Chapter 827

After the monster appeared, the originally lively crowd suddenly became rioted.

With the frequent monster disasters during this period, almost everyone knows the existence of monsters.

Seeing that huge figure, the first reaction of even the most courageous person is to run away.

The demon god of another dimension, Aineng Mina.

Although the title of this monster sounds bluffing, its actual performance is not worthy of its title of Demon God.

The means of attack are so scarce that there is only a blue high-heat fireball fired from the forehead.

But when facing humans, the lethality of this attack is enough.

What's more, most of the time it actually doesn't need to be done by yourself.

It spread its hands gracefully, and immediately released a large amount of purple electromagnetic waves from the upper corners of its shoulders.

Frenzied electromagnetic waves.

It can make the human brain produce a rage hormone, triggering the urge to attack and kill.

The people below it who were running in all directions couldn't run through such electromagnetic waves, and they were covered by purple electromagnetic waves before they ran far.

In an instant, those human beings who were recruited seemed to have lost their self-awareness, their eyes flushed.

He started smashing things in front of him, as if they had turned into cruel beasts.

On the other side, when Lu Yan saw the electromagnetic waves appearing in the sky, he dragged Toshiji Muliang to follow behind the "Happy Partners" troupe.

He didn't intend to waste one shot so easily.

"What are you two doing with us?!"

Probably escaped like this a few times, practice makes perfect.

While running for his life, the leader still had the mood to pay attention to the situation behind him.

In fact, Toshiji Muliang, who was carried away by Lu Yan, also wanted to know this question.

Lu Yan didn't answer their doubts, but just followed behind the troupe in a leisurely manner.

He noticed that since Ai Nengmei appeared, the two horns on the left and right of Durban's head had already lit up with a warm yellow light.

Obviously, because of Durban's relationship, the violent electromagnetic wave did not have any impact on them.

Just not sure how big the scope was, Lu Yan simply followed behind them like this.

In his impression, during this period of time, Aineng Mina's dimensional movement ability has not stabilized, and probably can only appear in the real world for a short time.

So Lu Yan didn't panic at all, if he avoided the limelight a little bit, Ai Nengmei would disappear by herself.

There were already a large number of tourists with red eyes rushing over behind them. With their crazy appearance, there was even a sense of zombies coming out of the cage in a trance.

However, these people who have fallen into madness have not been strengthened, only their consciousness has become violent.

Even if Lu Yan only used the power of a normal person, he would not be able to threaten him.

Even though his movement was slightly restricted while holding Toshiji Muliang, he still kicked one foot at a time, and no one could get close to him at all.

As Lu Yan guessed, within a few minutes, Ai Nengmei automatically returned to the world of another dimension.

Although Ai Nengmei appeared for only a few minutes, its impact was quite large.

The venue that was originally decorated with lights has now become a mess, and the tourists whose consciousness was affected all fell unconscious after Eineng Mina left.

Seeing the huge monster disappear, the captain with the gentleman's stick in his hand just sat down on the ground.

The other two members of the regiment who were running with Durban also stopped, panting heavily.

In contrast, Lu Yan did not even take a breath, put down Toshiji Muliang casually, and began to look up and down Durban at close range.

When recalling this episode, he had such an idea.

Can you think of a way to make Durban unable to use that purification ability?

It's not that he intends to let Ai Nengmi control everyone on the earth, he just has an idea that he really wants to try.

Thinking about it carefully, Eineng Mina's violent electromagnetic waves essentially have the effect of triggering the impulse to attack and destroy.

And it is also proved in the original book that this effect is also effective for the Ultraman Tiga transformed into Dagu.

At that time, Dijia's eyes had turned purple. If it hadn't been purified by Durban midway, maybe he could have brought out the dark Dijia.

Toshiji Muliang interrupted Lu Yan's train of thought, and said in an amazed tone.

"Big brother, I didn't realize that you are so powerful."

He has been carried away by Lu Yan, and Lu Yan's performance just now has been seen by him.

Even if it is still at the level of ordinary people, it is quite amazing.

"Yeah, why on earth have you two been following us?"

The head of the troupe came back to his senses, looked at Lu Yan with some vigilance and asked.

After all, these members of their troupe actually know that Durban is a monster.

In order to prevent Durban from being taken away, they will keep an eye out for anyone who deliberately approaches them.

After such an interruption, Lu Yan didn't think about it further.

Turning his gaze from Durban to the head of the troupe, Zhuangruo casually said, "This monster, Mr. Postman, is actually a real monster, right?"

Upon hearing this, all the people in the troupe stood up from the ground.

Quickly put Durban behind them.

"How... how is it possible, please don't make such a joke, how can there be such a small monster!"

The head of the troupe retorted without thinking.

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows: "Isn't this place without 300 taels of silver?"

The head of the troupe took a deep breath and said with a forced calm: "If there is nothing else, we will leave first."

"You may not be able to leave, I plan to report you to TPC."

Lu Yan folded his arms confidently and said, "It just so happens that I have a special relationship with the top management of TPC."

The people in the troupe looked at each other, somehow feeling that what Lu Yan said might be true.

"What do you want to do?" The leader swallowed hard.

As the head of a theater troupe, after traveling all over the world for so many years, he must have the ability to read subtext.

Now that Lu Yan said it, it proved to be negotiable.

Durban is already something like family to them, and they would certainly not be willing to hand it over if they could.

"I would like to trouble you to stay here."

Lu Yan had no intention of following the troupe to the show, and he was too lazy to run around if they were left here.

When Tiga and Aineng Mina are fighting, take action to prevent Durban from purifying Tiga, and if you think about it, you can successfully blacken Tiga.

The troupe secretly exchanged glances.

Speaking of which, their troupe spent most of their time in a modified van, staying in a certain place, and they didn't need to think about where to live.

"How long do you need us here?"

(End of this chapter)

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