Chapter 832 Chaos
Summer seaside nights are always accompanied by the buzzing of mosquitoes and the sultry, salty smell.

But now, no one cares about these things at all.

In the coral forest and on the country road, the TPC personnel responsible for the siege task were all staring at the huge earth pit in front of the machiya without saying a word.

As soon as Zong Fangcheng wiped off the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, he looked at Lu Yan's position with an extremely solemn expression.

So far in the battle, TPC has used all available methods.

What is desperate is that there is no single method that can cause harm to Lu Yan.

The most frightening thing in battle is never the opponent's fearlessness, but the unknown.

Facing any attack on Lu Yan, they dealt with it lightly. They couldn't figure out Lu Yan's background at all, and they didn't know how strong he was.

Under such circumstances, let alone ordinary police officers, even Director Sawai himself has no hope of defeating Lu Yan.

There was a long silence in the command room, and Director Sawai sat back in his seat dejectedly.

"We can't let the team members continue to die, so declare the operation a failure."

Director Sawai sat on his seat and continued in a daze: "Let Deputy Captain Zongkata command the personnel to retreat. If that person continues to do something, tell him that I, Soichiro Sawai, will be responsible for all of this."


Hearing this, Ju Jianhui turned to look at Director Sawai, hesitating to speak.

In the simple combat headquarters in the coral forest.

After receiving the order, Zong Fangcheng answered clearly.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he asked, "What about Dagu?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the headset, and then Ju Jianhui's voice sounded again.

"We don't have the power to snatch Dagu back from that man now, not to mention, I think Dagu should be fine."

At any rate, Da Gu was the first person in TPC to know Lu Yan. From Ju Jianhui's point of view, he was more or less friendly.


Zongfang Chengyi's face became ugly: "So the captain is planning to give up Dagu?!"

"We don't have any effective countermeasures. This is the best option at the moment. This is also what Director Sawai means. Execute the order and Zongfang directs."

Jian Hui's cold voice softened a bit: "We still need to be responsible for other team members."

Zong Fangcheng's pupils trembled, and he took a deep breath before he managed to calm down.

"I understand."

the other side.

Lu Yan slowly stood up from the ground.

Feeling the faint breath of life around him gradually dissipating: "It seems that you have been abandoned by them."

"It's just to reduce casualties." Dagu opened his eyes with difficulty and said angrily.

Lu Yan smiled indifferently.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Under the cover of night, the huge bright yellow electromagnetic wave was extremely obvious.

"what is that?"

The sudden change made Dagu anxious to stand up, but he collapsed again due to physical reasons.


Lu Yan looked at the electromagnetic waves that appeared in the sky: "It's about time."

"You know what that is?"

Dagu glanced back and forth between Lu Yan and the electromagnetic waves in the distance.

Lu Yan didn't mean to hide anything, so he explained briefly.

"Well, this monster has the power to make humans go berserk."


Dagu's eyes widened suddenly, and he squeezed out a little more energy from his already dry body.

Trembling, he got up from the pit, wanting to convey the news back.

He knew very well that even though the retreat had already begun, it would have been impossible for so many police officers nearby to withdraw so quickly.

After falling into a frenzy, if you still have a weapon in your hand, the damage you can cause is greater than imagined.

"Is it useful? You can no longer become Ultraman Tiga."

Lu Yan didn't make any movement to stop it either.

In fact, with Dagu's current state, even running over is almost a luxury.

"Then I'm still a member of the victory team, how can I just watch!"

Dagu turned his head and stared at Lu Yan, as if he was questioning, he said: "Why didn't you make a move, you obviously have such a powerful force?!"

"Because there is no difference." Lu Yan's eyes gradually narrowed.

Dagu frowned: "What does this mean?"

"Because in my eyes, there is no difference between you, you, and so-called monsters..."

At the time when the two of them were talking, the demon god Aineng Mina had successfully crossed the barrier of another dimension and appeared in this world.

With so many heavily armed police officers nearby, Ai Nengmi almost wondered if she had fallen into a siege.

Ai Nengmei was a little confused, but the police officers present, including the Victory Team, were a little suspicious of life.

Why this time?
Zong Fangcheng quickly reported the situation to the command room, and began to organize people to attack Aineng Mina.

But all this takes time.

Eineng Mina did not give them this time.

It scanned left and right, and after confirming that it had nothing to do with itself, it showed a weird smile.

The horns on both shoulders began to release a large amount of lavender electromagnetic waves, covering a large area in an instant.


Zong Fangcheng looked at the huge figure of Ai Nengmei in the distance. Although he didn't know what it was going to do, it was obvious that the other party had already made a move.

Naturally, he would not choose to sit still, and quickly said into the headset: "Ask for the support of the Victory Feiyan."

After all, this operation was to deal with Lu Yan, so they didn't use the Victory Feiyan. How could they know that they were so unlucky that they happened to encounter a monster here.

On the ground near Aineng Mina, there were sporadic police officers shooting at it at first.

But after the violent electromagnetic wave fell, even such a weak counterattack disappeared.

All the police officers went into a frenzy, shooting with red eyes at those who were not rampaged.

Like a zombie coming out of a cage, the crazy police officers spread out, destroying everything they could see.

And because they were all teammates, those police officers who hadn't yet fallen into a rage hesitated not to shoot, which led to the line of defense being directly overwhelmed without even a little resistance.

Countless police officers roared hysterically like beasts, and as the violent electromagnetic waves spread, more and more people were affected and joined in.


Anxious Zong Fangcheng was overjoyed when he saw two Victory Flying Swallows appearing in the sky.

But before he gave the order, the two Victory Swallows were scrapped on the spot under the influence of electromagnetic waves and fell uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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