Chapter 831 Calling
"how can that be……"

Zong Fangcheng had a bulging vein on his forehead.

Lu Yan created a sense of oppression for them, far surpassing those monsters.

This was the first time they saw that Di Jia couldn't even fight back.

in the command room.

Captain Ju Jianhui looked at the surveillance screen with an extremely ugly expression: "Director Sawai, we completely underestimated Lu Yan's power."

Director Sawai still barely maintained his composure and said into the headset.

"Activate the artificial super mountain bull."


When Ju Jianhui heard this, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Director Sawai: "Didn't the artificial super-mountain plan stop a long time ago? Director Sawai, you?!"

"This is something that can't be helped..."

Director Sawai clenched his hand on the table.

Speaking of it, this is just his habitual arrangement. If Dijia and the Victory Team can defeat Lu Yan, then everything is easy to say.

But the current situation is obviously being crushed.

Director Sawai didn't dare to bet on whether Lu Yan would retaliate.

the other side.

Dijia fell into the big pit formed by the ground, and Lu Yan stepped on his energy indicator light. The huge force made Dagu feel as if he was being pressed down by a mountain, and he couldn't break free at all.

Zongfang Chengyi said anxiously: "Use the Dygna laser cannon to support Dagu!"

After receiving this order, the laser cannons mounted on the two Drum vehicles in the distance fired towards Lu Yan instantly.

There were two violent explosions in a row, splashing a large amount of sand and sand.

But Lu Yan still stood there unscathed.

On the contrary, Di Jia, who was stepped on by him, was affected by the laser cannon, and the energy indicator light on his chest turned from blue to red, and began to flash rapidly.

"Stop, it's useless."

Digging made a sound to stop him. He looked at Dijia's miserable appearance with sweat profusely, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"It's definitely not a matter of power. What Lu Yan said is actually true. Although I don't know why, our attack really can't hit him."

"Then why are we just watching?!"

Lina was sitting in the driver's seat of the Durham car, yelling at the PDI communicator with red eyes.

Suddenly, a dazzling light lit up behind the Durham, and finally condensed into a red-black giant.

Although Director Sawai retained the plan and personnel of the man-made super mountain bully, due to technical problems, the current combat power is still only the red and black giant, and it is still unstable.

"what is that?"

"That Chao Shanba appeared again?!"

Seeing this scene, most of the TPC personnel present chose to hide in the distance.

After all, even if Lu Yan was ridiculously strong, in their eyes, he was not as oppressive as a giant.

After the red and black giant appeared, it didn't fall into chaos, but rushed directly in the direction of Lu Yan.

The huge body ran up and made the ground tremble constantly.

"This... is the technology of the artificial super mountain bull already so mature?"

Zongfang Chengyi was still thinking about this question subconsciously when he was dodging to the sides.

In the big pit on the other side.

"At that time, you sacrificed your life to save me from Gazot's feet. Even if it didn't make any sense, it really touched me."

As if Lu Yan didn't see the red and black giant rushing towards him, he was still looking down at Di Jia under his feet: "Should I kill you? It's a headache."

Di Jia, who became Dagu, was still struggling, trying to break free from Lu Yan's feet.

The time it took was enough for the red and black giant to get close.

It still had the impression that Lu Yan would blow it up, and immediately stepped on it without hesitation.

Lu Yan did not use serious dodge, but chose to raise his hand to catch the giant foot.

"Together with the light."

The voice fell calmly, and a radiant light appeared in his hand, cutting into the red-black giant's body from the sole of its feet.

The stronger the opponent you face, the slower it will take effect.

But for Lu Yan, this half-made man-made Ultraman has nothing to do with being strong.

The body of the red-black giant gushes out a massive amount of light rain uncontrollably. Due to its huge size, it looks quite spectacular.

Such a large amount of energy leaked, and in just a few seconds, the red and black giant disappeared into the sky and the earth.

And because of being hit by Heguang Tongchen, it is impossible to transform again in the future.

"Fake... Fake, right?!"

Zong Fangcheng froze in place.

They actually had guessed about Lu Yan's strength before the operation started, but even though they had predicted to the maximum extent, they didn't expect that Ti Jia, who was transformed by Dagu, couldn't even stop him.

Such a power gap can be said to be not in the same dimension.

ding dong~ ding dong~
The energy indicator light on Tiga's chest flickered more and more rapidly, and finally Dagu was forced to retreat from the state of Ultraman.

Fortunately, Dagu's consciousness is still clear, he frowned tightly, and asked with difficulty: "Mr. Yan, please stop..."

Lu Yan didn't answer, but squatted down and took out the magic light stick from Dagu's arms.

Before Dagu realized what Lu Yan was going to do, he saw Lu Yan's arm suddenly exert strength.

Squeezed by the terrifying force, the Shenguang Rod jumped out a fierce arc to fight passively.

It's a pity that this level of energy is not worth mentioning to Lu Yan. He didn't even bat an eyelid, and increased his strength again.

The divine light rod itself is not a weapon, even if it is, it is impossible to resist Lu Yan's power.

The last arc of light from the Shenguang rod was inevitably crushed into a pile of slag by Lu Yan.

Dagu opened his mouth so wide that he couldn't even speak.

Lu Yan casually threw the crumbs of the divine light stick aside.

Then he clicked on the task interface, glanced at it, and confirmed that the task rewrite rate had increased to 65%, then closed the task interface again.

"Yan... Mister Yan..."

Dagu clenched his fists tightly, and even trembled slightly due to too much force.

"You have no idea what kind of opponent you are facing."

Lu Yan squatted beside Dagu, and said in a tone of fact: "I can't even make a little trouble."

Both he and Dagu didn't notice that the divine light stick, which had turned into shards at this time, was flickering faintly, as if whimpering, or... calling for something.

Although there was no movement of any fighting, none of the TPC personnel who surrounded the area dared to rush over to check the situation.

Lina wanted to rush over to save Dagu desperately, but fortunately, Xincheng noticed and grabbed her hard to prevent her from running to that dangerous place.

"Director, what should we do now?"

Zong Fangcheng asked with the headset.

It's a pity that Director Sawai and Captain Ju Jianhui couldn't think of any solution at this moment, they just watched the monitoring screen in the command room without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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