Chapter 824
After a punch, all kinds of red and white things sputtered out.

The already strong smell of blood in the hall became more concrete.

Many of the logistics staff present who had never been on the front line vomited directly.

Lu Yan remained calm.

He often behaves very casually. If he hadn't restrained himself a little recently, he would have been killed by Jigang Zhesi when he provoked him for the first time.

However, from Lu Yan's point of view, he was already saving face.

But in the eyes of those present, Lu Yan's act of killing him suddenly after a disagreement was no different from a brutal cosmic being.

Zong Fangcheng subconsciously raised his Victory Haipa gun to aim at Lu Yan, and the other victory team members did not realize what happened.

But seeing that the deputy captain raised their guns, the others naturally followed suit and aimed at Lu Yan.

Indeed, they knew very well that with Lu Yan's combat strength, even if they shot, they probably wouldn't be able to cause him any harm.

But this attitude still has to be shown.

Director Sawai was blocked by the victorious players, his expression was extremely ugly now.

In fact, his relationship with Jigang Tetsuji is better than most people think.

The establishment of the TPC back then was the result of the joint efforts of the two of them. It was only due to their different ruling philosophies that they seemed to be a bit tit for tat.

In the original book, there is a plot where Director Sawai was kidnapped by the cosmos to create a replica. No one else noticed, but Tetsuji Yoshitake realized something was wrong at a glance, and he tried his best to rescue Director Sawai. .

You know, at that time, if the rescue failed, he, Jigang Tetsuji, would be able to take the position logically.

Under such a huge temptation, Jigang Zhesi never had such an idea.

Correspondingly, Yoshitake Tetsuji is the same for Director Sawai.

The comrade-in-arms relationship between the two of them is beyond doubt.

When he saw Lu Yan blowing Jigang Zhesi's head off with his own eyes.

It can be said that even though he was extremely eager to invite Lu Yan to join TPC before, but after such an incident happened, there was only hatred for Lu Yan left.

Among the people present, probably only Ju Jianhui remained calm.

She paid attention to the atmosphere that could be detonated at any time, and took the initiative to stand up.

Try to keep calm and say: "Mr. Yan, you need to explain the reason."

Ji Jianhui knew it well, after Lu Yan shot and killed Jigang Zhesi suddenly, the so-called invitation to join the victory team has become a joke.

Everyone in TPC will abide by the basic rules of the game. Even if the other party is at fault, the court-martial will make a verdict instead of doing it directly like Lu Yan.

No one wants to be teammates with an emotionally unstable lunatic.

Especially this lunatic possesses such terrifying power.

So Ju Jianhui had long since given up on persuading Lu Yan, and what he said now was just to stabilize him first.

After all, the current Far East headquarters can no longer stand the toss. Even if Lu Yan is to be dealt with, he has to wait for Dagu to come back.

Lu Yan shook his hand, but didn't mean to answer Ju Jianhui.

After scanning around and looking at the expressions of everyone present, he smiled meaninglessly.

Then walk towards the exit of the base.

No one dared to stand up and stop him at this time, even the victorious team members just raised their guns vigilantly and watched him walk out of the base.

It wasn't until Lu Yan left, nearly half a minute later, that the voice of relief appeared

After the sound of relief sounded, it seemed to trigger a chain reaction.

Unknowingly, everyone present held their breath.

Many support staff even sat down on the ground when they saw the matter was over.

"very scary."

"Fortunately, fortunately, there was no fight..."

"What the hell is going on with that guy?"

The support staff began to talk about it.

But at this time, no one has the mind to take care of this kind of thing.

Sawai Soichiro took a deep breath.

He has not forgotten that he is the director of TPC.

Barely maintaining a calm tone, he said to Ju Jianhui: "I will leave the aftermath to you."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and prepared to go to the meeting alone.

However, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and added: "Go and inform Dr. Tango, let him come to see me."

The Dr. Tango in his mouth, whose full name is Yuji Tango, is a scientist at the TPC Life Science Research Center.

At the same time, he is also the main researcher of the artificial super mountain bull project.

Hearing this, Zongfang Chengyi and Jujianhui looked at each other.

He seemed to want to say something, but after seeing Director Sawai's gloomy face.

He gave up when the words came to his lips, and could only nod in agreement.


the other side.

After Lu Yan left the Far East headquarters, it took a certain amount of time before he swam to the shore.

There is no way, it is not easy to be able to swim from the Far East headquarters to the coast without using power beyond the scope of human beings.

He stepped on the reef, twisted the seawater in his clothes symbolically, and gave up decisively.

Fortunately, the weather is not bad today, and it is estimated that it will be almost done after walking against the sun for a while.

As for how TPC will react after he leaves...

He didn't care at all.

Just like this, he walked along the coast step by step. After walking for a while, he suddenly frowned thoughtfully.

What You Lian said was about a bigger crisis coming.

It's him who doesn't talk about it, right?
After this idea came into being, Lu Yan felt that it was reasonable but not reasonable.

At least he himself will certainly not admit that he is a devil.

"Hey, big brother, please throw the ball over!"

Just as Lu Yan was thinking about this question, a slightly immature voice rang in his ear.

He looked in the direction of the sound, and not far away was a child holding a baseball bat and yelling at him. A white baseball rolled to his feet at some point.

Lu Yan didn't mind helping out with such a trivial matter.

After picking up the baseball and throwing it in the direction of the children, I was ready to continue walking.

But at this moment, a voice that was somewhat familiar to him approached from far away.

"Mr. Yan?! It's really you!"

Mu Liangxinmei also had a baseball bat in her hand, and while running towards Lu Yan, she added, "I thought I was wrong, great, you're still alive."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.

He hadn't forgotten the girl who used to work in the maid coffee shop, but he didn't expect to meet him in this place.

Sure enough, the neon is still too small.

(End of this chapter)

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