The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 907 Central Room 46

Lu Yan's tone was very casual.

But hearing it in Ichimaru Gin's ears, it caused huge waves in his heart.

However, Ichimaru Gin did not give any response.

In addition to worrying that this is Lan Ran's mirror, he also feels that the power shown by Lu Yan is not enough to threaten Lan Ran.

Having followed Aizen Soyousuke for nearly a hundred years, Ichimaru Gin knew exactly how terrifying power that man possessed.

Not only does it have unfathomable wisdom, but its own spiritual pressure is also enough to crush the captain-level death god.

Ichimaru Gin has been with Aizen for so long, and has never seen the limit of that man.

No matter what kind of situation or opponent you face, you will perform with ease.

The more Ichimaru silver understands, the more he can understand the horror of Aizen.

At this time, a Quincy Master came out and said he wanted to help him. It was hard not to make him wonder if this was another test created by Aizen.

"I have to kill you, Mister Mie Quen."

Ichimaru Gin clenched the Zanpakuto in his hand, and no longer kept it.

A white light flashed across.

That is a god-killing gun extended to the extreme.

The world seemed to have turned into black and white in an instant.

Fortunately, Lu Yan has been paying attention to keeping a distance from Ichimaru Gin. As long as the distance between the two is close, the length of the god-killing gun is of little significance.

Just like dodging normally, he dodged Ichimaru Gin's attack sideways.

After a certain distance, with a slight angle, there will be an exaggerated deviation at the end.

The same is true for the astonishingly long god-killing gun, like a hand-made knife cut on drawing paper, cutting off many houses obliquely.

The entire Baidaomen area seemed to have been hit by heavy firepower, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

There were cut marks extending to the end of the field of vision on the ground.

Because of Zanpakuto's ability, as long as Ichimaru Gin doesn't hold back his hand, he can attack within a radius of [-] kilometers.

The ordinary gods of death around couldn't even watch the battle, and they all lay tightly on the ground, for fear of being accidentally affected.

In the distance, Saraki Kenpachi, who was rushing towards Baidaomen, was almost cut by a knife.

In the air, in a way that violates the rules of physics, he swung his knife backhand to block it.

Suffering from an indiscriminate disaster, Zaragi Kenpachi not only became lifeless, but the smile on his face became even more ferocious.

"I'm really excited, hahaha."

He laughed wildly while speeding up his journey.

the other side.

Lu Yan lowered his head, narrowly dodging the knife aimed at his head.

In such a seemingly dangerous situation, he still behaved very calmly.

Said without haste.

"I'm serious. You can't kill Aizen alone. Accepting my help is probably your only chance to survive."

From a psychological point of view, any utterance, as long as it is repeated enough times, can enhance the credibility of the utterance.

Even if Ichimaru Gin didn't believe it at first, but hearing Lu Yan say this repeatedly, he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

After this period of fighting, Ichimaru Gin can at least tell that Lu Yan is not the person arranged by Aizen.

He was silent for a long time, silently considering gains and losses in his heart.

I have to say that Lu Yan's words were indeed very tempting to him.

Ichimaru Gin slowed down the frequency of his attacks without a trace.

"What do I need to pay?"

Hearing this, the corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up, and he replied with a smile.

"I haven't figured it out yet. Be my subordinate, do something, etc.? Who knows..."

Lu Yan slashed the sharp spear with the Lingzi giant sword again, and added: "I'm just bored, find something for myself to do."

Ichimaru Gin was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what Lu Yan wanted to do.

"The commotion is getting a little loud, let's end it first, and meet at the entrance of Room 46 tomorrow."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yan raised the great sword of Lingzi high up, gathered all the Lingzi in his body, and smashed it down from top to bottom.

boom! ! !
A violent air wave swept out.

Under this heavy force, the entire Lingling Court shook.

The original Baidaomen was directly overwhelmed by the aftermath of such power.

The gods of death around were immediately blown away like ants.

The smoke and dust in the sky obscured most of the sight.

Only Ichimaru Gin was left standing in the center of the pit with a complicated expression: "Do you even know about Room 46?"

For some reason, he inexplicably had more confidence in Lu Yan.

You know, the so-called Central Room 46 is composed of forty sages and six judges, and it is the highest judicial organ in the world of corpses and souls.

Has the right to mobilize the Goutei [-]th Division and other enforcement forces.

Not long ago, Aizen Soyousuke had killed all the members of Room 46 of the Central Committee, and secretly issued false orders in the name of Room 46.

Including the verdict of Kuchiki Rukia, it was also issued by Aizen instead of Room 46.

Once such a horrific and vicious incident is exposed, I believe that there will be no place for Aizen in the entire soul world.

It's just that because of Aizen's ability to look like a mirror, no one can find out in a short time.

After all, no one can imagine that someone would dare to do such a thing.

While Ichimaru Gin was thinking about this question, the smoke and dust gradually fell.

It can be seen that only a small part of the gods of death are still alive, but the disheveled appearance is also quite embarrassing.

There was also sporadic dust on the death tyrant outfit on Vice Captain Kira's body. After seeing Ichimaru Gin, he hurried over.

He asked slightly hesitantly: "Captain, what about the accident?"

Ichimaru Gin did not respond immediately, but turned to look in the direction of the [-]th division headquarters.

Zaraki Kenpachi's figure moved from far to near, falling heavily like a huge boulder.

He looked left and right, but found no one suspected of being a Quincy.

Holding the bumpy Zanpakuto, he looked anxiously at Ichimaru Gin, and asked, "Captain Ichimaru, where is that guy?!"

"Accidentally let him escape."

Ichimaru Gin returned to his usual smiling expression, put away his Zanpakutō, turned and left.

Seeing this, Saraki Kenpachi scratched the back of his head.

Putting himself in the shoes of others, he wondered if Ichimaru Gin was a little depressed because he had never fought before?
Out of this consideration, he didn't ask any more questions. He looked at Vice Captain Kira and asked, "Did you see where that travel disaster escaped?"

"Sorry, Captain Saraki."

Kira Izuru shook his head, then apologized, and then turned around to check the situation of the team members.

For these ordinary gods of death, the level of fighting between Lu Yan and Ichimaru Gin was a bit too high.

Even if they tried their best to escape, the casualties were heavy.

As the captain, Ichimaru Gin left alone, so he, the vice-captain, had to deal with it.

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