Hearing that Lu Yan said that it was 20 taels of reincarnation coins, the eyes of the inch-cut man flashed a gleam.

He exchanged glances with the female shopkeeper indiscriminately.

It's a pity that under the old-fashioned and unreasonable perception ability, Lu Yan saw everything in his eyes.

The inch-cut man smiled obsequiously, gave Lu Yan a thumbs-up and said, "I'm grand, this is top-level gold equipment. If it wasn't for the urgent matter recently, I wouldn't sell it at this price."

Lu Yan smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then the old man will go collect the money first."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yan turned around and walked out the door slowly.

To him, it doesn't matter whether the shop is black or not.

Now that I know it's fake, I don't bother wasting time on these guys.

However, seeing that Lu Yan was about to leave, the originally amiable expression of the straight-faced man suddenly changed.

He quickly stopped in front of Lu Yan.

With a ruthless look in his eyes, he said: "Then how much does the old man have on him now? It's not that I can't be cheaper."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Why did you take the initiative to lower the price?"

The inch-cut man stopped talking and just stared at Lu Yan coldly.

The few men who were pretending to look at the equipment also stood up and surrounded Lu Yan calmly.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room became tense.

A soft sound.

The secret door on the wall was opened, and seven or eight people came out of the room.

It seems that they will rush forward just waiting for the short-haired man to give an order.

Lu Yan glanced at it.

He could feel that these guys present were all reincarnations.

"Do you dare to do it in the reincarnation space?"

Probably it was Lu Yan's confident appearance that made the cropped man a little upset.

The short-cut man also directly showed his cards and stopped pretending.

He said a little arrogantly: "Old man, don't you want to buy golden equipment? We really have one here. Unfortunately, it is because of this equipment that we can do it in the reincarnation space."

In fact, they all belong to the same reincarnation team.

It was precisely because a team member obtained this piece of equipment that the plan to open a black shop began.

After all, there is no technical difficulty at all in killing people.

However, within the scope of that piece of equipment, all reincarnations can normally display their combat power.

So they pick their targets carefully every time.

It will not provoke the reincarnation of the official background, nor will it touch the bad luck of those top reincarnations.

With such a prudent style of acting, it is a joy to live.

According to the judgment of the female shopkeeper, Lu Yan, an old man, should have a little money, and with such a face, he obviously wouldn't be a top reincarnator.

Relying on their numerical advantage, they can get rid of him no matter what.

The board inch man frowned.

He saw that Lu Yan still looked confident, which made him a little uneasy.

Hastily waved his hand: "Hurry up and get rid of this old thing."

Lu Yan patted his forehead, suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "It's not as if I should make this trip for nothing."

Since there is indeed a piece of golden equipment here, he is very straightforward in his actions.

Maintain an old state.

In Lu Yan's eyes, these villains were full of flaws.

Lu Yan's seemingly aged body showed unbelievable swiftness. First, he sideways avoided the fastest guy, and then he stretched out his hand to hold the opponent's neck.

Treating it as a human weapon, he began to wield it recklessly.

There are no powerful guys in this reincarnation squad, otherwise they wouldn't do such things secretly.

Lu Yan didn't even use any ability with the symbol of the Tyrannosaurus God, just relying on his normal physical fitness, he easily knocked down all the reincarnated people in the room.

Only the leader with a cropped head and the shopkeeper were left looking at him in horror.

The two looked at each other.

Obviously they hit the iron plate this time.

The inch-cut man has no scruples about his own face.

With a "plop", he knelt down in front of Lu Yan on the spot.

Regretfully said: "Mr., this time we are blind to Mount Tai..."

I don't know if the man with the short hair had already made a plan for this kind of thing to happen, and one set of words begging for mercy came out of his mouth like a cannonball.

Seeing that Lu Yan didn't express anything, the man with a short hair even started to do something to himself.

He raised his palm and slapped himself.

After a slap, it was not over yet, followed by another slap.

clap clap!

clap clap clap!
With Lu Yan's incredible effort, the man with the cropped head slapped him a dozen times in succession.

The inch-cut man was merciless towards him, and his cheeks swelled when he saw it.

Lu Yan wanted to praise him as a ruthless person.

"Old sir, calm down."

The cropped man squeezed out an ugly smile, and even his words were a little slurred.

Lu Yan walked up to him, and touched his head kindly: "Where is your golden equipment?"

Hearing this, the inch-cut man had a painful expression on his face.

However, he honestly took out a delicate and small key from his pocket and handed it to Lu Yan.

No explanation needed.

After borrowing the key, Lu Yan already understood the effect of this golden equipment.

[Equipment: Space Hut]

[Quality: Gold]

[Place of Origin: Doraemon]

[Equipment effect: The space hut can be enlarged and reduced freely, up to three times the size of a normal house, and the smallest can be reduced to the size of a house key. 】

[Conditions of use: Intellectual attribute of 10 points or more. 】

[Note: The space in the house is independent, and living things cannot be stored after the house shrinks. 】

If it is not related to space rules, this kind of equipment is really not worthy of reaching the gold level.

But for Lu Yan, picking up storage equipment for nothing is not bad.

He looked at the cropped man in front of him with a slightly strange expression.

So these guys are using the storage space as a place to kill people?
"You guys are really creative."

Lu Yan felt that this team of reincarnators was talented, so he highly praised them, and then turned around to inform Brother Fengfeng.

After all, the main job of the official reincarnation department is to deal with such matters.

He waited until the members of the Storm Sect arrived before slowly leaving.

The inch-cut man stared at Lu Yan's leaving back, gritted his teeth and asked, "Can you tell me, which boss did we fall into this time?"

Ma Yongyi handcuffed the inch-headed man, and joked with great interest: "I only know that you were notified by the Tyrannosaurus God."

Hearing this, the inch-cut man was stunned.

"Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War?"

"Yes, don't worry, you have no chance of revenge."

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