Chapter 830 Rolling
Director Sawai and Captain Junjianhui sat in the command room, watching the monitoring screen displayed on the screen.

"What's the situation now?"

Director Sawai adjusted the headset next to his ear, and asked the team of police officers in front of the Machiya.

"It's not clear yet, there is no movement in the room."

The lead police officer reported in a low voice.

Director Sawai looked overjoyed.

"Very well, it seems to be successful, let's proceed as planned."


The leading police officer gave his men a look.

The subordinate cautiously stretched out his hand and pressed on the wooden door, preparing to gently pull the wooden door open.

At this moment, a huge force acted on the wooden door.

boom! ! !
Like a small explosion, the wooden door was directly turned into sawdust under such a terrifying force.

The raging air wave caused the team of police officers in front of the door to fly backwards.

Under the thick smoke and dust, it is impossible to see clearly what happened.

Many of the police officers who were blown away died on the spot, and only a few fatal police officers were still alive, groaning as they collapsed on the ground.

"what happened?!"

"An accident?"

"Medical troops, please implement rescue as soon as possible!"

The sudden change caused quite a commotion.

Fortunately, these action team members were carefully selected. Although they were shocked, the medical troops entered the field in an orderly manner and carried away the wounded.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, revealing the current scene of the machiya.

Lu Yan stood calmly in front of the townhouse, the original wooden door had disappeared.

After seeing this scene clearly, Zongfang Chengyi's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Lu Yan! Damn it, Director Sawai, the plan has failed!"

From the very beginning, Soichiro Sawai planned to attack Lu Yan.

Just considering Lu Yan's unimaginable terrifying power, he planned to use drugs to affect him first, and then start.

After all, it is a paralyzing drug aimed at the nerves. According to their calculations, even if it did not cause too much damage to Lu Yan, it should be more or less effective.

But now, there is no effect at all.

"Did you find out? When exactly?"

Zong Fangcheng had a serious expression on his face.

If the plan to weaken Lu Yan does not succeed, there will obviously be a fierce battle.

"When? Did you say to put medicine in the meal?"

Lu Yan looked in Zongfang Chengyi's direction and said calmly, "Don't think too much, it just doesn't work for me."


Zong Fangcheng took two steps back calmly, and whispered to Da Gu beside him.

"Execute the backup plan, Dagu, it's up to you."

Dagu hummed in a daze.

"Don't you understand? Lu Yan is not human at all, and the police officers have already suffered casualties."

Zong Fang's vice-captain growled.

Hearing this, Dagu gritted his teeth, took out the magic light stick from his arms and walked towards Lu Yan.

"Mr. Yan, I don't want to do anything to you, as long as you explain clearly..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Yan's calm voice.

He spoke eloquently, and his tone didn't sound like a warning before the war, more like a chat between friends over afternoon tea.

"Dagu, have you ever experienced the kind of timeline stretched to hundreds or thousands of years, things are different, only you are still eternal, like being abandoned by the world, you look at it again Nothing familiar…”

"So I like to stand on a high place and look down at the people coming and going on the street. Only by looking at the fireworks in the world can I find a sense of my own existence."

"In just a few decades, although people are busy, most of them live a fulfilling life, because they can work hard for a certain goal. When the goal is achieved, the sense of accomplishment will make them feel happy, which is the so-called This life is worthwhile."

"As for me, it's been a long, long time, and I haven't felt such a sense of accomplishment."

Dagu stood in front of Lu Yan, holding the magic light stick vigilantly.

Shaking his head vigorously: "Mr. Yan, I don't understand what you are talking about. All I know is that we shouldn't do wrong things."

"Yeah, do the right thing, I think everything I do is right, that's enough, as for the others..."

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up, and he said softly, "...whatever."

Two bullets were shot towards Lu Yan, and he slapped them like mosquitoes.

The bullets remained unabated and accurately hit two police officers.

"Dagu! What are you waiting for?!" Zong Fangcheng shouted from a distance.

Dagu tightly clenched the divine light stick in his hand.

"Mr. Yan, it seems that we can only defeat you first."

Before he finished speaking, Dagu pressed down the magic light stick, and then stuck it on his chest.

A burst of white light lit up, and the full-length Ultraman Tiga appeared in front of the machiya.

Lu Yan stared at Ultraman Tiga in front of him: "In this state, it seems that the time to be able to move will increase?"

Dijia's head nodded, and Dagu didn't intend to hide this.

"3 minutes? Or 5 minutes? It doesn't matter, let's try it."

Lu Yan twisted his neck: "You have no idea what you are facing."

As if responding to Lu Yan's words, blood-red steam gushed out from his body, and the blazing high temperature made the ground under his feet rise into white mist.


Ultraman Tiga yelled and rushed towards Lu Yan.

Even though the size is much smaller than normal, the strength and speed are not weakened much.

Breaking through the sound barrier at a speed of up to Mach [-], he successfully arrived in front of Lu Yan in the blink of an eye.

As for Lu Yan, as if he hadn't reacted, he stood there motionless.

"Did you make it?!"

Zong Fangcheng's eyes widened, staring at the battle situation.

But what happened in the next second directly shocked everyone on the scene.


Di Jia rushed straight through Lu Yan's body, and before he could slow down, he slammed into the machiya.

The dilapidated machiya was hit like this and collapsed on the spot.


"That is how the matter?"

With such a scene, even Ju Jianhui in the command room hurriedly stood up from his seat.

Di Jia flew out of the wreckage of the house and stayed in mid-air. He didn't understand what was going on.

After hesitating for a moment, he condensed energy and sent out a beam of destructive light to blast down.

This ray of light easily passed through Lu Yan's body, blasting a big hole in the ground.

"If I don't want to, you can't even attack me." Lu Yan raised his head slowly.

Before the words fell, he disappeared directly in place.

When he appeared again, he had already come behind Di Jia, and no one present could keep up with his speed.

With a punch, Di Jia fell directly to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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