Chapter 825 Check in
"So you came here to relax."

A habitual and kind smile appeared on Lu Yan's face.

It was probably because when facing danger back then, leaving Lu Yan alone made Mu Conscience Mei feel a lot of guilt.

So after seeing Lu Yan again, she told Lu Yan all her experiences during this period of time like pouring beans.

Speaking of which, Lu Yan is also involved.

Facing Gazot at the beginning, I saw a little girl who was still in college.

In fact, unable to withstand such pressure, it is reasonable to choose to abandon Lu Yan and run away alone.

But after all, she did such a thing. Before the Gazotte incident, she still had some subtle feelings for Lu Yan, which made it difficult for her to pass the test in her heart so easily.

And she always thought that Lu Yan died in the Gazot incident, so she felt more and more guilty.

He even wondered if he had been firmer at the time, would he have been able to save Lu Yan.

The guilt has accumulated for a long time, making it impossible for her to go to school normally.

Simply go to her grandma to relax.

It's just that he didn't expect to meet Lu Yan under such circumstances.

"Well... it's good that you're still alive."

Mu Liangxinmei pursed her lips, and added with some unease: "Actually, I was really just too scared at the time, and I didn't expect..."

"It's ok."

Lu Yan interrupted Mu Liangxinmei's words with a smile.

It's not that he has any special thoughts about this little girl, he just doesn't care about such things.

To be more precise, he never made too many demands on people who didn't matter.

But Makoto doesn't know this.

Lu Yan's gentle attitude gave her the feeling that she made a mistake but was unconditionally forgiven.

Immediately, I was so moved that I couldn't add more, and the feelings that were originally cold in my heart reappeared, and they became more and more hot.

"Then... Mr. Yan, why did you appear here?"

Lu Yan's nose twitched slightly, the smell of sea water on his body made him a little uncomfortable.

He casually said: "Just look around like this."

"Well, Mr. Yan hasn't found a place to live yet?"

Mu Liangxinmei reacted, summoned up the courage to send out the invitation: "Do you want to live at my grandma's house? There are many vacant rooms."

"Can you?"

Lu Yan didn't care where he lived.

Anyway, the difficulty of experiencing this world is almost like a vacation for him.

Experience missions and the like, if you can complete it, you can do it, if you can't, it doesn't matter.

"Of course you can!"

Meconoshimi nodded vigorously, looking very happy.

The child named Shunji Mera stood aside very sensiblely.

Although he was a little unhappy that the game was terminated because of Lu Yan's relationship, it didn't interrupt the conversation between the two.

Under the leadership of Mu Conscience Beauty.

Stepping on a narrow gravel path, passing through this coral forest, you will see a slightly dilapidated traditional town house.

The so-called machiya is actually a traditional Japanese conjoined building with a wooden lattice structure.

They are generally two-story buildings, and the height of the second floor is as low as that attached.

The foundation is very narrow and long, with a shop in front and a quiet courtyard in the middle. Rich people may build a pond or something in the courtyard, but if you look at her grandma’s house with a conscience, it seems that it’s almost enough to plant some flowers and plants. of.

Mu Liangxinmei walked forward quickly and opened the wooden door.

From nowhere, he took out a pair of slippers and put them at the door, turned around and said with a smile, "Mr. Yan, come in, you're welcome."

Lu Yan was really rude, just because his whole body was wet by sea water, he really wanted to change it.

Mu Conscience Mei asked Lu Yan to sit down in the front hall, and carefully poured him a cup of hot tea.

Then he got up and said, "It's better to wash it after being wet by sea water. Mr. Yan, wait a moment, I'll go and look for it. My father's clothes from when he was young should still be at home."

Lu Yan nodded.

When Muliang Xinmei turned to go to change clothes, he looked around the room.

Although the room looked a bit dilapidated, it was cleaned very well.

"Where's your grandma?"

Lu Yan turned to look at the dazed little boy and asked.

When he listened to Muliangxinmei's story, he knew that she and this little boy were actually siblings.

Toshiji Muliang was silent for a while, but he still explained: "A few years ago, my parents took my grandma to Sendai, and there was a car accident on the way."

Lu Yan didn't speak any more.

When he was washing dishes in the maid coffee shop, he knew that Muliangxinmei's family was not in a good situation, but he never asked in detail at that time.

Lu Yan reckoned that the siblings had no other relatives, otherwise they would not have worked in maid cafes when they were in college.

It is really not easy to be in a work-study program while taking care of my younger brother.

It's no wonder that when she met Gazot, Muliangxinmei chose to run away, after all, she was not alone.

After a while, Toshiji Mera said tentatively: "Big brother, I think my sister likes you."

The kind smile on Lu Yan's face remained unchanged: "You feel wrong."

"No, I feel like she..."

When the little boy said this, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Muliang Xinmei coming over with her clothes in his arms, and quickly closed his mouth.

"Mr. Yan, put the changed clothes outside, and I'll wash them for you." Mu Liangxinmei knelt aside and put the clothes in front of Lu Yan.

"Thank you." Lu Yan said with a smile without refusing.

The mixed salt particles produced after the seawater dries up stick to the skin, especially when his body is half dry and half wet, it really makes him feel uncomfortable.


After Lu Yan tidied up, he came out of the bathroom.

Mu Conscience Mei's father's body type should be on the obese side, and the clothes looked too loose on Lu Yan's body.

As for the fact that the owner of this suit had been dead for several years, he didn't feel any problem.

Going back to the front hall, Muliang Xinmi had already gone to do the laundry, and only the little boy, Toshiji Muliang, was left sitting at the door in a daze.

Probably because of the early death of his parents, Lu Yan felt that this little boy was obviously much more mature than a child of his normal age.

After seeing Lu Yan coming back, Toshiji Muliang was about to continue talking about the topic just now.

Lu Yan was the first to attack before he even sat down.

"Didn't you go to school? How were your grades?"

Hearing this, Toshiji Muliang frowned and retorted.

"You didn't go to school. Recently, a troupe called Happy Partners came to our school to perform. I just don't want to watch that kind of childish stuff."

(End of this chapter)

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