Chapter 742 Changes
Lu Yan looked at Yu Wulin thoughtfully.

The life perception provided by Symmetra told him that the guy in front of him gave him the same feeling as in the dungeon, just the same.

But he just didn't feel right.

It's as if... this person is not the same person as before.

"Okay, I probably know what you want to ask, how about we exchange secrets?"

With a smile on his face, Yu Wulin kept rubbing his hands, and continued, "For example, if I can tell you my method, you can tell me the method to not be obliterated, how about it?"

"Not interested in."

After saying this, Lu Yan turned around and left.

It wasn't that he deliberately concealed his situation, it was just that he was not interested in Yu Wulin's methods.

The obliteration of the reincarnation system is indeed to completely obliterate this person.

Combined with the fact that Yu Wulin has no impression of the situation in the dungeon at all, he can probably guess what method Yu Wulin used.

Seeing that Lu Yan left as soon as he said, Yu Wulin didn't bother.

He waved his hand towards Lu Yan on the spot, and said loudly, "Then when you want to exchange secrets, come to me. I live in a mountain city recently..."

Lu Yan didn't even look back, and gradually walked away.


"Yo, come back so soon."

When he opened the door and came in, Duan Jianhui was still playing with his mobile phone.

Seeing it was Lu Yan, he put down his phone and said hello: "I went out so early in the morning, I thought you wouldn't come back until noon no matter what."

He glanced at the time and added, "It won't be nine o'clock yet."

Lu Yan explained: "I came across an overlapping space, at the Dongjiekou subway station."

Just a quick reminder.

As a matter of fact, when the reincarnation system appeared, the situation of overlapping spaces appeared immediately after.

Like the reincarnation system, no one can figure out the principles and laws of the overlapping spaces.

Overlapping spaces can suddenly appear anywhere at any time.

Many ordinary people choose to stay at home, which has also caused a serious setback to the tourism industry.

The most important business of the official reincarnation departments in various places is to deal with these overlapping spaces.

Otherwise, the crimes committed by some reincarnated people would not keep the people like Kuang Feng busy.

The uncertainty of this overlapping space is extremely high, even if a reincarnated person strays into it, it may not be guaranteed to come out alive.

Not to mention the ordinary people.

Even if you can't meet those extraordinary beings, as long as you can't find the exit of the space, it is not surprising to be starved to death.

Duan Jianhui nodded, indicating that he understood.

Then he seemed to think of something, and said, "Do you know those special buildings that appear in the reincarnation space?"

Lu Yan lay down on the sofa.

"I know, what's wrong?"

"Do you think I want to join a team of reincarnation?"

Duan Jianhui couldn't make up his mind.

These special buildings are one of the rewards of the division competition.

Among them are the reincarnated trade union hall, the auction house and even the ability exchange and so on.

Each building has its special function.

Take the reincarnation trade union as an example, by paying a certain amount of reincarnation coins, you can create your own reincarnation team, and the team members can get some pretty good results.

For example, physical recovery is accelerated, strength is improved, and so on.

Of course, this kind of increase is better than nothing for a reincarnation of Lu Yan's level.

However, for low-level reincarnation, it is very effective.

From Lu Yan's point of view, this kind of reincarnator team is actually quite tasteless.

Instead of spending a lot of samsara coins to get that pitiful buff, it's better to go to the samsara mall to buy some equipment.

The teams created so far can almost only attract those low-level reincarnations.

Quite a few teams never refused to come, and even the largest team had absorbed tens of thousands of reincarnations.

What the hell is a team of more than 1 people.

As for the ability exchange, it is a bit intriguing.

The effect of this building is just like its name, it is a place to trade abilities.

A samsara can choose to exchange his abilities with another agreed samsara.

One ability can be traded, or all of them can be exchanged.

Moreover, the reincarnated parties in the transaction do not need to stay awake.

This also means that you can stun a reincarnation and drag him to the ability exchange to obtain his abilities.

Fortunately, the order in Dragon Kingdom is relatively stable, and the official reincarnation department has also specially arranged guards at the entrance of the exchange, so far there has been no forced trading.

The situation overseas is relatively chaotic.

There were even rumors of people selling reincarnation in the black market, and it was just a show anyway.

Regarding these chaos, Lu Yan had no special opinion.

I don't even bother to trade with people.

The main thing is that the abilities he has mastered, if they really have to be exchanged for equivalent value, there are indeed not many reincarnated people who can afford to exchange them.

"It's okay, it's still somewhat useful."

Lu Yan responded casually, and opened the website of Bai Buqian on his mobile phone.

Interesting to say, there seems to be a law in all forums on the Internet.

The more professional the post, the fewer the replies.

In the forum, most of them are reincarnated people of the first or second world level giving advice.

Lu Yan had no intention of replying to the post, so he just brushed to pass the time.

Not all the forums are full of useless information. If you look carefully, you can still find some useful news.

For example, the optimized version of the medicine developed can guarantee a [-]% probability that ordinary people will become reincarnations. For example, cities near the joint campus will be used as pilots to monitor the itineraries of reincarnations, etc.

All this proves that the official department is trying to maintain social stability after the emergence of the reincarnation system.

As for the statement issued, it still said that efforts should be made to protect the lives and property of ordinary people.

In fact, whether the response at the national level is negative or positive, the people have basically accepted the fact that they will coexist with the reincarnation system in the future.

While Lu Yan was reading the news, Duan Jianhui cheerfully moved the bed out of the bedroom and placed it next to the sofa.

"You are this?"

Duan Jianhui put his hands on his hips, looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and explained: "Damn, it's not that I will go into a coma every time I experience missions, and I'll just sleep on the sofa from now on."


Lu Yan was stunned for a moment: "But why don't you think about why you fell into a coma?"

He has never seen Duan Jianhui in the forum. All reincarnators are sober after the end of the training mission.

No, it seems that Duan Jianhui was sober after his first training mission.

The reason why he fell into a coma later was because he was sitting next to him?

(End of this chapter)

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