The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 886 The second round of chapter experience

Picking up a piece of storage equipment for nothing made Lu Yan feel good.

He continued to walk around in the reincarnation space in an old-fashioned state.

It's a pity that he didn't meet the same gang as before.

After wandering around aimlessly for a few times, after guessing that it was already dawn, he teleported back to the real world.


The living room of Duan Jianhui's house.

A flash of white light flashed, and Lu Yan appeared on the sofa in the living room.

"Fuck, who are you poor?!"

Duan Jianhui blurted out a national curse.

He had just woken up not too long ago.

Just imagine.

Early in the morning, you suddenly see an old man with white beard and hair appearing in your home, if you don't directly do something, it is considered that he has strong control ability.

His whole state is in a state of bewilderment.

Duan Jianhui rubbed his eye sockets vigorously, carefully sizing up the outline of the old man in front of him.

Some asked uncertainly: " are Lao Lu?"

Lu Yan smiled at him.

Then he withdrew from his senile state.

Duan Jianhui just watched helplessly as Lu Yan's white hair gradually shrank and turned black.

In the blink of an eye, the old man returned to his normal state.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

If Lu Yan becomes an old man in the future, he will not be used to it.

"What kind of transformation ability is this?"

Lu Yan nodded.

But he didn't bother to explain in detail.

Went into the kitchen to make a cup of instant coffee, turned on the phone and started binge watching.

Duan Jianhui didn't mean to break the casserole and ask the end.

He took out his phone and wanted to play a game.

It's a pity that Peng Zhi was not there, and there was no way to double row, so he put the phone back into his pocket.

After greeting Lu Yan, he opened the door and went downstairs for a stroll.

In the next few days, while flat, it seemed a little boring.

I was not selected by the sudden elite selection, and I did not meet anyone looking for trouble.

Even Feng Feng, who often came to Lu Yan for help, didn't call him again during this time.

Life seemed to calm down all of a sudden.

A ray of warm winter sun shone in from outside the window and sprinkled on the floor of the living room.

Lu Yan, who was nestled on the sofa, squinted his eyes delightedly at the sight of the peaceful years.

Because of the reincarnation system, he hasn't been so salty for a long time.

The older you get, the more lazy you are to move.

If he had a choice, Lu Yan felt that he could just sit on the balcony and quietly watch the people coming and going downstairs.

Sit and watch the clouds roll and the clouds relax, and listen to the flowers bloom and fall.

Seems like a good option too.

A violent door opening interrupted Lu Yan's leisurely time.

Duan Jianhui kicked the door open, holding a pot of grilled fish with both hands, covered with bright red peppers in a very mountainous style, and the strong spicy smell instantly filled the entire living room.

"Lao Lu, don't just watch, give me a hand."

Lu Yan: "..."

His eyelids twitched, and he said, "Why did you buy so many?"

"Today is my birthday."

Duan Jianhui put the pot of grilled fish on the table, grinned and said, "Didn't I tell you?"

"Hey, according to our practice, people who celebrate birthdays have to treat guests to dinner, but I don't think you will go out, so I went to the nearby grilled fish shop to serve a pot."

As he spoke, he took down a case of beer hanging from his arm.

After listening, Lu Yan pursed his lips, but didn't say anything disappointing.

But Duan Jianhui was very excited and slapped the coffee table loudly.

"You must get me drunk today!"


Lu Yan looked at Duan Jianhui who was sleeping unconscious, and silently put down the wine bottle.

Then I got up and went to the balcony to stand and blow dry.

Probably because there were only two people drinking.

As a result, before the grilled fish was finished, Duan Jianhui fell asleep lying on the table with a flushed face.

If you count the days, there are still a few hours left before the next round of training missions.

Standing on the balcony, Lu Yan turned his head to look at Duan Jianhui, who was lying on the table sleeping soundly, his thoughts were inexplicably divergent, wondering whether Duan Jianhui could still carry out the training tasks normally in this state.

Fortunately, even if Duan Jianhui's physical fitness was not as good as Lu Yan's, it was far superior to ordinary people.

Before it was time, he woke up slowly.

He vaguely turned on the phone screen and glanced at the time: "Old Lu, today is the reincarnation experience?"


Hearing this, Duan Jianhui was shocked, and most of his consciousness became clear.

He quickly got up and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

By the time he finished washing and came out in his underpants, it was almost twelve o'clock.

For this experience task.

Lu Yan also had a little more expectation.

It's not that I'm worried that the difficulty will be too high or something.

Because after the completion of this training mission, he will be at the level of the Six Realms.

In this way, the gates close to the Ascension Realm will be a little more special than normal experience tasks.

Duan Jianhui retracted into his quilt and lay flat.

The two of them waited quietly for twelve o'clock to arrive.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The reincarnation system's prompt sounded on time.

【Ding! 】

[After 30 seconds, the No. 16 reincarnation experience will start. 】

【The host please stay where you are and don't move around, otherwise you will be wiped out. 】

Lu Yan got up habitually and began to brush up the task difficulty.

【warn!warn! 】

[It is detected that the host deviates from the original place, the host please return to the original place immediately, otherwise it will be wiped out! 】

The familiar mechanized notification sound was ignored by Lu Yan on the spot.

He had heard so much that he could even recite what kind of notification sound the reincarnation system would make.

However, the next reaction took him a little by surprise.

[The obliteration begins! 】

[...It is detected that this is the No. 16 reincarnation experience of the host. 】

[This experience mission will carry out soul teleportation, no need to anchor the host to teleport coordinates. 】

[Transmission starts! 】

When the notification sounded, Lu Yan's eyes went dark.


【Ding! 】

[Transmission complete! 】

[Mission World: (Unknown)]

[The first ring of the mission, please select the target for the host to possess. 】

[Time limit for the first ring task: 10 minutes (countdown starts)]

[Japanese proficiency loaded]

[Note: Due to the special nature of the current experience world, the host does not need to improve his physical fitness independently, and the task rewards will be issued based on the overall evaluation of the task. 】

Lu Yan's consciousness gradually came to his senses.

And the moment he woke up, he suddenly noticed a problem.

That is this training mission, he doesn't seem to have a body?

It's just a transmission of one's own consciousness.

The first ring task also asked him to quickly find a target to possess, so this time the experience task is to make him like a grandfather with him?
If this is the case, you cannot choose too hastily.

He raised his translucent arm and looked at it. If he didn't find someone possessed before the mission time limit, his consciousness would gradually disappear.

It's really urgent.

But who can tell him, which experience world is this?

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