Chapter 809
Of course, even if Lu Yan said so, Da Gu didn't mean to refuse.

It's not because he has a good temper. The main thing is that the current situation is that people are fighting for the knife and I'm for the fish. He doesn't have any bargaining chips at all.

I can only agree to it for the time being, and see if I can get this matter done later.

"I go first."

Dagu said in a bad tone, then turned and left.

Lu Yan didn't mind Dagu's attitude at all, and still had a smile on his face.

After watching Dagu leave, he closed the door of the coffee shop and walked to the grocery store with ease.

By the way, although there are a lot of things piled up in this grocery room, and there are no windows around it.

But Lu Yan himself quite liked this environment.

He does not have high requirements for living conditions, a bed is enough.

What's more, such a grocery room is really like that kind of underground tomb in essence.

The same dark, narrow space.

Such an environment was not much different from him burying himself in the ground, and it was even more comfortable.

That's why he decided to stay in the coffee shop even though he could choose to rent a house.

It has been nearly two weeks since Dagu left the coffee shop.

During this period of time, it was actually not peaceful.

Out of nowhere, a monster that looked like it was made of metal appeared, and it went all over the place to plunder the energy of those nuclear power plants.

The defense that the metal surface brought to the monster was shocking. Even the remodeled Victory Feiyan No. [-] had no effect on its indiscriminate bombardment.

If this monster is allowed to plunder everywhere, the loss will be too great.

In desperation, Dagu had to choose to transform into Ultraman Tiga again to get rid of this monster.

This made the delivery of 300 million yen, and Dagu, who was already in short supply, even worse.

I almost couldn't even afford to eat, and even reduced to the point where I went to my colleagues to borrow money.

Lu Yan was well aware of this situation.

But he didn't mean to extend Dagu's grace, it's better to say, that's what he planned himself.

For a less determined person, faced with such an embarrassing situation, he might not be able to resist using power for personal gain in order to maintain basic living needs.

What's more, Dagu himself made his life so difficult just to save mankind. From a psychological point of view, it is easy to find a reason for himself.

But he didn't.

It can only be said that Dagu is indeed worthy of being chosen by Guang, and his moral bottom line is indeed very high.

It is estimated that he would rather go to the street to beg than do bad things.

Fortunately, Lu Yan himself is not in a hurry, at worst, he will just waste it like this.

As long as you are still human, there will always be a day when you can't help it.

It is worth mentioning that although Lu Yan got several million yen from Dagu, he still stayed and worked in the coffee shop.

There is absolutely no meaning for the poor to enjoy life after they become rich.

Presumably humans are visual animals, and we all like good-looking things.

After getting along for this period of time, Lu Yan, who always had a smile on his face, successfully won the favor of everyone in the store.

Especially Muliangxinmei, the girl who introduced Lu Yan to the coffee shop, seems to have developed some subtle feelings for him.

Often intentionally or unintentionally, he would run up to Lu Yan's side to make side comments.

After Lu Yan realized this, he intentionally avoided Mu Conscience Beauty.

this day.

Lu Yan opened the door of the shop, and after a while, the shop assistants came one after another.

This is a good thing about this kind of shop. Basically, the opening time will be later than normal work.

"Good morning, Yanjun."

A store clerk who Lu Yan couldn't name, but was familiar with came over and greeted him.

"Good morning."

Lu Yan stood at the door of the shop and responded with a smile.

"It looks like I'm the first one to come today. I'm going to change my clothes first. See you later."

"See you soon."

It was almost ten o'clock, and the number of pedestrians coming and going on the commercial street gradually increased.

Lu Yan leaned against the door rail, looking at the huge display screen in the center of the commercial street.

In the picture, a presenter in a black suit is reading a press release.

"Now report the morning news. Late last night, the Shizuoka County Police Department received a report from residents. A huge creature's body was found near the coast of Beichuan City, Shizuoka Prefecture..."

Seeing this news, the corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up.

In the world of Ultraman, any abnormality occurs, it represents a monster.

Obviously, it won't be long before he will have another 100 million yen in his account.

He is very sure that even if Dagu has savings, it will definitely not be too much.

At least one million yen from Daguna will definitely not be possible.

He murmured with a smile: "Then what will you do with the 100 million?"

When Lu Yan was thinking about this question, he suddenly noticed a group of reporters not far away conducting street interviews.

"A lot of monsters have appeared recently. If my house is destroyed by monsters, of course I will be very angry hahaha."

A slightly bald middle-aged man answered with a loud voice that could be heard even from a long distance away.

"That...what's it called, Victory Team, right? If they don't get rid of the monsters, our lives will be hard, right?"

A middle-aged woman with a child was a little worried.

Of course, most residents are not so afraid of monsters because they are quickly dealt with every time they appear.

Many people talked about it with a joking tone.

A medium-looking female reporter saw Lu Yan standing idly by the store door, and immediately walked up with a microphone.

"Hello, sir. What's your name? We are reporters from Sendai TV. We want to interview. If a monster appears, what will you do at that time?"

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and said perfunctorily, "Let's find a place to hide."

Probably because they felt that this answer was not explosive. Reporters like them who conduct street interviews, in addition to considering the image of the interviewee, also need an answer that is explosive.

Otherwise, no matter how good-looking passers-by are, they will brush them off when they choose to broadcast.

The female reporter quickly asked: "Then if you happen to see someone who needs help on the way to escape, are you willing to risk your life to save him?"

Lu Yan tilted his head and looked the female reporter up and down.

"Then I'll kill the monster."

After saying this, Lu Yan was too lazy to talk to these reporters, turned around and walked into the store.

Since the other party is unwilling to answer, these reporters will not force it.

Anyway, this commercial street is full of people, and they can gather enough materials casually.

Mu Liangxinmei sneaked into the store secretly, and teased Lu Yan: "I heard it, Yan Jun will destroy the monster when he sees it."

(End of this chapter)

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