Chapter 826 Troupe
Meara Toshiji retorted extremely quickly.

He just wanted to explain that it wasn't that he didn't want to go to school, but mainly because a troupe called "Happy Partners" came to perform in their school.

Because of some precocious relationship, he has no interest in such childish things at all.

In his opinion, he might as well go home and play by himself.

After Lu Yan heard the name of the "Happy Partners" troupe, he was taken aback for a moment.

He really knew the troupe.

After all, in the plot of Ultraman Tiga, there is only one troupe that has ever appeared.

If he remembered correctly, at this point in time, the "Happy Partner" troupe should have picked up the little monster.

Similar to most small monsters, the troupe monster also has no attack ability.

But this little monster, dubbed Durban by the head of the troupe, is not without merit.

It has the special ability to calm the negative emotions of human beings, even the Tiga Altman who transformed into Dagu can be affected.

I was almost arrested by the TPC Institute of Life Science and Technology and sliced ​​for research.

"Is your school far from here?"

Lu Yan asked casually.

If it wasn't far away, he wouldn't mind going over to have a look.

Hearing this, Toshiji Muliang showed a strange expression on his face, and said like a little adult: "Big brother, you are such a grown-up, and you are still interested in the troupe?"

Lu Yan was noncommittal, but still looked at him with a smile.

"It looks like the school is not far from here."

He got up slowly, straightened the folds on his clothes, and continued: "There is nothing left and right, do you want to go and have a look with me?"

Megara Toshiji glanced at Meconoshimi who was working in the backyard, and shook his head pretendingly.

"Oh, I really can't do anything about you. For the sake of you being my brother-in-law, I'll take you to have a look."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows amusedly, but didn't bother to explain.

"Let's go then."


After washing and drying the clothes, Mu Conscience returned to the living room.

But at this time, both Lu Yan and Muliang Toshiji had left for a while.

She glanced around the yard with her hands on her hips, completely unaware of what was going on.

"Where did my brother and Mr. Yan go?"

At this moment, suddenly a team of TPC police officers in blue and white uniforms broke in.

Seeing this, Muliangxinmei felt that her heartbeat had missed half a beat, and subconsciously wanted to call the police.

Fortunately, when she saw the clothes on these people clearly, she managed to maintain her calm.

After all, the name of the Earth Peace United Organization is still trustworthy for civilians.

"Well, what's the matter?"

After the leading police officer confirmed that Lu Yan was no longer in the room, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if their people saw Lu Yan leave with their own eyes, but in the face of such an inhuman guy, who knows if he will be separated or something.

After confirming that Lu Yan was not here, the leading police officer took out his ID card and gave Mu Liangxinmei a look.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Miss Muliang may not know how terrifying that man named Lu Yan is."


at the same time.

Lu Yan and Muliang Junzhi have arrived near the school.

Although the location of the Machiya of the Mera House is a bit remote, it is not far from the school.

It is estimated that there are many more people around the school because of the troupe performing tour here.

And because of the relationship between the sea, here is actually a small scenic spot.

After adding locals and tourists, it still looks very lively.

There are lights and festoons, and there is a joyous atmosphere everywhere.

But if you pay close attention, you will find that most of them are combinations of parents and children.

After seeing this scene, Lu Yan casually glanced at Muliang Junzhi next to him, and he understood why Muliang Junzhi ran home on purpose.

It can only be said that no matter how precocious a child is, he is still a child.

Of course, even if he knew the reason, Lu Yan didn't intend to say anything, but just took Muliang Shunzhi to the performance place.

Without letting Lu Yan search for it for too long, he came to a temporary theater built with crude steel.

"Mr. Monster Postman is having a hard time. Why? Because he ate all the stamps..."

On this theater that does not seem to meet safety regulations at all, a self-created repertoire is being performed.

But Lu Yan's attention was not on the content of the performance, but on one of the performers, the monster Durban.

This is indeed a real monster, but how can I say it.

This little monster in Durban is too round, with milky white horns growing on the left and right sides of its head, mixed in with the troupe, it really won't make people suspect that it is a monster.

It's no wonder that the troupe of "Happy Partners" has traveled all over the world without being discovered for so long.

To be honest, if it wasn't for being hunted down by the demon god Eineng Mina who is also of the subspace type, it is estimated that no one would have discovered that Durban was a monster after the disbandment of the troupe.

And after Lu Yan thought about the plot, he suddenly felt that the life of this troupe was really great.

Wherever the troupe appeared, Ai Nengmei would hunt down there.

In this way, they have not been killed, and even members have not been injured.

"Hey, you really like to watch such childish things."

Toshiji Muliang looked at Lu Yan staring at the theater without blinking, and said contemptuously: "If you are like this, I doubt whether it is the right thing to entrust my sister to you."

Lu Yan asked without looking sideways: "How many days has this troupe been here?"

Toshiji Mera shrugged like a grown-up.

"It should be the third day."

Lu Yan nodded, and was about to take out his phone to check if there was any news about the demon god Aineng Mina.

He suddenly realized that his mobile phone was still at Muliang's house, and it was flooded and he didn't know if he could still use it normally.

"Do you have a cell phone with you?"

Toshiji Muliang took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and handed it to Lu Yan: "Are you going to call my sister? I don't think she would like to watch such things."

Lu Yan's eyelids twitched as he looked at the phone in his hand that only had a call function.

"no need."

at this time.

The distant sky lit up with electromagnetically bright yellow ripples.

Such a strange sight immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In the audience, only Lu Yan and the "Happy Partner" troupe knew what was going on.

When Lu Yan turned his head, he found that the troupe leader on the stage was already telling the troupe members to pack their things and run away.

After a few breaths, a monster more than 50 meters high appeared from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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