Chapter 811 Cost Issue
Lu Yan didn't care about Zong Fang's vice-captain's aura, and still looked absent-minded.

"Da Gu doesn't want to tell me?"

Zong Fangcheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

As the vice-captain of the victory team, he believes that he has an obligation to care about the psychological and living conditions of the players.

Naturally, he would not lightly expose it just because of such an answer.

Shen Sheng said: "Then Mr. Lu, can you tell me?"

"I reject."

Lu Yan showed his usual kind smile on his face.

If anything, he really didn't like Zongfang Chengyi's interrogation-like attitude.

Zong Fang's vice-captain's face darkened.

But did not make any other actions.

This is probably the shortcoming of the victory team. These people in the victory team basically would not choose to use any illegal operations.

So when Zong Fang met Lu Yan's answer from a bachelor, he really didn't know how to ask other things from Lu Yan's mouth.

However, Zongfang Chengyi is not reckless.

Before he came to meet Lu Yan at the maid cafe, he checked Lu Yan's relevant information in advance.

"Alright, then let's talk about Mr. Lu, your problem."

Zong Fangcheng sat up straight, and he wanted to regain the dominance of the conversation: "Suddenly appeared in Sendai City. His previous experience and hometown are blank, and he didn't have any relatives or friends before that..."

"Let's call you Mr. Lu first, may I ask, facing your situation, as the vice-captain of the Victory Team, out of consideration for maintaining social stability, should I first detain you until everything is investigated? After clearing it up, let you go away?"

He just didn't want to use those methods of oppressing others, but because of Lu Yan's situation, going through the formal process could also threaten Lu Yan.

"Even if you say so, I still refuse."

The smile on Lu Yan's face gradually faded, and he stood up from his seat.

Added: "You can do whatever you want, as long as you feel you can afford to do so."

"That's the end of the chat, what do you want to drink? I recommend instant coffee with ice, it tastes good."

Seeing Zong Fangcheng fall into silence, Lu Yan didn't wait all the time, just smiled casually, then turned and walked towards the back kitchen.

Zong Fangcheng raised his head and looked in the direction where Lu Yan left.

Look a little heavy.

Although nothing was asked, it was not in vain.

At least he can be sure that this cafe waiter named Lu Yan is definitely not simple.

Even without that mysterious origin, just being fearless in front of him is enough for him to care.

not to mention,
Zong Fangcheng felt inexplicably that what Lu Yan said just now was not a threat, but rather a statement of a fact.

That's why he didn't decide to take Lu Yan under control.

Vice Captain Zong Fang stayed alone in his seat for a while, after sorting out his thoughts, he got up and left the coffee shop without saying hello to Lu Yan.

He had to ask the Dagu team members first, and then decide how to deal with Lu Yan's problem.

Lu Yan didn't know what Zong Fangcheng planned to do.

Of course, even if he knew, he didn't care.

In the following time, he still wanted to commute to and from get off work normally, and occasionally cared about the monster news.

I don't know how Dagu concealed Lu Yan's matter from the past. In short, since that day, Zong Fangcheng did not come to see Lu Yan again.

Dagu came here on the way, but every time he came to give money.

Lu Yan could tell that Da Gu had no money for a long time.

The several million yen given during this period seems to be the money he collected from selling the house he lived in.

And as he came more and more times, Lu Yan was sure that he no longer had enough money to sell the house.

If there is no accident, Dagu should choose to use power for personal gain and secretly embezzle public funds.

Or he could kill Lu Yan with all his heart.

He would never choose to let Lu Yan reveal his secret.

Mainly this involves a sunk cost issue.

Just like a girl, when she was young, she had very high requirements for choosing a mate, but unfortunately she did not find a suitable one because the requirements were too high. As she gets older, it becomes more difficult for her to lower her requirements.

She has paid so many years of youth, which is actually a kind of cost.

After paying so much cost, wouldn't it be a waste if the display was bad?
This is human nature.

Even if Dagu is the one chosen by the light, the premise is that he is still alone.

Therefore, as Dagu handed over more and more money, Lu Yan's mood became more and more relaxed.

Lu Yan put the phone on the table.

The news headline displayed above is that Juli Chaoshanba once again wiped out monsters.

He bent his fingers slightly and tapped lightly on the table.

Looking at the flickering neon lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, he said softly: "Calculate the time, it's almost time to come."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

As soon as Lu Yan finished speaking, he saw Dagu in casual clothes walking into the coffee shop with a small briefcase.

With his head down, Dagu walked heavily to where Lu Yan was, and put the briefcase in front of Lu Yan.

His expression didn't look as bright as many members of the Victory Team, but rather gloomy.

Lu Yan noticed that the whites of Dagu's eyes were bloodshot, which was obviously caused by the poor quality of sleep for a long time.

Dagu suddenly raised his head, staring at Lu Yan, as if he wanted to say something.

But he opened his mouth halfway, and forcibly held back.

Without any further delay, he turned around and left decisively.

Looking at Dagu's back, Lu Yan reached out and stroked his chin.

"According to this state, it shouldn't last long, right?"


The next day.

Lu Yan opened the store door, walked out, and moved his body against the bright sun.

The streets are still full of people coming and going.

The shop assistants also rushed to work one after another.

Muliangxinmei came to the door of the store and handed Lu Yan a sandwich and milk.

By the way, since last week, she has brought breakfast to Lu Yan.

Although Lu Yan felt that he should be regarded as a normal person if he didn't eat breakfast, he didn't have any intention of rejecting him.

Just as Lu Yan turned around and was about to return to the store, there was a piercing cry in the sky.

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and could see a huge black shadow flying towards the commercial street.

Many passers-by noticed this scene, and their expressions suddenly became terrified.

The streets that were originally well-organized suddenly became riots, with all kinds of screams and cries one after another.

Although Lu Yan had been in this world for a while, it was the first time he had come into close contact with monsters like this.

However, he didn't panic, he just looked at the coming monster with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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