Chapter 846 Elder


"Didn't see it at all?"


The rest of the ten or so general-level immortals present looked at this scene with expressions of disbelief.

They simply couldn't understand why a reincarnation at the level of the five realms could be so powerful.

The leading immortal man was already the strongest among their group of disciples, but facing this reincarnated man who suddenly appeared, he was easily beheaded without even having time to react.

On the contrary, the reincarnators such as Kuangfeng were able to calm down, after all, they had all seen Lu Yan make a move.

In their view, it is reasonable to become stronger after going through several worlds of experience.

Lu Yan didn't mean to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but just shook off the blood on his hand.

Then he looked at the rest of the inner sect disciples of the fairy clan with a smile.

One of the immortal disciples in moon white looked quite calm, but when he saw Lu Yan's eyes, he yelled violently.


Before the words fell, he rose into the sky.

To be able to remind other fellow students is already considered as the utmost benevolence.

He had already recognized that Lu Yan was the reincarnated person he had seen back then.

When he was in the Second Realm, he could easily kill those handyman disciples who were about to be promoted. After so long, if he didn't die, he couldn't imagine how strong he would become.

The immortals have a certain understanding of the reincarnation system, and one thing to pay attention to is.

The more terrifying the reincarnated person's combat power, the more difficult the training tasks they undertake, and correspondingly, the higher the rewards they will get after the final task is over.

This fairy man in a moon-white robe is not sure how strong Lu Yan is now, but he can be sure that this is definitely not an opponent they can deal with.

The rest of the immortal disciples were also reminded like this, and they barely broke away from the shock.

They all started to flee in all directions in a panic.

"Oh? I still want to ask something."

Lu Yan calmly raised his head and looked at the dozens of streamers in the sky: "I can't let you run away."

He put his hands in his trouser pockets, and was about to urge Qu Ren Zhi Wei with all his strength to cover these fairy disciples.

at this time.

A huge ice cone fell from the sky.

It landed exactly where Lu Yan was standing.

With such a huge size, under the blessing of falling kinetic energy, it has the destructive power comparable to a small nuclear bomb.

boom! ! !
A terrifying roar sounded.

The violent air wave swept across wantonly, covering the mountain forest in an instant.

Tiny shards of ice and rock splattered like bullets.

Such frightening fluctuations lasted for half a minute before finally calming down.

The range covered by this huge ice cone is at least tens of kilometers, and within the range touched by this fluctuation, there are only bare earth pits and scattered ice fragments left.

"Sure enough, I'm not used to having no perception ability."

Lu Yan's leisurely voice sounded.

He has been standing in the central area hit by the ice pick, but he is standing unharmed.

He twisted his neck and looked up.

In the sky, a middle-aged man in a loose robe fell rapidly.

Those immortal disciples had already stopped running away when the ice cone appeared, and stood in midair.

One counts as one, all bowed to the middle-aged man.

"Meet the Thirteenth Elder."

The middle-aged man called an elder ignored the salutes of these disciples and just looked in Lu Yan's direction.

"A king-level reincarnation, let the old man come and experience it."

Hearing this, Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.

In fact, he noticed a long time ago that these starry sky races seem to have some kind of method that can accurately judge the level of power.

His combat power under normal conditions is indeed at the level of a king in the evaluation of the reincarnation system, and he has not fully demonstrated it, but he has already been judged.

"So, what is the threshold for you elders?"

The Thirteenth Elder stayed tens of meters above Lu Yan, squinting his eyes and looking him up and down.

He did not respond to Lu Yan's question, but said with emotion: "It is indeed the reincarnation system that can create such a terrifying powerhouse like you in such a short period of time."

"If the reincarnation system can be controlled, there must be no race that can compete."

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up.

"Aren't you going to answer my question?"

"There is no need for this! You have already fallen into the trap."

The Thirteenth Elder put his palms together and added: "Although we are at the same level, I have no plans to fight the reincarnation. Let me show you the true power of our immortal clan to suppress the Quartet!"

"Sleepy Formation, Exiled by Frost Sky."

Following the voice of the thirteen elders, it fell.

The shattered ice around Lu Yan that hadn't melted all glowed with a faint blue light.

If you look down from a high place, you can find that these shattered ice and ice slags perfectly outline the complex, but with a certain regular formation.

The faint blue light from all the shattered ice soared into the sky, forming a huge blue beam of light with a diameter of tens of kilometers.

When the blue beam of light dissipated, Lu Yan's figure had disappeared in place.

After doing all this, the thirteenth elder just became a little short of breath.

After confirming that Lu Yan had been successfully exiled by him, he couldn't help but smile.

"Indigenous people are indeed natives. Even if you have the opportunity to master this kind of power, don't try to be compared with us."

Those immortal disciples flew over obediently and stood behind the thirteenth elder.

A disciple of the Immortal Clan flattered him very politely: "The Elder's Immortal Dao is prosperous, no matter how strong the natives are in front of the Thirteen Elders, they are nothing but a chicken and a dog."

Seeing this, the other disciples secretly scolded themselves for not being able to see.

But before they could even open their mouths to praise, the thirteenth elder scolded with a sullen face: "Have you forgotten the purpose of this trip? Take this resource planet as soon as possible before the reincarnation system reacts, but look at you What have you done!"

"The thirteenth elder has taught you well."

None of the disciples of the fairy clan stood up to refute, and they directly admitted it.

"Forget it, this matter will be postponed for the time being."

The Thirteenth Elder turned his attention to Kuang Feng and others in the distance: "Go and occupy all the planet nodes as soon as possible, as for those reincarnated people..."

"Please leave it to me."

The immortal disciple in the moon-white robe volunteered.

The shock wave caused by the falling of the huge ice cone before swept them all away in the gust of wind. Thanks to the high-level reincarnation, otherwise they would not be able to resist the aftermath.

However, he was already seriously injured, and in addition to being affected to this extent, there was hardly much resistance left.

(End of this chapter)

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