Chapter 750 Fire Attack
With the departure of Bigan, the shop has returned to its former tranquility.

The daytime passed without knowing it.

By the way, except for Bigan, no one else came to his shop on the way.

This is very abnormal, Lu Yan killed a group of soldiers in Chaoge City, not to mention laying out a big battle to besiege the shop, it shouldn't be such a quiet situation.

He rubbed his chin.

"Bigan suppressed this matter?"

There's no way, he has nothing else to do except to lie in the shop and think wildly.

Xiao'e from the pork shop next door didn't come to play with him either.

It is probably because of what happened in the morning. Before the safety is confirmed, it is impossible for a father to put his daughter in danger.


Lu Yan let out a long breath.

"I don't know when the book will be sold out..."

Having said that, he stopped complaining.

His brows raised slightly.

He found that no matter how sad he acted, he couldn't fool himself.

There was no slight mood swing.

Why such a task?How long will the task take?

He is essentially indifferent.

Time is meaningless to him.

Suddenly he laughed meaninglessly.



Longde Palace.

Di Xin sat upright on the black dragon chair, with an uncertain expression on his face.

Under the main hall, the two ministers Fei Zhong and You Hun knelt on the ground,
"Your Majesty, Beibohou Chonghouhu has led 5 troops to dispatch troops, and Xibohou Jichang returns to Xiqi temporarily, ordering troops to continue to advance. It is expected that the rebel Su Hu will be escorted to Chaoge in a short time."

"very good."

Di Xin nodded, then asked: "Last night, Su Hu entered a shop and ordered him to arrest him. Where is he?"

Su Hu stayed in a bookstore for a while, and when he came out of the bookstore, he led his family to kill the patrolling soldiers, and then turned back to Chaoge.

According to normal logical deduction, something must have happened in the bookstore.

After all, one of the big princes blatantly betrayed the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and the people of the world would inevitably guess that he, Emperor Xin, had done something wrong.

It would be a good thing for Di Xin if it could be proved that Su Hu was pushed by someone.


Fei Zhong considered his words for a while, and said, "Report to Your Majesty, this matter has been handed over to the Grand Master, I...I don't know."


Di Xin looked pale, and said, "Grand Master Xuan is here to see you."

Before the words were finished, Bigan had already walked into Longde Hall Shi Shiran.

After going through a set of kneeling procedures, Bigan said: "Your Majesty, the owner of that bookstore is not extraordinary, so don't take it lightly."

After hearing this, Di Xin laughed loudly: "Uncle, you are serious. I just met this person, so why not?"

"Your Majesty, I heard that this man was arrogant and rude. He beheaded a group of soldiers and despised the imperial court. His crime is unforgivable."

Fei Zhong suddenly opened his mouth to report the news.

Di Xin narrowed his eyes slightly: "Uncle, is there such a thing?"


Bigan was at a loss for words.

After all, it was a fact, and it was hard for him to refute it, but for some reason, he felt vaguely that he couldn't offend the shopkeeper.

Di Xin slapped the imperial case in front of him, and stood up abruptly.

Said in a deep voice: "Bold madman! Gu is the king of ten thousand chariots, rich in the world, and everything in the world is owned by Gu. This person lives in the court song and humiliates the court!"

Bigan seemed to want to rescue him, but Di Xin raised his hand to signal him to shut up, and then looked at the other two.

"Fei Zhong, You Hun."

"The minister is here."

"Within half an hour, I must see this person. If not, the two of you will come to see him!"

Fei Zhong and You Hun kowtowed in panic, and hurriedly said: "I... I obey the order!"


The sky has completely darkened.

The air is a bit stuffy, making people's skin sticky.

And it looks like there will be a heavy rain, with thick dark clouds completely covering the moonlight.

In this era, without moonlight at night, visibility is almost zero.

You can't see your fingers in the bookstore.

Lu Yan was lying on the wicker chair, playing with the old bronze lamp in his hand.

The kerosene above has been used up, and the remaining kerosene is probably not enough to last for a few minutes.

Besides, Lu Yan didn't have any tools to light the fire, so he simply gave up his plan to light the lamp.

In the dark, silently waiting for the dawn.

At this moment, there was a loud noise mixed with the collision of armor.

Lu Yan lay back on the rattan chair, looking slightly sideways.

There was a looming flame at the door of the open shop. Judging from the shaking, it should be the light produced by a large number of torches.

The noise was getting closer and closer, and the light of the fire became more and more obvious.

A smile gradually appeared on Lu Yan's bored expression.

Obviously, the goal of this team is this bookstore.

To be precise, it is myself.

Outside the bookstore, a large number of soldiers holding torches have surrounded the store.

With the flames flickering, it was impossible to accurately determine how many people there were.

Fei Zhong and You Hun stood at the back of the line without any expression.

They just lick Di Xin well, they don't have any skills, they can't lead soldiers, they are political and political waste.

Although Di Xin asked them to take Lu Yan back, they still chose to let professionals do it.

Lu Xiong secretly glanced at the second minister, sighed secretly, then took a deep breath to boost his spirits, and gave an order.

"Old Min, you lead a group of people to set fire to the shop and force the thieves out."

"Little head, ask your people to guard the shop, and don't let a single fly pass."

"The rest of the people wait. Aim the crossbow at the door. As soon as the thief comes out, shoot the arrow immediately."

Before Lu Xiong came, he knew about Lu Yan's situation in advance.

Being able to kill more than ten armored soldiers in a short period of time, it is obviously impossible for the opponent to be an ordinary person.

If you choose to storm the store, the space is too small and the queue will not be able to use it. There may be a lot of casualties, so it is safer to force them out of the store.

This is actually a very reasonable tactic, but unfortunately the target is not normal.

Lu Yan lay on the rattan chair, and after hearing Lu Xiong's tactics, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He wants to leave the shop, isn't that impossible.

The soldiers in the imperial city were all well-trained, and they laid the firewood in a very short period of time.

Pour oil on fire and light firewood.

In an instant, thick smoke rose everywhere, and the bright flames shone on everyone's faces, but there was no sound in the shop.

Seeing this, Lu Xiong clicked his tongue in amazement: "It's really calm."

In the bookstore, Lu Yan had already left from the rattan chair, stacked ten books and placed them in the center of the shop to prevent them from being burned.

He didn't worry about his own safety, and he didn't even pay too much attention to these soldiers who rounded him up.

He was just a little curious about how his activity area would be defined if the shop was burned down?

Isn't there a saying that when the pocket is turned upside down, it can hold the whole world.

Does that mean he can wander around?

(End of this chapter)

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