Chapter 845 Garbage?

boom! ! !
Terrible explosions appeared in the mountains and forests.

The deafening noise made the ground nearby seem to tremble.

Grass clippings and soil were even sprayed hundreds of meters high.

After dozens of seconds, the smoke and dust gradually fell.

The place where Kuang Feng stood had turned into a huge spoon-shaped pit, and the immortal man had already died under this knife.

He exhaled lightly, pulled out the broadsword and swung it twice.

Kuangfeng looked at the reincarnations on the side, grinned and said, "Xiao Ma, Xiao Liu, have your restricted missions been lifted?"



Ma Yongyi and the others nodded.

Kuangfeng looked down at the terrifying huge wound on his chest.

"The response of the reincarnation system is really too slow. How long has this intruder appeared?"

In fact, with the combat power shown so far by the Immortal Clan, if it weren't for the existence of restricted missions, the situation would not have deteriorated to this point at all.

At any rate, they are all reincarnations with an official background, and those who can participate in the war are at the level of the Four Realms or Five Realms.

Even if they couldn't beat them, the casualties wouldn't be so tragic.

"Okay, let's get ready to call people. Now that the restricted mission is lifted, it's time to meet these so-called immortals head-on."

A few people tidied up briefly and prepared to leave here.

However, at this moment, a faint white mist rose from all directions around them.

It just happened to surround Kuangfeng and others.

Dozens of figures appeared in succession.

There are men and women, and everyone looks young.

In fact, Kuangfeng has noticed that these fairy clans are very handsome in appearance. From the beginning of the war to now, he has basically not seen many fairy clans that look old.

"Interesting, did that piece of trash Dai Huan actually get killed?"

One of the young people from the fairy clan said with a smile.

It seems that they didn't pay attention to the wind at all.

"Although Dai Huan is the weakest disciple of the inner sect, he is still a disciple of my Frost Sect, so you should obediently let me kill him, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the elders."

Hearing the frivolous words of these immortals, Kuangfeng's face became more and more serious.

The leading fairy man looked back and said, "Junior brother, when you were in charge of the promotion of the handyman disciples, didn't you say that there is a very extraordinary guy in this reincarnation? Is it in there?"

The man in the moon-white robe shook his head: "I guess he's dead. It's not like you don't know the death rate of the reincarnation."

Kuangfeng pointed at the leading fairy man with a long knife in his hand, grinning and said, "How long are you going to keep talking?"

"A reincarnated person with two stars in the Seven Realms, barely touched the edge of the general, and dared to raise a knife at me?"

The leading fairy man couldn't help laughing as if he saw something funny.

The gust of wind stopped talking, and the red light covered the blade, and it slashed towards the leading fairy man.

The leading fairy man just stretched out a palm, and held the long knife of Kuangfeng in his hand.

"Heh~ Don't treat me like Dai Huan's trash."

He suddenly exerted strength in his arm, and the terrifying force directly broke the long knife of the wind, and threw it with the blade between his fingers, piercing the chest of the wind in an instant.

"It seems like a native like you really can't understand the power gap. Well, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

"Promoting from a handyman disciple to an outer disciple, and then from an outer disciple to an inner disciple, will take hundreds of thousands of years for most immortal races."

"And among the inner disciples of the Frost Sect, I am all at the top level. By the way, let me tell you one more thing. The threshold for inner disciples is general level."

These fairy races present did not pursue, but just stood there, watching the struggle of Fengfeng and others like a cat playing with a mouse.


Kuangfeng spat out a large pool of blood, stood up with force, grinned his blood-stained teeth, and said with a smile: "It's not like I haven't killed people from inside and outside."

The leading fairy man's expression darkened.

"Didn't I say it all, don't compare us with Dai Huan's trash!"

He spread out his palm, and a moon-white three-legged tripod emerged from his palm, and then threw it towards the strong wind.

The original small tripod turned, and it grew stronger against the wind, and the celestial light flourished.

The huge three-legged tripod carried majestic power, and it seemed that it was about to kill the violent wind on the spot.

A dull vibration sounded.

Lu Yan did not know when he had appeared in front of Kuangfeng, and he blocked the giant cauldron with one hand.

"Although I'm just curious to take a look, but I finally got a familiar tool man, so I can't kill you so easily."

They didn't use any explosive means, just relying on their normal strength to support the three-legged tripod, preventing them from advancing an inch.

Then the hand supporting the giant cauldron was retracted slightly, the wrist was turned over, and the nearly [-]-meter-long giant cauldron was slapped away with the back of the hand like a mosquito.

After doing all this, he leisurely waved his hands away.

The most shocking thing is that his right hand was still stuck in his trouser pocket the whole time and did not stick out.

When Kuang Feng saw that it was Lu Yan, he let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

"Ahem, big brother Tyrannosaurus Dragon God, if you come later, I will be gone."

Lu Yan was silent for a while, but he didn't say that he had searched for a long time before seeing him.

The leading immortal man's expression changed when he saw Lu Yan blowing his tripod flying with ease.

"This person is weird! Let's kill him together!"

While speaking, he had already begun to brew an attack.

"Frost Palm!"

"Kuishui Great Immortal Seal!"

"Shuanghua Ice Art!"

The rest of the dozens of immortals present also shot at the same time without any reservations.

The reason why they are confident in the face of strong winds is because they have a strength advantage.

But they couldn't comprehend the power Lu Yan displayed.

Dozens of tyrannical immortal energy intertwined, making the air around Lu Yan tremble, as if they couldn't bear such a force.

But faced with such a situation, Lu Yan just raised his eyebrows.

The next moment, his figure had disappeared in place.

No one present could catch his figure at all.

Only heard a pop.

Blood spattered out.

At this time, everyone present found that the body above the waist of the leading fairy man had completely disappeared.

The lifeless body wobbled down.

Lu Yan's laughing voice sounded slowly.

"You said that the threshold for inner sect disciples is the general level. I have killed this level when I was in the Three Realms."

(End of this chapter)

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