said, "Okay, let's go here, if you want to ask anything, just ask."

(End of this chapter)

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