Chapter 828 Cognition
Most of the traveling business like this troupe and circus is based on harmony and pays attention to multiple friends and multiple paths.

This approach, many times can not be wrong.

But it also led to their unwillingness to react too radically unless it was a last resort.

Even if Lu Yan didn't explain the reason at all and asked them to stay in this place, the head of the theater troupe was still going to agree to it for the time being.

After all, there are only three or two cats and cats in the "Happy Partners" troupe, and the pressure of living expenses is not great.

"How long I will stay, I can't say."

Lu Yan touched his chin, but decided to play it off first, and said, "It shouldn't be too long."

The head of the troupe twitched his lips.

This is very pitted.

Although the cost of their troupe is not high, it is not completely cost-free.

How could it be possible to stay in the same place all the time?
The head of the troupe looked back at his troupe members calmly.

Two funny comparisons, one monster who can't speak.

It's not negotiable at all.

The head of the group just felt very tired.

In addition, the handle that Durban is a monster fell into the hands of the other party, and he couldn't find any room for bargaining.

In the end, I decided to try to fight for it: "How about two months? We can stay here for two months at most. If it is more, we will drink the northwest wind."

To the surprise of the group leader, Lu Yan agreed in such a straightforward manner.

Because the promise was too straightforward, the team leader felt that he could shorten the time a little bit.

However, Lu Yan didn't give the group leader a chance to speak again. After reaching a unilateral consensus, he walked back with Muliang Toshiji.

In fact, his idea is very simple. After all, this place is very close to TPC's Far East headquarters.

As long as the demon god Ai Nengmi appears here frequently, it doesn't take much, at most two or three times, Dagu will transform into Ultraman Tiga to deal with it.

At that time, as long as the little monster Durban is restricted, Dijia should be blackened.

On the way back, Muliang Toshiji was asking Lu Yan energetically.

Although the strength displayed is still in the human category, it is still quite amazing for this kind of child.

Lu Yan was perfunctory and didn't bother to explain in detail.

In the process of asking and answering like this, the two returned to the Machiya of Mera's house.

When he reached the door, Lu Yan stopped suddenly, and his brows furrowed unconsciously.

He felt something was wrong.

Even if he controls and doesn't use any supernatural power, the intuition that has been naturally formed after so many years still exists.

"what happened to you?"

Toshiji Muliang opened the wooden door, and after putting on his slippers, he found that Lu Yan was still standing there, and asked curiously.

"It's okay." The usual smile on Lu Yan's face subsided a bit.

Then he didn't even change his shoes, just walked into the house like this.

Toshiji Muliang noticed that the room was very quiet, and after glancing around, he felt a little strange.

"Hey, where did the old lady go?"

Lu Yan stared at the floor under his feet. There were no traces of footprints.

Looking at the orderly arrangement in the room, it was obvious that there had been no fights.

At first glance it might appear that everything is normal.

But Lu Yan can be sure that Mu Conscience Beauty was definitely taken away by someone.

After all, when he came in, he was wet.

Although the traces of sea water falling on the floor are still there, the floors in other places have obviously been cleaned.

If it is cleaned with conscience, it is impossible to clean only half of it.

This is clearly someone who took away the beauty of conscience and intentionally created such a situation where everything went as usual.

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "I'll go out for a while."

If it's such a clumsy provocation, he really doesn't like it.

Before Shunji Muliang asked, he left the room again and walked towards the seaside.


Because there are only a pair of siblings left in Muliang's family, and the neighbors nearby take good care of them, and they will not intentionally offend others.

But he left with Muliang Shunzhi for a while, and when he came back, he found that Muliang Xinmei had been taken away.

Lu Yan's first object of suspicion was TPC. After all, strictly speaking, he only offended TPC people in this world.

However, he should have killed the person he offended, even his head is gone, who else wants to help revenge?
"It's quite courageous."

Even if he didn't have evidence to prove that it was done by TPC people, he didn't need evidence.

Just doubt is enough!

He quickly stepped on the narrow gravel path across the coral forest, but just as he turned a corner, he happened to bump into Makotoko who was returning.

Muliangxinmei was holding a bag of vegetables in her hand, and it seemed that she just came back from shopping.

She seemed a little dazed: "Mr. Yan, where are you going?"

Lu Yan: "?"

"Just walk around."

Lu Yan showed his usual kind smile on his face.

Mu Conscience Mei also smiled happily, and lifted the bag in her hand.

"Hey, I bought a lot of vegetables, today I have to let you have a good taste of my cooking."

"Because I don't know what you like to eat, so I only bought meat and vegetables, but my craftsmanship is very good."

Meconociously opened the bag and took a look.

When passing by him, he added: "Mr. Yan, go shopping first, I will call you when dinner is ready, don't go too far."

Lu Yan hummed.

Then turn sideways, leaving room for passing.

Lu Yan watched her leaving silently, and the smile on his face had regained his composure at some point.

Even if everything seems reasonable.

But he still prefers to trust his instincts.

What's more, he himself was sure that someone had visited Liang's house before.

Under such a premise, Mu Conscience Beauty's performance is very strange.

No, it would be better to say that such a choice is correct for ordinary people.

It's very simple, are you willing to help officials, or would you rather help a mob that officials say?

Lu Yan suddenly smiled meaninglessly.

Whatever the trap, it didn't matter to him.

After all, he had the power to overturn the table from the very beginning.

It's just that most of the time, he doesn't want to be so cruel.

He is not some devil.

Stretched casually: "Just see what they are going to do."

Lu Yan's behavior actually involves a problem of self-cognition.

It's like an adult rushing over to kill each other murderously, and a child tearing a butterfly in half with a smile on his face.

Which one is more cruel?
It's not that he didn't notice his own problems in this regard, but he didn't bother to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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