Chapter 749
Inside the dilapidated shop.

Lu Yan opened his eyes in a daze, and was a little dazed when he saw soldiers rushing in one after another.

During the action, the metal clanging sound from the collision of armor carried a bit of chill.

If it were ordinary people, they would probably stay where they were in fright.

However, Lu Yan didn't feel anything, he was still lying on the wicker chair, he didn't even bother to sit up, he just watched the every move of these soldiers calmly.

This look of confidence made these soldiers feel very strange.

In order to show the majesty of the army, a leading general said in a deep voice: "Stand up!"

"is there anything?"

Lu Yan stretched his waist, and said without haste.

"Are you the owner of this shop?"


After confirming, the general winked, and two soldiers stood up and lifted Lu Yan from the rattan chair.

He didn't resist much, otherwise, under normal circumstances, these two ordinary soldiers wouldn't even be able to drag him.

"I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to come with us."

Jiang took the lead and briefly explained to Lu Yan, then turned around and said coldly: "Take it away!"

"Wait a moment."

Lu Yan still had a leisurely tone.

"I sell books here. If you can buy all the books, I don't mind going with you."

The general laughed when he heard this.

He had never seen such an arrogant prisoner: "You may not be very clear about your situation."

Lu Yan easily freed his hands and said with a soft smile, "I know very well."

After saying this, the subject suddenly changed, and his tone became calm.

"Your style of doing things makes it difficult for me..."

He glanced around and continued to add: "Thirteen people, this shop is dilapidated and there are no customers. What if it is stained with blood and scares away the few customers?"

"Besides, I'm not good at handling corpses. It's too cruel to ask the little girl next door to help throw corpses."

The general frowned, as if he didn't quite understand what Lu Yan meant.

He said coldly: "It's useless to pretend to be stupid, what are you still doing in a daze, right? Take him back and return to his life!"

In the second half of the sentence, the general said to these soldiers.

Lu Yan shook his head helplessly.

In just a few seconds, the shop fell into silence.

Lu Yan threw the lifeless soldiers out of the store like throwing garbage.

It is human nature to watch the excitement, and circles of people eating melons have long been gathered outside the street.

After seeing these armored soldiers being thrown out, some timid ones exclaimed directly.

There are still a few soldiers outside who are maintaining order while waiting.

Seeing this scene at this time, they all fell into a daze.

After throwing the last corpse out, Lu Yan picked out his ears.

"In order not to get blood everywhere, I have tried my best to control the force."

However, because the sound could not be conveyed, in the eyes of the onlookers, Lu Yan opened his mouth but did not make any sound.

No one guessed what he said, only some chilling and threatening words.

The people who were onlookers dispersed in a rush, and the few remaining soldiers didn't have the courage to continue to deal with Lu Yan, so they turned and ran away in panic.

Lu Yan leaned against the door of the store, and after seeing this scene, he sighed faintly.

"It seems that there will be no guests coming today."

Feeling briefly, Lu Yan lay back on the rattan chair that might fall apart at any time.

Strange to say, this wicker chair looks obviously dilapidated, but it is much stronger than expected.


In many cases, things happen regardless of people's will.

Just like Lu Yan thought that if this kind of thing happened at the store today, there should be no more customers coming to the store.

However, the fact is that an old man in official robes entered the shop alone.

Lu Yan slumped on the wicker chair, covering his face with an open book.

He said casually, "Didn't you see those corpses in front of the shop?"


The old man didn't care whether Lu Yan looked at him directly, and cupped his hands at him.

Lu Yan took off the book covering his face, sat up, and looked at the old man in front of him thoughtfully.

The life perception provided by Symmetra told him that this old man was not some hidden master, but a pure ordinary person.

"You are quite courageous."

Lu Yan didn't quite understand.

This old man is obviously in a high position, but he dared to come to his shop after this kind of thing happened, so he wouldn't be afraid of killing him?
"The store won't do anything to the customers, right? The old man is just here to buy books."

The old man was very calm.

In fact, he is not stupid enough to take the initiative to put himself in danger.

Before coming here, he had investigated the shop.

From opening to the present, the store owner has never shown his extraordinary ability, even if the customers yell at him, he will not deliberately embarrass him.

Taken together, the owner of this shop should not be the kind of brutal and bloodthirsty person.

So Bigan wanted to find out and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Lu Yan suddenly laughed, as if he saw something interesting, and said, "Okay, 100 taels of silver for a book, pick whatever you want."

"Uh... what?"

Bigan was about to go over to read those books, but after hearing Lu Yan's words, he froze on the spot.

"100 taels of silver for a book, is there a problem?"

Lu Yan repeated it again.

Bigan took a deep breath before forcibly suppressing the emotions in his heart.

He wanted to ask, are your pages made of gold?Where does the courage to sell so expensive?

Bigan's status is indeed very high, he is the younger brother of Emperor Yi of the Shang Dynasty and the uncle of Di Xin.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an important minister of the Yin and Shang royal family.

Even though he has a high status, he is actually not rich.

The money is either distributed to the people or used to develop the country, and it will really not be possible to spend so much money for a while.

He turned to Lu Yan and cupped his hands again, "Old Master, do it."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.


Bigan seemed a bit embarrassed to speak, hesitated for a while, and then made up his mind: "Dare to ask the shopkeeper, can I pay you on credit?"

"No, pay with one hand and deliver with the other."

Lu Yan said with a smile.

In his world, he knew Bigan.

I also admire the old man who pleaded for life for the people, but in this world of experience, the two have no friendship.

Bigan was a little dazed.

In Chaoge City, it was the first time he failed to brush his face.

"The shopkeeper...that's right."

After finishing speaking, Bigan turned around and left, not knowing whether to go back to get the money or what.

Lu Yan didn't get up to stop him, but just put the book on his head again, and continued to close his eyes and meditate.

(End of this chapter)

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